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Vega And Prex - Dig It

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Guest Genetix

Vega And Prex - Dig It


Artist: Vega And Prex

Title: Dig It

Label: USTA

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. Vega : Fly In Sdeno

02. Prex : S4




This EP deserves huge attention. In one word get it before is too late.

Excellent work here. (t1) Kobi & Tal Ben Ari? (who is he) very good track it

should be good for dancefloor . (7.5/10), but the second truck is much better

(t2) Noma + S-Range delivers us awesome track with excellent melodies - woow

what a track. It has sample > what is it? Spacecraft from another civilization

- aaaaaa and yes is big spacecraft comparing from other artist who are trying

to bring the melodies back (haahaha). Since I got this EP I play this track

every single day. It should rock on the dancefloor. I thing that S-Range has

more influence on this track than Noma. (10/10). Very recommended.

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