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V/A - Change


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Artist: Various

Title: Change

Label: Flow

Date: 2000


Track listing:


01. 06'37" Snug As A Bug : Margonzilla

02. 08'48" Fabel : Relic Raiders

03. 06'46" Yumade : Fluffin In Side

04. 07'29" Loopus In Fabula : Syncout

05. 08'32" Magus : Egoes Out

06. 07'34" Logic Bomb : Psychedelic Pollution

07. 08'51" Drop Out : Poison Area

08. 07'37" Wizzy Noise : Wizzy Dominance

09. 08'47" Tranan : Moody




this compilation is wickedly sick =). i just got this 2 days ago, but i like

practically every track. track 1, by snug as a bug (half of yumade and

someone else) is a groovy track with good bass and scratchy analogue sounds.

track 2, by fabel sort of reminds me of intact instinct, but not as minimal.

it starts of with what sounds like a movie sountrack then kicks into a

menacing groove. track 3, by yumade is a groovy track with breaky rhythms

and badass analogue sounds and effects flying all over. track 4, by loopus

in fabula has a killer groove and awesome sounds that fling about and gyrate

with the rhythm. track 5, by magus is all around amazing--sick groove, cool

effects and amazing variation. track 6, by logic bomb is one of my

favorites. a pumping track with killer effects and cool samples. the synth

lines rip through the air and and the track keeps on pumpin'. track 7, by

drop out has some sample that talks about taking a stronger dose.. anyhow if

there's a comparatively bad track i'd say this is it. it just doesn't do it

for me. track 8, by wizzy noise another one of my favorites. when are these

guys going to release an album? so far every track i've head from them

rocks. this one is no exception. as the track name says, these guys

dominate. dark and groovy with their trademark raspy metallic sounds. =)

track 9, by tranan (part of logic bomb) was a complete surprise for me. the

whole cd is mostly on the darker side, but when this track starts it's

really refreshing. this track expertly shows the lighter side of psytrance.

it's groovy, has cool melodies, and i'd have to say it's damn close to being

the best track on the cd. it's still to early for me to decide. this track

is a little slow (127bpm) but it really kicks ass. this cd is a definate

must buy. it's probably one of the best compilations out this year. high

points: 9!,8,6,5,4,3,2,1 (serious.. it's that good.)

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest strou[at]mail[dot]tele[dot]dk

Awesome debut album here from Flow Records. It reminds me of Liquid Levels from

Creamcrop. NOT BAD AT ALL. Check it out.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest a_ozi

I should really say this album is a piece of shit so that you might hate it and

never buy it, but that would be a lie. Trax 5,6,9 are my favorites, but i

pretty much like all of it xcept the derivative wizzy noise tune. 8/10 - 1

wanna be in Portugal this summer!

Guest Mascok

all tracks here just kick ass!

really like this tranan track which ending the cd!.

  • 3 weeks later...

Good compilation IF you like Progressive Minimalistic Trance!! if you don't

like it (like I do) DON'T buy it!!

I liked only 2 tracks here nr6 (specially the first minut is HELLISH) en nr 9,

it's the only one with real melodies!!!Bom Shankar

  • 2 months later...

This one finally made it to my local shop, and it was worth the wait! It's

unfair to call this part of the "Progressive Minimalist" sound, as it's much

more involved than such a name would imply. There's so much going on here --

pounding grooves, crunchy acid lines and enough percussion to sustain a

third-world country. Lots of energy here. This is the state of psytrance today

and I, for one, have no complaints with that...8/10

  • 3 months later...

Beside tracks 4 and 7 which I don't like, this comp is great. I also think that

this is far from being minimal, lots is happening all the time, even if almost

all melodies are gone. Psychedelic Pollution is an absolute killer all along,

and the Fabel, Yumade and Wizzy Noise tracks are really cool, too. Last track

is nice, but kind of funny to hear after the rest, it's almost cheesy :)

Overall 7.5/10

  • 7 months later...
Guest [Anonymous]

best portuguese lable yet ,i think flow gives portugal a good name in the

trance scene.keep it rockinn pena

  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...

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