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Total Eclipse - Delta Aquarids

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Guest Tequila

Total Eclipse - Delta Aquarids


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Artist: Total Eclipse

Title: Delta Aquarids

Label: Blue Room

Date: 1995


Track listing:


01. 06'09" Hit And Run

02. 08'09" Blade Runner

03. 07'25" Age Of Reason

04. 05'47" Free Lemonade

05. 07'50" Ms Frankenstein

06. 06'56" The Crucible

07. 07'50" Le Lotus Bleu

08. 05'22" Bad Data

09. 08'08" Can't Do That

10. 06'35" Nautilus

11. 04'15" Delta 9




Delta Aquarids is the first album from Total Eclipse, and even if it is not as

good as Violent Relaxation, we could say nevertheless that it remains a

classic of goatrance.There's no bad trax in this album and the excellent ones

are plenty(I think about MS Frankenstein, Le Lotus Bleu, and Can't Do That),

so it's really enjoyable to listen to this great album.Blue Room is no more

selling it so, if you are fast, you can buy the few left there are on the

following website: www.x-radio.com



I do not really agree with tequila and I don't think it's a classic, even if

it's rather old. There are 2 really good tracks : Free Limonade and Nautilus,

and two good tracks : Lotus Bleu and Can't Do That, which have some good

things but are far from perfect. I also like Age of Reason, which is

different. But the rest is not very good, even if it's not bad.


Oh, it's too late for www.x-radio.com

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Infected Max

Killer "Standard" CD. Feel ashamed if you don't have it!! "Can't do that" is

the best.

  • 2 months later...
Guest kunfuka

I love total eclipse but this album is not the best one

My prefer track is the crucible

  • 1 month later...
Guest psy[at]persogo.com[dot]br

Good!!! I prefer the tracks Free Lemonade(4) and Lotus Bleu (7), great album...

great work from Total Eclipse!!

Buy it!

Guest gilbreathfamily[at]worldnet[dot]

This was one of the first Goa albums I bought (at Rhino Records,

of all places), and I still think

it's exceptional. Listen to Blade

Runner, Ms. Frankenstein... you

don't hear energy like that too

often. My favorite moment is the

tabla breakdown on "Le Lotus Bleu"

where it's just funky drumming,

then bam! the kick comes back in,

followed by the bassline and melodies/riffs. A real piece of

history this is, find a friend

who has one and borrow it often.

Guest clark_303

Although this is from 1995, it doesn't sound dated at all! It's still fresh and

original although the TB-303-style acid-lines start to sound a little cliched

because they're used in most of these songs...But apart from that, this is a

very diverse album with total dancefloor tracks(like Can't Do That) and slower

and more experimental songs. It almost sounds like some ethnic music at some

points which is definitely a good thing, very original and innovative. The

vocal samples on this album are totally beautiful too and create a very weird

atmosphere. My favorite ones are Free Lemonade, Ms.Frankenstein and Hit and

Run. A true classic and one of the best albums around. The best Total Eclipse

song is Waiting for a New Life though...-Clark

  • 3 months later...

total eclipse....total eclipse in my opinion are probably the best trance

producers along with pleaidians/etnica and astral projection.classic album.

  • 2 months later...
Guest j.butler[at]spray[dot]no

total eclipse are awesome, they still go strong.they never make really bad

music. go on total eclipse.

  • 5 months later...

t e are real nice artist

and this album is a clasik:)


M frankeisten is a good track as can do that

Guest wonderboy[at]pandora[dot]be

In my opinion this is the BEST GOA ALBUM ON THIS EARTH. Its magical sounds make

you trip every time you hear it. About the production I can say just one

thing: PERFECT!

While the sounds of its melodies make you wonder if you are still on earth you

make a unforgettable trip in outer space.


  • 3 months later...
Guest Le Lotus Bleu

I previously own Violent Relaxation before buying Delta acquarids. It results

that i was a bit dissapointed coz the quality tracks is very disparate. good

ones are:3-6-7-8-11. Bad ones :2-4-5-9-10


  • 2 months later...

u ppl r crazy!! this cd is from 95 and it still kicks the shit out of most cds!

i love it, truly one of the best, and definitely the best TE cd. its a bit

cheesy cause of its age and the production isn't up to the new standards but

damn those psychedelic melodies are insane! old school...

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Quetzalgoatl

In the future be more carefull from whom you accept free lemonade ;) Doesn't

that sample say enough? This album is one hell of a trip!!!

  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Lauripoika

Goa doesn`t come any better than this! Lotus Bleu and Can`t do that are

legendary songs...Goa Inside here I come... :

  • 5 months later...
Guest Davidtolsn

some pretty good stuff here, awesome if you like the total eclipse style. i

think it's almost as good or as good as violent relaxation. basically every

track delivers and some of them are awesome. some of the songs near the end

get a little TOO crazy for me though. anyway, the total eclipse sound is

definitely unique among psy-trance.. i'd give it 8/10.

