Guest irit_carmeli[at]yahoo[dot]com Posted March 16, 2002 Posted March 16, 2002 THIS IS A MASTERPIECE! Quote
Guest The Cannibal Posted March 23, 2002 Posted March 23, 2002 a masterpiece of psytrance , also a new way in psytrance , can ya hear that? Quote
Guest dovla[at]mail[dot]com Posted March 24, 2002 Posted March 24, 2002 This is stil the greatest album that ever came out, some of you cannot understand how complex these songs are...all the sounds blend in so perfectly..Dennis Tapper is a true artist..I can hardly wait for the new Hux Flux album...BOM SHIVA SHANKAR! Quote
Guest NFalke666[at]aol[dot]com Posted April 5, 2002 Posted April 5, 2002 great album indeed... if you like this, check out Droidsect Quote
Guest xa27[at]ukr[dot]net Posted April 9, 2002 Posted April 9, 2002 i do not understand what was my life before i've heard this album. i love it. i love it. Quote
Guest master[at]goatrance[dot]net Posted April 10, 2002 Posted April 10, 2002 Need I say anything ? HuxFlux rocks oooohh yeah Quote
Guest _|reflekshun:::... Posted April 15, 2002 Posted April 15, 2002 I was just going 'fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck' the first time i listened to this album, it fucking tripped me out. Shit coming out from everywhere, this is HQ trip material guys! 8/10 Quote
Guest Jason - Los Angeles, CA Posted April 17, 2002 Posted April 17, 2002 Well there is good and bad to this album. Good - Everysong kicks ass. This is one of the best to come out in trance. Bad - It's not available anymore. Does anyone know where I can get it? Quote
Guest dovla[at]mail[dot]com Posted April 18, 2002 Posted April 18, 2002 i'd love to buy it too but i come from a poor country and we have only one record store which doesn't have that much music..but the next hux flux album will surely be mine...DENNIS IS A GOD!!!! Quote
Guest Otziefix[at]hotmail[dot]com Posted April 22, 2002 Posted April 22, 2002 Frikkin fine album, at first I didn't like Hux Flux, A friend of mine told me about them but it sounded to.. unexperienced, and uncoordinated i thought, but now i've listened through the entire album and what a mindblower!! an 8/10! Quote
Guest The space tourist Posted April 26, 2002 Posted April 26, 2002 April 2002. My Grand daddy had a gold mine in south Africa and when he died he left me Millions. Now, i was so bored that i decided to blow all my money in one weekend so i went to SPACE! See my next door neighbor is this very nice Swedish kid. Kinda computer nerd but a very nice boy. He gave me a copy of Hux Flux and said to listen to it while i float in space; so as i was floating in my tin can i put it on. There were all lot of weird noises over a Tchack boom beat. Hell at some point i though there was something wrong with one of the reactor. It was so annoying and it went nowhere. Ruined my very expensive week end indeed! I had a good talk with that kid and told him to stop being so bloody nationalistic about Sweden and swedish music.There is a whole world beyond(hey man,I've been to Space) full of people from all kinds of different countries making interesting stuff. I'm not saying Swedish music sucks, i actually have a lot of it(so nice you name it twice?) but i thought psychedelic trance was suposed to broaden your horizons.(it's not football, is it?)By the way,I'm broke, back on earth,i see my face on TV all the time,My life sucks please send me liquid so that i can go back to space! Quote
Guest Mekkish Posted May 10, 2002 Posted May 10, 2002 THE BEST PSYCHEDELIC ALBUM EVER MADE! Â Try this one while on acid! Â Nervoservo gives me the BONER! =D 10/10 Quote
Guest amorphia*GR Posted May 12, 2002 Posted May 12, 2002 HUX FLUX RULES!!!!!THIS ALBUM ROCKS!!!!One of the best Psychedelic Trance albums ever made for sure...Calculus, Alkaloid,Tripple Nipple, Cryptic Crunch, Experimenting with potions, Elixir....what the hell!!!ALL OF THEM are so excellent i just cannot stop dancing!!!Hux Flux are the best Scando Psy-artists in my point of view.I can still remember that night a couple of years ago in Athens,that was a Hux Flux party and it is the best party I ve ever been!!!The guys kick asses!!!!They really rock!!!Congratulations to them,the real PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE WILL NEVER DIE...N-E-V-E-R.Keep up the good work guys...Hope to see you in Greece again... Quote
Guest [Anonymous] Posted May 30, 2002 Posted May 30, 2002 this stuff is really good and crazy. i heard it the first time after i had been eating magic mushrooms- a trip through the whole galaxy. buy this!!! Quote
Guest just someone else Posted June 12, 2002 Posted June 12, 2002 I agree with the anphetamine stuff, i think this is like logic bomb in full on force, with mekanical and very artificial sounds with a dark touch and a robot feel like trip, just listen to it and u will get the picture for X sample "experimenting with potions" this one is really funny and groovy, by the way you rule here on mexico, we are waiting for your next album, at least give us an EP. Quote
Guest Bzo Posted July 8, 2002 Posted July 8, 2002 HOLY SHIT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ unbelivable album, living snds,smoove music,awsome snds(did i say that? )........ u must hear Nervoservo at 2:11..... it's sounds like a talking aliens.. 2:36, someone answers 2 those aliens....... hehe, PERFECT track.... the others r awsome too, so if u still don't have this album go and buy it, u'll SURLY love it! Quote
