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Sonic Fusion - Confused

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Guest Mascok

Sonic Fusion - Confused


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Artist: Sonic Fusion

Title: Confused

Label: Hadshot

Date: 1999


Track listing:


01. 06'30" Sonic Fusion : Satisfaction

02. 08'58" Sonic Fusion : Tribal Warrior

03. 06'56" Sonic Fusion : Emotions

04. 07'28" Sonic Fusion : Predator

05. 07'47" Sonic Fusion : Synergy

06. 06'23" Siamese Twins : A Proper Cup Of Coffee (Sonic Fusion Rmx)

07. 07'16" Sonic Fusion : Xxtatikk Ritual

08. 08'11" Sonic Fusion : Into It

09. 06'32" Sonic Fusion : Robots Round My Coc

10. 05'32" Sonic Fusion : U Can't Fade Me




one of the most amazing tribal albums out there!. if you like tribal

psytrance. JUST BUY IT!, and if you arent, there are some great non-tribal

psytrance tracks here :).

First Track is a quite nice track, its called "Satisfaction". a bit housy

vibes, but still nice drums and bass. not tribal :).

2nd Track is one of my favorite tracks here, its called "Tribal Warrior". and

its Tribal TRANCE!! (wheeee), amazing track. kick ass tribal drums,

"aaaaaahhhoooohhh, eeeeeeeeehhhaa"

gotta love that vocal sample and those people screaming and clapping in the

background... SO BEAUTIFUL!!!.

3rd Track is called Emotions, and its one of my favorites tracks here too. not

much tribal.

its more modern kinda psytrance. real nice, and i dont like the kick here


4th is a nice track as well. you have here a little housy atmosphere, but its


crazy kick with that crazy bassline is fucking good for outdoor dance floors!.

great drums!.

5th track is a calm track, morning track, kinda tribal. you gotta love that

melody that starts somewhere in 2:10 and lead most of the track. one of my all

time favorites this one.

this track effects very well in outdoor nature parties at morning!!.

6th Track is one of my favorite tracks here too, that melody (starts at 2:15

and goes up and up!!!) is so catchy hehe. i can listen to this track so much,

its just embarrassing ehehe. nice strings!!!. this is called A proper Cup of

Cofee and it was remixed by Sonic Fusion, the original track is by Siamese

Twins, dunno when it was released..

7th Track is my favorite tribal track EVER!!!. AMAZING!!!.

every thing is just perfect here: amazing tribal drums, hihat open :), that

nice lead in the background. amazing tribal vocal samples!!! - oohhhh

eeeeeyyyy YAAAA, oh eyyyyyy oh hey heyyyyyy!!!!!. WOW!!! (was released on the

solipse festival compilation too)



8th Track is a real nice track called "Into it". a real beauty!. very cool

melody that goes up and up then down and up hehe(2:40+). great bassline!. very

cool drums. morning track i guess. amazing background samples!.

9th Track is called "Robots Round My Coc", pretty stupid name i guess (hehe),

and i didnt like this track much. except of those guitars (?) part (5:40).

10th Track is a very cool track, "playstation atmosphere" hehe. kinda fast. a

lot of cool funny fx's. this is a weird track i would say, but a nice ending

track. nice... hehe.

well that is a very unique album, because it got a lot of diffrent psytrance

genres in it...: tribal, dark and modern, morning (but not uplifting) and

more!. amazing album - 9/10. but i'm not sure anyone will like it... enjoy.

  • 1 month later...
Guest psylent_buddhi[at]goatrance[dot]

This album is actually amazing. A varied album with many different styles on

it. The stand outs must be the two tribal tracks "Tribal Warrior" and

"Xxtatikk Ritual". And of course the hypnotic, driving, Israeli influenced

track "Synergy". But all tracks are good. Maybe except for the first track

"Satisfaction". Can't really point out the style of that track, but it's not

psytrance. BTW, "Robots Round My Coc" is not bad! Very good album indeed. Plur

- Psylent Buddhi

  • 3 months later...

I have to agree with the reviews above me... This is really good stuff!!! The

best tracks are the 2 tribal tracks for sure... Specially "Xxtatikk Ritual"!!

Those singing Indians make you feel like you're dancing around a big fire

somewhere on the big plains in

America... From the normal Psy-Trance songs are number 5 And 6 the best...

really véry hypnotic style and also fast and driving... The other songs are

all good but nothing more... Maybe those other songs are a little Techno-ish!

But overall véry good album... 8,5/10!! Bom Shankar

  • 2 months later...

yes, this one is extremely good. These guys are so original and if you like it

tribal and organic, this one is for you. Even if you aren't you must check

this out! The tracks mentioned above are all the good tracks. I got the

vinyl version and the track listing is a little different. I'll post them for

people who are looking to buy the vinyl. It's "satisfaction," "xxtatikk

ritual," "synergy," "robots around my coc," "u can't fade me," "error 44,"

"tribal warrior (live recording)". tracks "u can't fade me" and "error 44"

are only ok, so even if you don't have the vinyl don't be alarmed. the good

tracks really shine though! 8/10 BOM!

  • 3 months later...
Guest ralih[at]hongkong[dot]com

this is one of my favorite albums.. I just love tribal trance.tribal warrior

makes me feel like dancing around a big fire in the middleof the jungle ... :)

  • 1 year later...
Guest Zeus Class

Thumbs down on the "Satisfaction" track

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