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V/A - Bluetooth

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For me this comp is tragic, theres no good track, sorry to say that, but I

remember older Koyote productions & it was classic anthems, but this, or

"Noghty" are weak.

Even Xenomorph disapointed me. Where his ideas which let him make "Cassandra's

Nightmare", this time it's pure in sound, boring track. maybe Dara Lee's

productoins are little better, but it's far way to his older projects. And

Monolyte Alacatraz - two words to describe this track tragic & primitive. 2/10

I hope "Random" will be much better.


V/A - Bluetooth


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Artist: Various

Title: Bluetooth

Label: Koyote

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. 07'21" Supersonic Dolls : Ballroom Deluxe

02. 06'46" Machineries Of Heaven : Angelcage

03. 05'32" Silk : Epicurus

04. 07'48" Aeternum : Flow

05. 08'06" Psychoid : Menagerie

06. 06'28" Mr Peculiar : Elephantitis

07. 10'21" Xenomorph : Malkuth Temple

08. 05'59" Monolyte Altaraz : Interstellar Adventures

09. 07'11" Brighton Trash Department : Millenial Madness (Silk Rmx)




Quite varied comp from Koyote here with a lot of unknown names (at least for

me), but overall pretty good and psychedelic. First track by Supersonic Dolls

is a rather slow and moody/dark song which works well. Second track by

Machineries of Heaven has a funky edge and a happy feeling to it, I like it.

The next two tracks left me rather unimpressed, but after that come the best

songs of this comp. Menagerie by Psychoid and Elephantitis by Mr Peculiar are

two crazy pieces of music, very rich with tons of details, twisted synthlines

and cool sound effects. Menagerie is more on the groovy side while

Elephantitis is darker. My only complain about Elephantitis is that it could

have been longer ;) Then comes another dark song from Xenomorph, in the style

of his recent Gnomes ep with a creepy atmosphere, good but maybe a bit too

long this time. Next track by Monolyte Altaraz is nice but pretty simple and

seems a little out of place here. One melodic loop which repeats again and

again while other instruments are added on top. Sounds a little like some old

Vangelis. Last track is very cool, lots of weirdness. 8/10 for the whole

thing. But more consistency in the tracks selection would have been better I


Guest dusk[at]costaricarave[dot]com

I'll have to say that XENOMORPH track is the only one worth it,

most of the album is really slow!!

Guest moander[at]media[dot]mit[dot]edu

malkuth temple is really sick, it's been on xenomorph's website forever, bout

time he released it. Keep makin' em like this mark, or like gnomes/other side

Guest Mr Peculiar

well considering im on this compilation i cant really reveiw it but i thought

id clear a few things up


firstly id say my favorite track on this conpilation without doubt is Xenomorph

- malkulth temple


as for my track Elephantitis

its ironic that sombody said it could have gone a little longer as around 3

minutes of that track was cropped off the album (and not done very well by the



i was really dissapointed by this comp and will be thinking twice about

releasing with koyote records again

Guest trancer27[at]fcmail[dot]com

All trax on this compilation absolutelly suck. This is the worst quality of

electronic music 1/10

Guest kite flyer

for me its a really strange compilation

all tracks accept the xenomorph track wich i think is great ..... all the other

tracks are slow and really....this cd isnt worth at all

for the whole cd i give 1/10

and for the xenomorph track 8/10


Ok, maybe 8/10 is a little high, but it's for sure a solid 7/10, it's worth

having it just for songs 5,6,7 I think. Too bad Elephantitis was cropped


Guest AshonaciD[at]shpongle[dot]com

not much to add, that hasn't been said already. I wouldn't spend my money for 1

and two thirds tracks. (Xenomorph and Mr Peculiar ;)).

Guest ( as above )

Oh ok one more thing to add, I never liked miranda but pretty much all the

other acts i saw on koyote records i loved. It sucks that they are releasing

shit like this now.


If you've ever heard dara-lee dj-ing,you'll know that he likes to play his

tracks really slowly[pitching everything down-too slow for me],so it's no

surprise that most of these comments mention the speed!

  • 1 month later...
Guest Tchankov I.V.

I don't think this comp is as bad as most of you describe it. Yes, there are

only three highlights (ts 6,7 & surprisingly track 4 for me), so what?! It has

its own style, whatever it be. It's a dark medium of minimal & melodic stuff.

In my case flows rather well. Imho, a way better than Firewire & Interzone

comps released this year. Really, what is all this fuss about?! I've never set

my expectations on Koyote releases too high, but their specific mood I like &

thats what I get with every their installment. The right mixture of highs &

lows can create the flow. Here it goes... Xenomorph track here is fable, while

Mr.Peculiar is deep uplift. Like them both a lot. I have also heard 9 min.

"Elephantitis" track - yes, it's a lot better! 7,5/10 for this comp. Tchankov


  • 3 weeks later...
Guest buci[at]goa[dot]hu

i'm wondering that nobody recognized the Psychoid track. That's the funniest

psy i've ever heard.It always make me smile and dance:)) Really different from

anything i know, but thats why i love it so much.Listen and be happy :)))

  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

good god you people have no taste. Malkuth Temple is clearly the best song

Xenomorph has ever written. Period. Anyone who says otherwise is too young

to appreciate a true narrative in music. Period.

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