abasio Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 I remember that I bought this in England for about a pound and I think that was a fair price. Tarantula, I really liked but the rest seemed pretty crappy. It was such a let down at the time as I had really liked a lot of MWNN stuff before this. If he sold out, I can't blame him, money is important but it's just such a shame for the fans that will still listen to his great stuff in decades to come. This got only maybe 2 listens = not good! Quote
Meir0n Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 this album is pretty good, i got it from a friend after you said its: "no that good.." "its clubby.." "he sold his soul for money.." and i must say, the album is very decent. the tracks are colorful, u cant say under any circumstances that the album is cheesy or repeat itslef. maybe i say it becouse you prepared me to a total failure, anyway, i loved it. i give it a 7.5/10. Quote
qa2pir Posted May 13, 2006 Posted May 13, 2006 Seriously... "Serotonin Sunrise" is like an improved version of "Teleport" and "Floor-Essence"!!! And lyrics too Quote
rino Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 Notice how some people, the more they try to appear cool, the more they fail miserably? Martin Freelander is facing the same problem here and there on Earth Moving The Sun. At least on Seratonin Sunrise where singer Mickey Banks is doing the best he can to sound like a bad boy struggling with some really ... really (!) lame lyrics. Please leave such tasks to Massive Attack or Underworld, thank you! But if you like melodic club trance with edge (I'll give Martin that!), you may very well love this album. The above quoted description of "Seratonin Sunrise" couldn't be more true than it is. I simply have nothing more to add about that track. This has got to be in the top 3 of the worst used vocal in an alectronic music track Hall of Shame. But let me write a reflection upon this album, for I see many biased (and too short "reviews")... At the time of this album's release I was 14 years old, and was already familiar with the likes of Man With No Name, Astral Projection and Transwave, mainly because of a one hour TV show going once a week and playing videos of artists producing electronic music. And back in the day, after all the Prodigy, Underworld and Aphex Twin crazyness cooled down, you could see that simple, but cool three minute video of "Teleport". Already then I had an audio cassete with some of Freelander's earlier classics (Teleport, his awesome remixes to Rise's The Single and Disco Volante's Moonraker, Sly Ed, Jack in the Box, Sugar Rush, Evolution, etc...) and I use to play it on a daily basis. Then I remember this dropping. Coming from a city where getting original goa trance CDs is an equivalent of running across the Asian continent in one afternoon, it was only natural I pulled on my mom's sleeve until she bought e this CD! And boy was I happy, I thought I just climbed the top of the world. While I'm at it, I also remembering buying the Goa Head vol. 4 double CD on the same occasion which was miraculaosly also there. And man I use to play Earth Moving the Sun night and day! I use to think that this was the finest music I have ever heard. (Un)fortunately my euphoria didn't last too long because a few months later I'd taken a trip to Italy where I got acquainted with other artists through endless crate digging in neglected record shops. Now what does this have to do with anything? It does. It does because remembering now, I can perfectly understand why I cherished this album so much: it had those over-the-top melodies, it was happy, loud, and very, very dance friendly! I even use to write my homework with a smile on my face when I listened to this album. Tracks like "Possesed", "Own the World", "The Breech" and the obligatory head nodder "Tarantula" all sounded amazing. And to be honest, they still do. Last summer, at the O.Z.O.R.A. festival in Hungary, I saw Martin Freeland play "Possesed" live at around 6 in the morning, and let me tell you, if there was a roof over that place, that would have been the point of its demise. And I don't even want to mention all the numerous times that some other tracks from this album (virtually all of them except the two pointless interludes, the ambientesque "Treacle", the above mentioned peace of garbage, anf the honestly 100% pop sounding "The First Day (Horizon)) that I have heard during the last few years at various parties and festivals. Not one time have I heard a single person dissapointed or just standing still!!! Man With No Name is one of the all time most played producers at festivals... ever!!! Looking at this album today, I very much understand how somebody can call it trash; this sounds like a kindergarten choir compared to todays's groundbreaking production, but it even pales when compared to a lot of albums from that era (don't wanna count 'em now), but does anybody really think it was Martin's intention to compete with the unbeatable psychedelic madness of let's say Hallucinogen or Cosmosis? Man With No Name delivered a very easy listening, easy digestible and club friendly album, packed with simple but effective melodies and cool sounding rhythms. On the other hand, "Earth Moving the Sun" was one of the rare albums which could easily successfully appeal to goa trance freaks as well as to occasional trance listeners or fans of the whole "uplifting" trance scene. No doubt about that. Tracks like "Own the World", "Possesed" and "Vavoom" were played by goa/psy DJs worldwide and even