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V/A - Distance To Goa 2


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Artist: Various

Title: Distance To Goa 2

Label: Distance

Date: 1995


Track listing:


01. 07'10" Spectral : Moonstone

02. 08'23" Astral Projection : In Novation

03. 07'34" Perfect Rainbow : Dream On Dreamer

04. 09'46" Sourmash : The Blessing (In Disguise)

05. 07'26" Hallucinogen : Angelic Particles

06. 05'45" Total Eclipse : Free Lemonade

07. 08'13" Joking Sphinx : Moulii Karaki

08. 07'20" Stanley Shanti And The Chillum Wallahs : Placid

09. 06'31" Transwave : Ulysse (Voyage 1)

10. 08'02" The Source Experience : Synaesthesia




Not bad Compilation : Best Track is Track 5, Bad Tracks are Tracks 8,10 !

Rating : 4/10

Guest Mindbender

This is a good compilation of old school Goa. I like tracks 2, 6 and 7

particularly, but Angelic Particles (t5) is mindblowing. Once I was sitting in

the backseat of my friends car with it on full blast and I felt my body

splitting in two, but staying at the same place, just in two different

'dimensions' at the same time. I could see those two 'dimensions' at the same

time on top of each other and they were slightly different. Then as the song

progressed, the two parts of me separated and formed these funny aerodynamical

forms. What a trippy song...

The whole compilation deserves 6/10.

  • 3 months later...
Guest utopia_x[at]infonie[dot]be

Well,2 killer tracks,number 1 is simply amazing and gathers 3 keys of my

favourite sounds ( melodic,intense and vocal), number 2 of course is awesome

like most of A.P tracks ( distinctive and mind blowing).Track 5 is very good

but not incredible ( the contrast between the roughness of crude electronic

samples and angelic atmosphere is way too important ).Track 6 is pure hardcore

psychedelic music but remains very ok.Track 7 may seem at the beginning pretty

weird but it has some interesting egyptian-arabian twisted sounds.Track 9 is a

french goa composition,not the best though but well trippin'g.

Rating : 7.5/10

  • 2 months later...
Guest clark_303

Much better than the first Distance to Goa-compilation. All songs are at least

good. The best songs are, of course, Angelic Particles by the god of sound,

Hallucinogen and Free Lemonade by Total Eclipse. The worst songs are 2 and 4,

they're not original at all. The Astral Projection track is way too happy and

sounds like some children's music...it has some good moments too but it's way

too bright and happy. I'm a big fan of AP but this song isn't working well.

The 4th song is based on the acid line and doesn't really offer anything else.

This is a good compilation and doesn't sound dated at all.-Clark

  • 2 months later...
Guest protamine[at]infonie[dot]fr

GOOD...GREAT STUFF, goods tracks: free lemonade by [total éclipse], Moonstone

by [spectral]...

The last track is good to sleep, boring.

The best is ANGELIC PARTICALS by HALLUCINOGEN ,the best of this group,

magnificent 8/10

  • 6 months later...
Guest Acidhive

This comp only has great tracks on it! This was also the very first goa I ever

heard. A friend borrowed this from one of his friends and we listened it at my

place.. Damn, new doors opened in my mind when I listened to track 1... Track

2... Track 3... and so on! Then we got to the Hallucinogen track and I thought

I'd gone up to a higher level of consciousness... Damn, this is good! This

comp still has a special place in my heart somewhere, so I'll give this


  • 4 months later...
Guest spock27[at]hotmail[dot]com


I just find that all the CD's of the series "Distance to Goa" are amazing. I

just begun with the CD 1, then I heard the second whic was great too. By

chance, one week ago I was able to hear the two cd's of the Vol. IV and the

Vol. IX and it's still great, not monotone at all in my humble opinion. The

vibes are there and the tracks are carefully chose.

I didn't know that there was still a public for this kind of old techno, but I

just stay open to the same sonic waves. Trance Goa rules. If you like Trance

Goa ,try the sample "hypnotics sounds vol. I" which is great too :-)

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Good compilation...Everyone by now already have if not every track but at least




  • 2 weeks later...
Guest KiyaN[at]goatrance[dot]com

"Angelic Particals" by Hallucinogen...a must have

  • 4 years later...

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