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V/A - Drug Therapy

Guest tjtelli[at]earthlink[dot]net

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Guest strykjaern[at]hotmail[dot]com

Xenomorph - ...tool kit murderer oh shit that track is sooooo aaaawesome what

an atmosphere in that song... Well you shouldn't listen to music you shall

feel and experience the track it self.... If you haven't understoud why they

call it trance... Well give it some serious thougts and maybe this song will

cheer you up I PROMISE YOU Don't miss this for anything in the world download

or buy it YOU WON'T REGRET IT so i think it's called (doesn't have the energy

to look at the top) XENOMORPH - THE SILIMANKI TOOLKIT MURDERER!!!! / Please

comment me or come with any other suggestions on hihg valueble tracks email me

at strykjaern@hotmail.com . Last years tophihat everything in the world but

best was PERPLEX ATLANTIS haven't you heard that one you have missed alot.. =)

Cheers mate's /Fredrik Steén SWEDEN

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

very average.the greek people go after the money and not the quality..if they

wanted quality they could have bus or kox box,prometheus or something like

that u get the pouint in the compilation and not that shit xenomorph??where

did this guy cam from???whoever knows about music wont buy this...and acidance

please stop it ok?i am from greece and i dont like the shit u are trying to

pull..u are ruining the scene..irrisponsible people....get quality and groove

and come back...no more enough....

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest stoney[at]plur[dot]be

for info, the aerodance isn't a Jacques Brel cover, I think it's "l'été indien"

by Joe Dassin, I think...

  • 8 months later...

Stoney's right,Popfreak is a cover of "L'été indien". and the best track on the

compilation IMO!! the others are very good too, evil trance destinated for the

dancefloor... and, as the name says it... drugs!! 9/10

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