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V/A - Cross Link


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Artist: Various

Title: Cross Link

Label: Digiboga

Date: 2002


Track listing:


CD 1

01. 10'58" Son Kite : Reewo

02. 09'02" Ticon : Electricity

03. 09'09" Tegma : Werewolf

04. 07'41" P-Woland : The Lovely Wife

05. 09'12" Llopis : Centrafuge

06. 11'12" Beat Bizarre : Out Loud

07. 09'19" Fabel : The Bear

08. 07'39" Reefer Decree : Curved Air

CD 2

09. 10'24" Son Kite : Reewo (Llopis Remix)

10. 07'06" Ticon : Electricity (Fabel Remix)

11. 08'22" Tegma : Werewolf (Beat Bizarre Remix)

12. 06'26" P-Woland : The Lovely Wife (Reefer Decree Remix)

13. 09,33" Llopis : Centrafuge (Son Kite Remix)

14. 07'35" Beat Bizarre : Out Loud (Tegma Remix)

15. 08'25" Fabel : The Bear (Ticon Remix)

16. 07'21" Reefer Decree : Curved Air (P-Woland Remix)




Danish label Iboga and Digital Structures from

Sweden have teamed up under the name of Digiboga and the double compilation

Cross Link is the result of the joint venture stretching from Copenhagen

across the new Øresund Bridge to Malmø! And what a SMASHING result it is!

This has got to be this years most anticipated compilation and we've all been

waiting for this to be released since wintertime when the first rumours about

this compilation started to spread! . But it was definitely worth the wait. No

doubt about that! The first CD contains a bunch of well-know tracks plus a

couple of unreleased from both Iboga and D.S. . On the second CD these tracks

are remixed across labels, so that D.S.-acts remix Iboga-acts and vice versa!

It's all one happy Digiboga-family! ;o) In my mind there is no doubt which

track is the highlight here: [cd1#8] Curved Air - AMAZING track, and has got

to be among the deepest, grooviest, most driving progressive tracks ever! I've

loved this track for almost a year now and finally I have it on CD. I wish I'd

been at VooV last summer when Reefer Decree apparently played this track the

first time in public. The whole CD is worth it for this track alone! ;o) Not

saying that you only need this CD because of this track - there are smashing

tracks en mas here! From the well-know Son Kite stomper Reewo, over Tegma

beastly Werewolf to the sheer joy of Beat Bizarre's previously unreleased Out

Loud! Great, great stuff!

Also, pretty much all the remixed are good, though I've not yet grown fond of

P-Woland's remake of Curved Air. But perhaps it's just me who doesn't like

when someone messes with a classic! Well, enough said about this now - If you

haven't got this go get it right now! It's an instant classic! ;o)

Rating 9/10

Guest Defbydelta...

sure i gonna go get this one!

this seems to be a really "must have" compil..

heard some of these tracks already and they ROCKZ!!

Scandinaviaaaaaaa!!! =))


If you are into PSYCHEDELIC music beware of this!After more than twenty

listenings a lot of the tracks still don't work for me. A lot of them don't go

anywhere, they just wobble on with a few sounds- sound quality is of course

very good but not original.Some time ago I thought the Swedish and the Danish

labels brought us a fresh wind, with new elaborated rythms, new sounds and

nice melodies. Nowadays the melodies are gone and the only thing that is left

is a sophisticated sound and well known rythm patterns. This is cocaine and

champagne indoor music to me, not outdoor psychedelics party stuff.Listen

before you buy! If you don't agree, don't feel offended, it's just an opninion.

Guest baboon

Excellent scando compilation! As Death Posture said; an instant classic! Get

this CD now...


get real. No one drinks champagne to this music. Where is the glamourous factor

in this sound? Get out of your psychedelic pigeonhole and get to know your

fellow people and their scenes..


i haven't heard this, but i KNOW this is some of the most psychedelic music out

there today...much more deep, complex, mindbending, and PSYCHEDELIC than any

of that itchy-scratchy 3D vision/GMS/"full on" stuff...on the other hand,

nothing gets more psychedelic IMO than double dragon, hux flux, and the


Guest [Anonymous]

agree with the other reviewer, this is very simple stuff, good production but

not very psychedelic

Guest Acid Punch


why is it that everytime a minimal/progressive comp comes out,an entire

disscution opens on weather its psy or not.this is a genre of psytrance and

there is nothing more to say!!!!so stop talking about it and let the music

speak for it self-thease dibates are getting realy tiering....(to each his

own)i mean you dont see the"minimalistic lovers"critic a full on album that

comes out about being"too noisey and vocaly"....right???think about it.

