Guest smokeBuddha Posted May 29, 2001 Posted May 29, 2001 I'd also like to note that I am a HUGE Infected Mushroom fan. So that 6/10 is given only because I really like Infected Mushroom (or their other stuff anyway). Quote
freak51 Posted May 31, 2001 Posted May 31, 2001 I file this one in the same bin as the Parasense release earlier this year. While it's not always my cup of tea, Infected Mushroom has put out a technically skilled production. The Spaniard, from about 2 minutes to about 6 minutes, is perfection. This one will probably keep giving surprises with several listens - there's a lot of complexity here. An out-of-ten score would be beside the point for this disc I think. Quote
Guest yomama Posted June 1, 2001 Posted June 1, 2001 gathering is the beeeeeeeeeeest, this one... booooo! Quote
Guest VBRunner Posted June 2, 2001 Posted June 2, 2001 After the first listen I was disappointed, but from experience I know better than to judge an album after only one listen. Now I have heard it 5-6 times, and it's really good. It's very different from both Gathering and Classical. Absolutely this is more chillout oriented (for me, anyway). A couple of tracks may work on the dance floor too (Dancing with Kadafi), but this is perfect when I need to relax. That said, I would certainly have preferred a new "The Gathering", but this is what I got, and I'm happy with it. Quote
Guest Acidhive Posted June 2, 2001 Posted June 2, 2001 I can't believe people are dissin' this album, since this is Infected all grown up. They change styles every album, and this one is just soooo good, hear all those subtle sounds, those weird breaks that just seem to enhance the listening experience... ! Man, I really enjoyed listening to this one and I will listen to this for years to come! This is so good, I think it's their best album to date! If they get even better after this, I think I'll just have to call them the best musicians I know!! (maybe they even are already!! :-)) Anyway, there are no bad tracks on this, and some people may complain this is more trance orientated, but I say Fuck 'em! This is how music is made, and who cares if it doesn't seem to fit in any category? It's just good music, and I enjoy listening to it. And that, people, can't be bad, now can it??!! I mean, think about it... 9/10 from me here! Respect, Erez & Amit!! Quote
Guest xerox_22se[at]yahoo[dot]se Posted June 2, 2001 Posted June 2, 2001 dont diss infected .. they are the gretest and listen to spaniard it is tha bomb.. better track i never heard and i like the mushroom twisted crunchy sound they bring us 10/10 Quote
Guest Diepeveen Posted June 4, 2001 Posted June 4, 2001 Well this is... Not what i expected... But, i was positivly suprised! The cd starts out nice with Never Ever Land, a beutiful track...... I'm not gonna review this cd, cause' no one's gonna read it ... So best tracks: 1,5,6,9... But all tracks are quality and this cd rocks! - 9/10 Quote
Guest necromanzer[at]gmx[dot]ch Posted June 7, 2001 Posted June 7, 2001 Great Album...very nice atmosphere through the entire album. I really like the sounds and the production is very clear. And one thing is very cool. On track 7 at 3:00 starts an Atmos-like rythm in Infected style and at 3:50 a Hallucinogen-like melodie line. best tracks are 2,3,6,7 and 9(!!!) Quote
Setsuko Posted June 8, 2001 Posted June 8, 2001 This album is a killer. I like the way they have changed their style. The way they want to give goatrance a mood for future releases. You could be disappointed because their use in melodies is not as much layerd as in 'the gathering'.But listen to their use in background atmosphere sounds... incredible... I like every track on this cd but 'Dancing with Kadafi' is a extremely beautiful track -the feeligs you get while listening are massive. Oh yeah... about the cover. First they where a bit sad because theur lavel didn't wan't to use the Tzahi Keshtet cover but I think this cover is very nice... The drawings are not meaningless. You can see it's an expression of the war going on in Israel. I give this album a psychedelic rating of 589/615... Keep on tripping... Quote
Guest jurgen_reynders[at]hotmail[dot]c Posted June 10, 2001 Posted June 10, 2001 I don't know beceaus I haven't heared it yet. Is this album available on vinyl or only on cd. Can somebody mail me? Quote
Guest [Anonymous] Posted June 13, 2001 Posted June 13, 2001 I like the cd but it's not as good as Classical or the Gathering. But still one of the best releases from this year. 8/10 Quote
GaySatanicHippie Posted June 21, 2001 Posted June 21, 2001 Boooooooooorrrrriiiiiiiiiiinnnnnngggggg. SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXXXXXX 0/10 Quote
Guest slinker Posted June 23, 2001 Posted June 23, 2001 Having listened to this several times over i have to say it gets better and better every time....each time i go to my CD rack to decide what to put on i find my hand subconsiously reaching for BP Empire! the last track is so beautiful and well crafted and that Unbalanced remix is killer beyond belief...the best album this year so far by farrrr 10/10 Quote
