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V/A - Dragonfly Classix 1

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V/A - Dragonfly Classix 1


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Artist: Various

Title: Dragonfly Classix 1

Label: Dragonfly

Date: 1997


Track listing:


CD 1

01. 06'21" Total Eclipse : Aliens

02. 06'48" Hallucinogen : LSD

03. 06'36" Omputer : Space Midi

04. 07'39" Doof : Double Dragons

05. 08'30" Phreaky : Tornado

06. 07'38" Green Nuns Of The Revolution : Optimum Creakage

07. 07'03" Man With No Name : Teleport

08. 08'00" Black Sun Feat Bryan Barret : Cosmic Courier

09. 05'53" Genetic : Trancemission

10. 09'12" Black Sun : Fat Buddha


CD 2

01. 06'37" Mandala : Utopia

02. 07'03" DMT : DMT

03. 07'51" The Infinity Project : Time And Space (Black Sun Rmx)

04. 08'01" Baba G : Dig A Jig

05. 06'45" Black Sun : Ligea

06. 09'58" Space Tribe : You Can Be Shiva

07. 09'11" Elysium : Trancelestial Psychobabas

08. 10'23" Chakra And Avi : Insignificant Form Of Life

09. 05'44" The Infinity Project : Time And Space




This is awesome. 100% pure goa tracks. If you were only to buy just one

compilation of goa

this should really be it. What can I say ... there are 16 really good tracks

on this one.

The only tracks I find mediocre are from Black Sun (and the remix by them on

Time And Space).

The name of the album says it all, these are real classics. Just watch the

track list and

see for yourself. Just tracks 7 and 8 on cd#2 are worth the buy. Have a

listen 2:45 into

'Insignificant form of life' and 4:50 into 'Trancelestial Psychobabas' and

decide for

yourself ... Genetic: Trancemission is another really cool track with an

excellent sample.

'He was holding back, he wasn't being cooperative, he wasn't giving me the

information I

needed, uhh, evasive, and finally I felt that he was playing games'. Thank

you Dragonfly

for this one!

Guest ChrisdeeACiD

Hmmmm.. Very Very strange. I´ve got a compilation that contains the exact same

tracks in the exact same order but the name is different ("A Voyage into

Trance vol.2"). Strange? ;- hmm.. anyway. As "deku" said. This is 100% pure

GOA! !All tracks here really are classics. Love the first CD except "Cosmic

Courier" and "Trancemission" which is are very booring. "Aliens" with Total

Eclipse is the absolute best one. Just perfect. "Double Dragons" and "Space

Midi" are very great too. I love that "goa" sound in Space Midi =) The second

CD is also high quality goatrance from the old days ;) "Utopia" blows me away

when it starts of at 1 minute! ohhh. The only track on this CD that does´nt do

it for me is "You can be Shiva". It definitly sucks. "Insignificant Form Of

Life" just is too damn great. Just listen to that mindtwisting sound at 4:20.

Magical... "Time and Space" is´nt the best one =( Even though I´ve allways

liked The Infinity Project. 8/10

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest tb[at]biogate[dot]com

All the superb classics from the dragonfly-golden-days. Essential. Get it. - TB

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest man from the atom

1st cd rules, 2nd cd is okay. alltogether 8/10

just remember, this is not fresh stuff here, it's from back in the day. but

it's filled with lovely stuff!!

Guest jan56[at]sol[dot]no

Friggin great musci!!!!!!!


Old superb full-on GOA! and no need to say that TOTAL ECLIPSE has the greatest

song: Aliens!!!!!!!!

  • 1 month later...
Guest Ehsanur

I bought this by an accident,but what a luck! Two

cd's containing some of the finest goa-trance and its all

classic! I totally agree witth the one above who claimed

"Aliens" to be the greatest song ;-) This is what goa first meant to me; fast

,full-on and great melody. Total Eclipse starts of a spiritual,psychedelic and

a musical

journey. But this is not fine ambience a la Shpongle or

Mysteri of the Yeti 1 &2. No,this is party music for all that its worth. I have

alot of favorites on the two cd's,let me tell you all that none of the tracks

are really bad,but some of them can be a bit boring (e.g the Black sun songs)

which sound a bit same. Not lame. But I have to give them credit for "Fat

Buddah" which I believe

have some of the nicest,purest melody ever put into a

tune. The Omputer-track is great and a bit funny,while there are real good old

songs here like Posfords "L.S.D" and Phreaky's "Tornado".WOW!!! I have never

cared so much for Man With No Name's music,but "Teleport" I must admit its a

great song.

The second cd is also splendid,with the opener :

"Mandala" ....oooo I feel like walking down the

dusty roads of Katmandu. Another track that blowed

my mind was Space Tribes :" You can be anything".

