Guest Candlejack Posted October 24, 2001 Posted October 24, 2001 This is the better stuff!! Ten times better than the new Shpongle album (which I don't like) This one soothes the soul while still retaining psy feel. Great stuff.. more please!!! No bad tracks here. Quote
Guest Oire Posted October 31, 2001 Posted October 31, 2001 I got this album about 3 weeks ago and i love this!!! It's so deep & beatiful... there are some nice choirs & 303 sounds in this album. Only one bad thing I found in this is track 4, I think it's too fast for this album! All tracks are good but 2,3,5&6 are really amazing! I'll give it 9.5/10 - Good work Asura. Chill! Quote
asura Posted December 4, 2001 Posted December 4, 2001 To Zeus, who think Asura is bad because we use some stupid samples because we can't understand english(you are wright of course, I don't discuss with Zeus, you are far above the Asuras, in a different mythology, but far above nevertheless): Can you explain me the signification of this phrase, because my english is awfully poor: "Asura your french don't but in english samples you can't understand" or this one "it would be good if it didn't such stupid samples" Thanx a lot, Zeus, and sorry again for the samples, past, present, anf future, and notably for those in the forthcoming album which will be as moron and inconvenient as those ones... Quote
Guest buci[at]goa[dot]hu Posted December 5, 2001 Posted December 5, 2001 after reading these rewievs,i expected more.Although nice downbeat-trance,lovely melodies...but those irritating bassdrums in some tracks,brrr.. Asura should leave them.don't compare it to Shpongle!It's so different,another kind of ambient. 7/10 because of the bass. Quote
Guest Cmusca Posted December 18, 2001 Posted December 18, 2001 why this album isn't highlighted? A true master piece of Ambient, equal to shpongle in our hearts... Quote
Guest goaway_[at]goatrance[dot]com Posted December 21, 2001 Posted December 21, 2001 I want to's relly great! It gives u certain feelings...just like when u're dreaming... Totaly different from what I've listened so far!My favourite track is XP Continuum, it simply takes me to other worlds! Keep going with the good work, guys!!! Quote
Guest Zero The Hero Posted December 30, 2001 Posted December 30, 2001 downtempo psytrance or what? i would not call this ambient.. not my piece of cake. Quote
Guest evan[at]dc-s[dot]com Posted January 8, 2002 Posted January 8, 2002 Just got my hands onto it... Really good work to be honest with all of you. Deep and relaxin' stuff. Recommended release! 9,5/10. Quote
Guest Kurukad Dar'nizhaan the Unhappy Posted January 13, 2002 Posted January 13, 2002 If the album is so great and kicks Shpongles ass then I must've gotten wrong music on the right CD.. funny, it looks the same as in the picture but contains just repetitious downtempo psy-trance with nothing new to offer. Terrible waste of money, you shouldn't invest on this one. Some say that Copy Kills Our Music but this one's dead already. Where's the chill-out on this one ? I don't know what you guys are on, but I sure can't chill with that beat pumpin'. Quote
Guest raverules[at]yahoo[dot]com Posted January 29, 2002 Posted January 29, 2002 i like the trinity very much(it's the best ambient goa i've ever heard) Quote
Guest surrealdusk[at]gmx[dot]de Posted February 10, 2002 Posted February 10, 2002 Geniales Album! 9,5/10. Quote
Guest NFalke666[at]aol[dot]com Posted February 17, 2002 Posted February 17, 2002 a very nice album indeed, but it doesn't come close to Shpongle... Amethystium is much better, different styles, but much better overall... Quote
Guest filipgaliza[at]hotmail[dot]com Posted February 20, 2002 Posted February 20, 2002 Its pointless for me to say what all of you already said it but these artists totally earned it. Fantastic! Very emotional and very deep. Touches the heart and the mind. Thanks - Filip web site development... Quote
Guest kerim_samoud[at]hotmail[dot]com Posted February 26, 2002 Posted February 26, 2002 this one is calm end nice. this one is for rainy days =]8.5/10 /BeatNec Quote
smaug Posted March 5, 2002 Posted March 5, 2002 Very good album. I feel like I'm in another world. Beautiful, good beats, deep, and wonderful melodies. One of the best Chill groups in my oppion. Shpongle is another great group but there in there own league. You can't really compare Shpongle to Asura. All I can is both groups are great. Amethystium is another interesting group. While the songs are wonderful to listen to, most of their songs are way too short. I give Asura's album a 9.5/10 Quote
Guest ali_notredame[at]hotmail[dot]com Posted May 23, 2002 Posted May 23, 2002 Simply, that's a great album. NotreDame Quote