  • 3 years later...

Since 1996 I have become a fan of GOA. My personal favourites are Infected Mushroom , Yahel and... Total Eclipse.

Their contribution in number of albums to the GOA world might be limited, but they definitely are one of the pioneers of the GOA sounds as we know it today.


Delta Aquarids is after 11 years IMHO still the best GOA album ever made. It simply doesn't have any bad track. It is melody-magic!


Violent Relaxation is their second great album, with lots of unforgettable tracks.


What they did after that... well you simply have to ignore it. Access Denied sucks bigtime, and their more recent album Update Files makes me turn off the music.


They were originally three guys, Stephane Holweck, Loic Vanpoucke and Serge Souque. Serge left the band a couple of years ago. Is that where the magic went of Total Eclipse?

  • 1 year later...

One of the first GOA TRANCE albums and most definitely one of the best. The production is raw but their melodies are the ones that made Total Eclipse for what they are. Mysterious, dark, alchemic, psychedelic. Yes, their second one is better but this one is somehow more accessible. It gets you deep inside the trance and that was the point. Essential. 10/10

  • 6 months later...

listening to the cd, for the first time, now at work and its bringing tears in my eyes. I hope the work colleagues don't notice them.




edit: now listening to it again.. its not tearful its good but not that good. must have beent eh coffee last time when i wrote th above review. i now will definitely got the 'violent relaxation.' album.

  • 8 months later...

Age of Reason, Ms. Frankenstein, and Le Lotus Bleu are masterpeices. Brilliantly stunning works of quirky trance with all the razor-sharp leads and acidic basslines one could ask for. Production is very, very dated, but who would want it any other way? My least favorites are Free Lemonade, Bad Data, and Nautilus, but just because they are my least favorites here doesn't mean they're bad. 10/10. Classic.

  • 8 months later...

The majority opinion here is that this should be a classic. So what's the hold up? I believe the melodies are superb on a lot of the tracks, but the production is lacking and seems very dated. Could that be the reason? Electric Universe came out with a classic in 95 with One Love. Indoor had Progressive Trance and Infinity Project had Feeling Weird. Are those artists superior producers? Hmmm....I wonder.


I just can't put this up there with the Etnica/Pleiadians, Hallucinogen, D5, Ra, or Astral. I would say this is 2nd tier, but still impressive.



  • 3 weeks later...

Not a must-have but you'll like it if you like Total Eclipse. Style is crazy, melodic, full-on, reminiscent of VR but less refined.


Pros: There are some classics on here and some really good melodies. Total Eclipse's style is quite unique, which I like.


Cons: Bad production, some bad tracks. I never listen to the entire album in one go.


Favorite tracks: Free Lemonade, Ms Frankenstein, Le Lotus Bleu.


I give it 6/10.

  • 1 year later...

Vintage. Like a cassette. It's old and it sounds old. And old is gold, right? Well in this case - yes, old is indeed gold. There is something about the early Total Eclipse. I adore the old sound. I did not find Violent Relaxation, even with it's 2 CD deal, as good as this first album. I adore this album. There's just something that rubs me the right way with the vintage sound. This record actually is so vintage, I'm not going to lie, it does have a cheesy sound to it for some, and I still adore it. It's like the Muses Rapt dilemma, even though it sounds, quite frankly, like crap at a quick glance, there is something deeper in it. For example, Age Of Reason is like music from Doom, but maybe that is why it works? There are tracks too that don't sound cheesy, like Free Lemonade and Can't Do That, but for the most part, it does sound dated. Maybe it's just the fact how experimental it is, how it does not care what you think, it just goes on and on creating spiraling psychedelic melodies and odd/tripped out, alien, atmospheres - even gamey to an extent because of the production. From the very start you know this is something unique and the first track alone should set up you as to whether you will like the rest or not.


I personally love every track here aside from Bad Data and Delta. Those little experiments went wrong but a couple bad tracks in a total of 11 is a feat. Though this could have been fixed by just replacing Transparent Mind for those lesser tracks. Such a nice album from as far back as 95. Every time I listen to this I feel content and it does take me elsewhere, maybe back in the 90s, even if that was my childhood. Somewhere. :wub:


Funny, Delta 9 and Bad Data are two of my three favorites (the other being Ms. Frankenstein).


I think this sounds clean, crisp, and still very up to date, but that's just my flawed ear. ;) One of my favorite productions; the only thing that KILLS me is the apparent recording error on Delta 9 (seriously, is everyone else's copy this fucked, because I heard the same thing on Youtube) that ruins a good 20-30 seconds of the track. Feels bad man.

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