I felt like I was chanting and dancing with the munks

in a small Buddhist-temple beneath the blue skies of

Himalay. From what you can read,this music is highly

mind-altering and perfect for dancing or chilling,maybe

with a big fat chillum by Your side ;-)) It sure works,I know it did for me.

Do I need to tell about the Infinity Project,the Elysium,and the Chakra And

Avi songs? Superb! YOu know,these songs made me listen to Goa

so I am getting a kind of emotional,but I know a cure:

JUST BUY IT! Its worth the name of the label,that means: I just love

Dragonfly,dont you? 10/10


Bom Shankar-Ehsantrium

Guest SpaceCowboy2002[at]hotmail[dot]c

Some tracks on this double album are pretty typical, making it a good example

of trance. Most are average to slightly above average, but several stand out

above the rest, and are good enough to make it a truly worthwhile compilation.

It is a very good introduction to the goatrance genre for the neophyte, and

has the potential to get decent airtime in the collections of veterans.

Overall, it has a firm footing in the door of fine goatrance. 7.5 out of 10.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest LaGoaTrance

10/10.The best Goa Compilation. Nothing else to say.

  • 1 month later...
Guest robgoatrance[at]libero[dot]it

Fantastic production from dragonfly rec. I love this cd!

cd1 have beautiful trax like 1,2,3,4,7,9; cd2 trax 4,5,6,7,8! Buy this cd! The

best tracks is hallucinogen - LSD And MWNN - teleport.

Rating 8/10

  • 1 month later...
Guest Goa Sage

I bought this compilation mainly because it was cheap and contained a few

interesting artists, but after a few tracks I was amazed by the quality of the

music! The nostalgic sound from the early 90's is so intense and honest in a

way! "Double Dragons" by Doof is the best track, followed by Chakra And Avi's

"Insignificant Form Of Life", Posford's "LSD", "Aliens" by Total Eclipse,

MWNN's classic tune "Teleport", the "DMT" track and Elysium's "Trancelestial

Psychobabas"... Quite a list, huh? :) Wow, I am stunned by this old release.

Nowadays, I listen almost only to Psytrance from 1990-96... This compilation

made me realize that the best tracks were made in the early 90's. I think many

agree with me. A great introduction to Goatrance and a nostalgic trip back to

the good old days. BUY IT! WORSHIP IT!

  • 1 year later...
Guest thanosmusic[at]hotmail[dot]com

just go and bye it. NOW10/10

  • 2 months later...

STUNNING COMPILATION ! Really great collection of the best dragonfly goa trance

classix, although I would put some other tracks instead of some...The best

tracks are CD 1 : 1,2,4,5,6,7,9,10...9/10 and CD 2 : ALL...10/10

  • 1 month later...
Guest niels_knigge[at]ofir[dot]dk

I have this cd with another (better?) cover... hmmm. Well, it'is a super great


Cd1: first track is the Total Eclipse classic, Aliens. It's a fast hardpumping,

melodic trancetrack, great! track 2 needs of course no comments :-), the fact

that it's the number one on top 100 in here should be enough. Track 3 is a

Ofer Dikovsky(oforia) project, and it's also Great, loves it. Track 4 was the

first Doof track I ever heard, and man i was surprised. It begins with a

low-frequency, melody that evolves, but last most track, very nice. Track 5 is

again with Ofer Dikovsky, and the Space Cat Avi Alganati. It may sound to

noisy if you don't like it that way, but i like it. Track 6 is ok, not much

here.Track 7 is another all-time classic, MWNN's Telport, super cool!

I hate all the Black Sun tracks on this cd, and as far as I know he haven't

made a single good track! Track 9 is ok, but a bit too simple in the

construction for my liking.


Cd2: Track one is good, a Postford Project. Track is the same, also ok. Track 3

has been totally wasted by Black Sun, curse on that fool! i dont't like 4 and

5 that much, but track 6 is really cool, with a lot of voices and singing

(weird singing, that is). Track 7 is very weird, but melodic, and I actually

like it very much (and it's Danish, Hooray! ) I really love trck 8, super

duper nice! yhank you Rami and Avi! Track 9 is good also...


All in all a real killer, just except fo the Black Sun tracks (there is four,

come on...) Instead i would have prefered more Hallucinogen, perhaps a UX or

Klling Joke, and then of course Spiritual Healing with The Muses Rapt! (love

that track, it is so wacked)


9/10... (10/10 without Black Sun)

  • 1 month later...

Beside all songs being very good the best ones that simply blow the mind are :



between Chakra And Avi Alargnati, great melody..)

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