BTW its a killer comp,one of the best for this year,an ingenous idea,masterful

compiling by thease two giant labels!!!KEEP IT UP...



well i agree acid punch in some ways... i like a lot minimal progressive stuff,

but danvapid... you call 3dvision gms itchy scratchy music? wuau we have an

intelectual here in psychedelic music... fuck off i listen this to enjoy and

dance... who tell me this is very deep and serious music... well. by the way

9/10 for this great cd feel the rush....


This is perhaps not all too psychedelic, but it's certainly HYPNOTIC! And thats

worth a lot more to me. The SOn Kite remix of Llopis "Centrafuge" is

absolutely incredible in that respect. And regarding the commenty above about

the abscence of melody - HELLO, have you even listened to this? P-Woland: The

Lovely Wife (Reefer Decree Remix) has some of the beautifullest melodies I've

ever heard in this genre. I bought the vinyl (which only has the remixes) and

I've got some of the tracks from CD1 on other singles from before, and I use

tracks from this one every time I mix now. You NEED to buy this one folks.

Guest woutskey

professional, mature top quality electronic dance music here.

Some stuff is boring (esp. Llopis should get fired straight away for totally

taking the magic out of Son Kite's masterpiece Rewoo, and delivering nothing

but tedious plod music in general) but the overall comp is better than I

expected. I must say that the artists from the Digital Structures stable win

hands down from the Iboga artists, but it's not a contest and it's a matter of

taste ofcourse.

Highlights for me: Son Kite - Rewoo, Ticon - Electricity, Beat Bizarre - Out

loud (Tegma remix), Fabel - the bear (Ticon remix)


Nothing new and fresh here=( Ticon : Electricity (Fabel Remix) is the best

track.. the other is just boring same stuff that you have heard milions of


Guest * Vlad *

Very boring trax, there's much better stuff to shop around.



Great tracks... Llopis as always is tha man - He is one of the rare artists

whose sounds are innovative. Great track, great remix of son kites too... I

wonder if P-woland is married for real, no matter if his wife is lovely, the

track is ;) Beat bizarre and Fabel are also distinguishable here. The rest of

the tracks is also good, but... not genial ;) Overall 9/10 (Llopis and

P-woland 11/10 ;)

Guest asshopper

um, its really different than usual psytrance we hear, even different than

regular Son Kite, The Lovely Wife (Reefer Decree Remix) sounds more like the

remix of their track Psychic Substances from Psionic Tonic CD...nothing more

to add yet, im still on my first listen. Centrafuge (Son Kite Remix) is a

great one, well, Son Kite always has the top quality production!

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest reinhartB2LiT

Well...this compilation is something that I didn*t expect to listen...it really

shaked my PSY-opinions...wow baby this is almoust the best release that I ever

heard before.The DIGIboga combination of artist*s is out off range,fanky is

what I like, so I will say it*s PROGRESSIVE PLAGUE all around of all of

us...we must sail on it*s waves...just...let it flow!!!!

  • 1 month later...
Guest Acidhive

Progressive, funky and kicking as all hell, this is indeed a trippy combination

of two good labels pumping it out together. A very good idea, and what's even

better is that we get 2 cd's for the price of only one!

There's nothing more to be said here, but if you like the Iboga style and the

Digital Structures style, you're in for a treat!! Especially that Son Kite

track and the Reefer Decree remix of the P-Woland track.. man, can it get any

better?? ;-) Solid 8,5/10 here.

Oh yeah... Bear from Fabel is also a good pumper!!

Errm all the tracks are actually, these are only my stand-outs!

  • 5 months later...

A fine compilation from Iboga and Digital Structures; most tracks here are at

least a bit better than the average hypnotic minimalistic Scandotrance. The

production quality is really excellent. For me the Reefer Decree tracks and

remixes really stand out - beautiful beautiful tracks - top respect to them.

It is also worth noting that Tegma's "Werewolf" has an absolutely classic

sample. There is a different kind of psychedelia happening in these tracks

that I can only call "northern lights": you won't find the bright colourful

hallucinations of Goa here, but the subtle shading of light on dark that

characterises Scandinavian climes. If you dig this vibe at all, then you

should get this. 8/10 ~*~

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