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Deviant Electronics - Catacomb / Psi Corps

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Deviant Electronics - Catacomb / Psi Corps


Artist: Deviant Electronics

Title: Catacomb / Psi Corps

Label: Helix

Date: 1995


Track listing:


01. 10'43" Catacomb

02. 09'11" Psi Corps




Wow, good surprise. I really didn't expect anything from this EP, so it

really surprised me, in a good way. This starts off with Catacomb, which is

very subtle track, nothing radical nor fast. Everything goes smoothly, yet

manages to get grip of you. It gives this extra dark feeling for me. I

don't know why, a bit scary feeling I'd say. On the other hand it is

somehow so dreamlike, it gives me visions of floating in the air and flying

around the world... Duration is almost 11 minutes, but it's not boring at

all. 9/10 for this. Psi corps is a bit more powerful, with a little faster

melody, which will grab you as well. It has very noticeable x-dream style

bassline, which adds a bit minimalistic feeling. But this is semi-melodic

and very interesting till the end... Somewhere in the midsong some discreet

melodies kick in, and they are really good, but not powerful. 9/10 for Psi

corps. Both tracks have very little percussionist changes and kick remains

the same for the most of the time, no fills, no builds...nothing.

Interesting job, total 9/10. Bom!

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