Guest Leon_de_Bourgy[at]yahoo[dot]com Posted June 24, 2001 Posted June 24, 2001 Now that I got the album, I have to say that IM has done a great job. They could have gone for an album like "the gathering" ot CM. Instead, they reinvented themselves again and brought us a whole new surprise CD. Change is one of the great constants in the universe. And just admit; if they had brought out another Classical, people would say they're out of inspiration and are allready recycling their songs. An example of this is S.U.N. Project: first all their guitar trax and now a cd full of remixes. So Infected fans should be happy that they brought out a new cd and not a copy of the two previous. 11/10 Quote
Guest cyberbaba[at]genie[dot]de Posted June 24, 2001 Posted June 24, 2001 What's up with u guys? It seems that they haven't any ideas of making such good sound as in the earlier albums! I give it only 7 of 10 because it's by far not as weird as the classical mushroom. Quote
Guest the_g_is[at]usa[dot]net Posted June 26, 2001 Posted June 26, 2001 Infected Mushroom "RULES" Quote
Guest OA Posted July 1, 2001 Posted July 1, 2001 9/10 I love this album. They should have put Roll us a Giant on here though instead of Dancing with Kadafi IMO. The lines in Kadifi are a bit cheeeez for me. Otherwise a fuking killer album Quote
Guest orangemann[at]hotmail[dot]com Posted July 2, 2001 Posted July 2, 2001 Infected Mushroom did it again...I just had this impression when i heard The Gathering...This album is more than the perfection,new psychedelic angelical sounds. Dancing with Kadafi is a true pretty beutiful track,i never listened anything like that(thanx Erez e Duvdev). Unbalanced trance my mind, i wanna jump, run and dance!!! Listen to this album 10 times,in a big damn sound and tell me: Infected Mushroom is the best.Fuck off the rest. PS: I just think that Roll us a giant could complete this album... Quote
Guest ud Posted July 2, 2001 Posted July 2, 2001 not as good as the previous infected albums, never ever land is slow but is very classical and good Quote
Guest rx7style Posted July 3, 2001 Posted July 3, 2001 Beautiful. These guys know how to make great sounding music with the most twisted, spacial melodies I've ever heard. Fantastic effects, masterfully done sonic manipulation and complicated rhythms. Dancing With Kadafi is absolutely sinful: a great mix of classical with one of the sweetest, interesting, transparent harmonies I've ever heard. This album is extremely funky too, and has a very original style that only IM can produce. Can't wait for more listens, I've only listened to each of the tracks once, and I already love it. It usually takes me much longer to "enjoy" and "understand" an album, but this just instantly clicked and brought a smile to my face! 9.5/10 Quote
Guest Robby Posted July 5, 2001 Posted July 5, 2001 I just wanted to point out to all of you that are complaining about the lack of Roll Us A Giant, that this album and RUAG fit perfectly on an 80 minute CD (with RUAG, it is 79:48). So just burn a copy of the CD with Roll Us A Giant fit in somewhere. That's what I did, and it does help complete this CD. Quote
Guest psyentist Posted July 7, 2001 Posted July 7, 2001 GOOD, I was expecting something else but this is good enough. Quote
Guest dreamweb55[at]yahoo[dot]com Posted July 9, 2001 Posted July 9, 2001 Infected are ARTIST!! this is REAL music...not some high-produced-only-bassline-and-drum-kick-loops music..And i dont see why do you bother to compare previous albums wth this one..."BP empire" shows how some people can still be inovative and open minded and not repeating them selves...its amazing how they produced this album..every sound,every effect on every layer of every part of any of the track on the album is PERFECTLY produced,and arranged in track...exept maybe that silly break when the guitar sudddenly is cutted off in "UNBALANCED" ..but hey...they woudnt be infected if they dont suprise us,right? )) and the other tracks...each track has tottaly different atmosphere..totally different story.."BP EMPIRE" track...what a perfectly produced track!! that roaring distorsion effect on the synth...mmmmmm! PERFECT!! !!!!!...and "dancing with kadafi" ....this shows how much this guys love what they are arrange and combine 4-5 different styles in one...and the acoustic guitars,violins,piano's,oriental melodies..all this in one have to be a fuckin' genious to do this,,,and they are ))) the album is phenomenal...10/10 Quote
Guest ChrisdeeACiD Posted July 10, 2001 Posted July 10, 2001 Man.... Dancing with Kadafi! That guitarr melodie at the end with that nice tone change.... BEAUTiFUL Quote
Guest Howard Posted July 10, 2001 Posted July 10, 2001 And I say great stuff mostly, very suprised as people say so bad of it. But I have to say FUCK "ROLL US A GIANT"- totally tastless shit for kids, same with BP Empire(the track)! Do YOU like immature drug references and FAKE-O SCARY samples then thats for you. Me, I despise that shit and wish those two would develop some sophistication in that regard... Quote
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