Guest disrupt1[at]hotmail[dot]com Posted June 6, 2002 Posted June 6, 2002 This is one of the best active electronic albums I've heard all year. Though I certainly think it's been mis-genrefied... this isn't ambient. The bass and bassline preclude it from such status. Imo, it's more of a downtempo ebm. I could see this one being played on at a thematic warehouse, but certainly neednt be. If you liked this one, I recommend Synaesthesia's Desideratum (2 cd's) or some recent X Marks the Pedwalk - although XMP is a more active ebm, with initially annoying vocals. Quote
Guest korr Posted June 13, 2002 Posted June 13, 2002 wow, this is a masterpiece! really heavy, trancy deep ambient. takes you far from here.. deep full heavy slow beats, perfumed atmospheres, travelling melodies for a downstriking journey through undiscovered areas of your mind. 9.5/10 Quote
Guest angels666[at]free[dot]fr Posted June 20, 2002 Posted June 20, 2002 This album is a real masterpiece. Why isn't it highlighted? See the reviews above and you will understand. Asura=Shpongle=celtic cross=infinity project, in a different way, of course, but as strong nevertheless. 10/10 Quote
soem aeld Posted August 22, 2002 Posted August 22, 2002 Ooooh yeah! This is soooo goood! 10/10! Quote
sleepingzombie Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Alright, I listed and "felt" this album more carefully. This is truly magnificant! No BS. This is very deep and beautiful. This is NOT dub-atmosphere-slow-minimal-bull shit. This is really cool, beautiful sounding, with excellent rhythm that really moves you. This says it all. Albums like this needs patience to be "catched". My favourite with Season 5 by Aes Dana. Great in everything, but you'll need to lay down and listen to it some times , maybe wait when you are in a right mood. Better if in a rainy day. 8,5/10 Quote
Jon Cocco Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 ASURA - CODE ETERNITY INFINIUM RECORDS 2000 Track listing: 01. 10'18" Like A Summer Day - B+ 02. 10'07" Trinity - A- 03. 10'24" Simply Blue - B+ 04. 08'07" Phoenix - B+ / A- 05. 09'26" Code Eternity - A- / A 06. 04'27" Territories Part One - B+ 07. 09'12" XP Continuum - A- This is one of the best Ambient Trance albums. Code Eternity is the underrated debut by Asura. It's also one of the few albums I've returned to multiple times a year, each year since I bought it. The tracks combine Ambient/Chill, Trance, Down/Mid-Tempo, Psy, and even Goa-esque melodies and elements (at times, track 5 especially) in an excellent, mood setting way. The tracks generally feature strong, engaging melodies and other sounds, strong beats, rhythms, emotion, warmth, and lasting appeal. Nothing here is for shock. It isn't emotional in a fluffy (cheesy) way as people have described certain emotive music. Code Eternity doesn't involve much climax really, if any. But there's occasionally buildup and emphasis on the rhythm and beats, their drive at times which can be highly engrossing and satisfying. These enhancements in development provide more juice and power to those engines which develop solid foundations. It's as if certain visually beautiful and powerful dreams and fantasies crossed over, literally, into the real world and burned a print of its soul into this album. There is so much feeling thoughout Code Eternity. After all these years I still love it. Few people mentioned this album in the short list of top downtempo and ambient trance related projects like Shpongle. I wouldn't want to compare the first Shpongle to this because they're very different musical styles but I personally enjoy this more. Every track here is good, great, excellent, or superb. The few purely ambient track(s) compliment the stronger, more aggressive songs, regardless of the slower beats. This isn't Psytrance but it is Psy and it is in a sense Trance. The songs have these driving, charged rhythms filled with layers of lush melodies, ambience, and emotion. Some of these songs would not be as engaging if it wasn't for the bassline, kickdrum, and beats. They work wonders. Only one or two tracks is mainly ambient, without a beat and it's good...letting the journey drift before pulling us deeper into the cosmos. I'm never bored listening to this album. Many times it's a mood thing, more for home listening to driving to at nigttime. This is a very individual album for an individual to experience without distractions from around him or her. Code Eternity flows so well. I wish this was a big hit with the mainstream as successful, aware films like Contact and The Matrix were. The beat can stop and let the journey breath in the way the artist envisioned it. It doesn't need to try to appeal to be innovative and a success. And yet many people who hear this album, those who listen to mainstream music generally like this I find. I wish more people were aware of it. I'm never bored while listening to this. I can write a story, a scene in a movie, shut my eyes and day/night dream. This album has helped me connect and produce so many awesome, amazing ideas, visions, thoughts, goals. I'm not kidding. This is an awesome album. It's so real. It was as