Guest [Anonymous] Posted July 17, 2002 Posted July 17, 2002 I don't know if there is some sort of a conspiracy here, but no matter how many times I listen to this album, only one word comes to mind - BORING!!! Yes I'm not a big fan of minimal trance, but this is nothing more then a bassline with a repetetive buzzing sound every 1 or 2 minutes. How can people even compare this with X-Dream or Logic Bomb? Or evem GMS (which I dont like too much either) sounds more interesting. Buy this album if you enjoy listening to your washing machine. Otherwise spen your money on something else .. ANYTHING else. 2/10 Quote
Guest Shadowvex Posted May 2, 2003 Posted May 2, 2003 You are completely clueless thinking that this is a "minimal" albulm!! Trying listening to this (an original, not .mp3) with headphones and tell me that it is minimal - no way! Hux Flux's style and production is stellar. This is by far one of the BEST releases to date! Even being 4 years old it still holds up strong. This release should be in everyone's library! Quote
healium Posted October 25, 2006 Posted October 25, 2006 This album I'd say to be the most "mind-blowing" I've heard - I don't listen to it as much as I did at first but each time I do I'm just bowled over... Â Avatar label has re-released this - if you haven't got/heard Hux Flux "Cryptic Crunch" do yourself a favor and pick it up... Â Hux Flux have this absolutely MASSIVE style - once you know them, you can tell a Hux Flux track right away - it's sort of a "Cosmic computer geek meets cracked-out robot" type style.... Â It's just so fuckin righteous sounding - off-the wall, tongue-in-cheek-psytrance... Quote
Drosophila Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 It does what is does to perfection.... simple as that! Quote
abasio Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 I just don't get it! I have the rerelease only It's okay but I wouldn't call it a masterpiece or Perfect. Some tracks are really good some are a bit too noisy & some I find a bit boring. Maybe I should give it a few more listens but so far.... meh Quote
Insejn Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 It ruled the world in 1999 and still does. Simply amazing piece of music. Quote
rino Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 I just recently revisited this album, and I think it was right after the 4th Schlabbaduerst installation came to an end. I just felt like putting this one on, and... Well, the only thing that came into my mind was Blitzkreig! Why one may ask? Well in the same manner of Germany's relentless, merciless, agressive and persistent war strategy, this album constantly attacks and bombards from each and every pore it has through the whole 9 tracks. "Cryptic crunch" is bound to subdue any listener with its intensity and rawness, the same way most european cities succumbed to Germany's enormous war machine back in the day. What I mean is that this a complete ear slaughter, heavy cerebrum devastating music, and I don't think these guys gave a fuck whether you approved it or not. They just came, and well, dropped the bomb. Tons of 'em to be more precise! Doing a track by track here is pointless as there is nothing dull or cheesy here, and IMO there are no single track standouts, as the whole thing simply rocks. The album's insane attitude leaves me with a god damn speech impediment! More then any other 1999 release, this oozes originality, quality, and above all, the top notch in your face psychedelia! This is psychedelic as hell, and I really mean psychedelic- a true genre defining album! Â Listening to this, I guess you could imagine how Uma Thurman felt when John Travolta pierced her chest with the adrenaline shot in "Pulp Fiction"... WOW!!! I'm back and living again! Â I bet my left arm, and I think I'd have slim chances of losing, that any of these tracks here would pierce a whole through the newest and loudest speaker, even today! What a C-L-A-S-S-I-C -!-!-! Not even I liked it upon the first listen, but now... A few albums grew on me so nicely and still sound fresh so many years after their original release. Essential! Quote
Sideffect... Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 I just don't get it! I have the rerelease only It's okay but I wouldn't call it a masterpiece or Perfect. Some tracks are really good some are a bit too noisy & some I find a bit boring. Maybe I should give it a few more listens but so far.... meh it was revolutionary in 1998 their their first tracks, it's totally different hearing this album in 2006, compared to listening it 1998 with a certain goa persperctive Quote
delars Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 I remember when i first started partying, hux flux was considered the most far out psychedelic thing out there.... they were innovating in the sounds they used and just the trippyness of their tracks. its a completely different sound compared to other groups at that time. now it sounds regular but they were one of the first  guess what, I just bought CC Quote
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