if the artists had full creative control here. Because it's a debut I feel as though the artists didn't do things artists generally do with follow-ups. It isn't made to appear more mainstream. Nothing here seems intionally controlled which often causes the energy of the album to not be as free. This album has more the feel of a free spirit than anything that would currently follow by Asura. I wish they'd make a follow-up to this album. It's so sincere and superb. I wish a channel on television and the radio was created just to make people more aware great music like this. Every time I hear this album it's like a new experience because my mind isn't focusing on the music in a sense. The music is there to put me in another state. It's very difficult for me to zone out with most albums. The album conveys so much feeling and touches the heart, the body, mind, and soul in some ways groups like early Enigma, Amethystium, and Phobos did. Those are top New Age artists I'm comparing this too. This is Ambient Trance. Sure it isn't nearly as romantic sounding, but the work involved seems just as passionate or close to. Asura pulls off a powerful album without singing or stepping into the New Age genre. The sound produced here is a superb fusion of Ambient and Trance which hand-in-hand like a match made in Heaven. The effect is beautiful, something great to meditate upon, visualize, and float away with. The experience can be deeply felt and highly rewarding. Gripes / Flaws[/b] - One gripe is the radio samples in track 3, the communication through a police radio. Having voices for radio effect to a small degree is cool. This would have had far greater, positive effect and impact had Asura found a different sample, shortened this one, or resorted to more appropriate dialogue to the sound and theme of the album. Because when you actually listen to what's being said... For instance, hearing a female dispatch.. "She's having problems with the drunk lady next door to him," sounds out-of-place here, and we here it three times. The radio sound correlate well to the rhythm and beat but the words don't. The actual words associate our minds to problems on Earth which alter the potential of the beautiful journey a bit, taking us away from space and other worlds. I never considered this a big deal and initially thought of taking points off for this but it's something to be aware of in the future and I understand why it bothered and distracted some people. Otherwise and musically the track is very well done. In conclusion, I could go on and on. It isn't a perfect album. But the rhythms at times are so rich and absorbing. The songs generally evolve, develop, and change. Often giving the best moments time to shine and breath and not right away, but as the story progresses. I love what Asura has created here. I love how it keeps pulling me deeper and deeper into one giant adventure, yet each song sounds different and unique relative to the others. I don't think there's any song less than good here either. And I personally prefer this album over the first classic Shpongle album. I love the style here, the Goatrance inspired melody emphasis along with other melodies, ambient, and other sounds as if slower motion, mid/down-tempo, its continuous ride and the overall effect. Code Eternity is everything and more I said it was back in 2001 on the first page of this thread. It's deep, dreamy, and involves very attractive melody structures, soundscapes, atmosphere, and more. This is a very special album. You can get lost in it if you let your mind linger. The tracks always move forward like a capsule in outerspace traveling further, deeper to explore uncharted realms in the Universe. The story is epic, beautiful and sad, maybe tragic to some degree, filled with love and light and spirit. Each track seems so deeply connected to the one before and after. One can find themselves swimming in the layers upon layers of melodies in the self-titled Code Eternity, floating to the individualized Ambient in Territories Part 1, or driving to the thumping beat and strong soundscapes in Trinity and XP Continuum. Rarely is an Ambient or an Ambient-Trance album as captivating as Asura's Code Eternity. Lastly, I read this album is re-issued, re-released with a new cover. This thing needs more advertising. They should make it available at amazon, saikosounds, psyshop, etc. It would be awesome if they made a follow-up to this one, more powerful than ever before. That would be awesome. Favorite Tracks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 A- (Not an average) Samples = Quote
asura Posted June 3, 2007 Posted June 3, 2007 Always a pleasure to read your comments with so many details Jon Cocco. When you love something, it's not by half! Hope the third Asura wille please you too. Even if the surprise of the first one can't come again, never.... Quote
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