today are oftenly spinned on some old school parties, and I don't personally ever recall anybody shouting at the DJ that he's a sellout because of putting them on. But take for instance "Vavoom" again (which even got played by some mainstream DJs) or "Parallel Universe"... they could easily be injected in a non-psy trance set. Hell, I even see "The First Day", no matter how horrible it may be, getting played to a mainstream crowd. So, in conclusion, even I today find myself laughing when listening to this thinking back on how madly was I in love with this album. Not that my favorite tracks from this CD sound ridiculous tody, I still like them! But of course I don't recognise this as a classic or an essential release. No way. But I wasn't always like I am now, and I have much matured in taste, and this pales in comparison in just about everything when compared to my beloved Etnica / Pleiadians group! But I ask you: just stop pretending that you were always all knowing trance freaks and remember the time that the sounds of "Vavoom" blasted through your speakers... Magic!!! Once again, this may sound ridiculous looking at it with modern eyes and judging it with modern criteria, but for those of you who were there, I just don't want to believe you that you didn't think Man With No Name wasn't cool. This album is not in any way a milestone in the psychedelic trance scene, but it's going to be a while before we get rid of and forget some of these mesmerizing tracks. Boom! Quote
Tox Posted January 12, 2007 Posted January 12, 2007 Very nice review rino & I agree that MWNN is just in a legue of his own !! Quote
Jon Cocco Posted January 14, 2007 Posted January 14, 2007 HIGHLIGHTS: POSSESSED, VAVOOM, OWN THE WORLD, THE BREECH. Quote
rino Posted January 14, 2007 Posted January 14, 2007 HIGHLIGHTS: POSSESSED, VAVOOM, OWN THE WORLD, THE BREECH.And I would add "Tarantula" to the bunch... See how this album gets back at you? That's excatly what I was trying to prove. While the highlights of this album are at times sky-high, the low ends of this album are frustrating and annoying whenever you hear them, like "Seratonin Sunrise" for example... Quote
Jon Cocco Posted January 19, 2007 Posted January 19, 2007 MAN WITH NO NAME - EARTH MOVING THE SUN 1998 FULL REVIEW 01. VAVOOM - B+ 02. SERATONIN SUNRISE (MVO MIX) ... B- 03. CAMOUFLAGE ... C- 04. OWN THE WORLD ... A- 05. THE FIRST DAY (HORIZON) ... C- 06. TREACLE ... C 07. POSSESSED - A- 08. PARALLEL UNIVERSE ... C+ 09. SPAGHETTIFICATION ... C+ 10. TARANTULA ... B 11. THE BREECH ... B+ INTRO: This 2nd album by MWNN starts off really well. It dips and shoots for the stars multiple times before arriving at a safe place. This is not your usual goatrance album. For starters there are some very strong and just as week songs on this album. Two songs include singing to goatrance (!). There are two interludes. And as if that doesn't sound typical, all this album needs is two babies! NEGATIVE: When I first heard this album back in 2000 I hated it. I liked few songs, tracks 1, 4, 7, and 11. I found others average and below. I hated the singing in track 2, (and probably track 5 also but I forgot about that track, shows to go how memorable it was). I basically stopped listening to the album for years and one day I had the urge to come back to it again. Update Negative/Positive relative to 2007 begins: The interlude at track 3 seems interesting at first before degenerating into repetition the more it progresses. It seems out of place here, pushing the good songs further apart as opposed to keeping us captivated. There are also two songs with singing that never sat well with me, but the one that is definitely the lesser or the two is Track 5, The First Day (Horizon). I had completely forgotten this song existed until hearing this album the other day. The song is too popish and clubby. It brings down an album comprised of such imaginative songs and parts. To bottom it all off there's one goatrance (can we even call it that?) song without lyrics called TREACLE that should be called TERRIBLE because that's basically what it is. It's weak to the point it shatters in comparison to virtually every song without lyrics (including the interludes!!) here. Cheesy tracks like 6 weren't necessary, but I can understand the artists attempt at getting some mainstream recognition. Sometimes however it's good to create more mystery as opposed to appear as if you're trying to get famous or create stardom within the same GOATRANCE (!!) track you create. Just an assumption because the best work on this album is not these tracks by a sure shot. Some people actually liked track 2, the first goatrance song with singing very much. Nonetheless, those voices distract from the good music, especially somewhere around the middle where the song seems to be taking us somewhere with its catchy ambient notes. I never liked the songs with verses because I find the mind works best via goatrance when you don't have a voice distracting and affecting your state created by the waves of sound. POSITIVE: Around those hit-and-miss tracks however are some really awesome songs! Not only that, these are some of the coolest goatrance songs I've ever heard. Earth Moving The Sun is a good goatrance album because it holds a good number of great songs. I used to not like this album (my first review on page 1) but I was focusing on the negative. The positive is so special and fun in this album and the negative is so well, disappointing and lacking relative to the greatness that just like with the first album...I wish he avoided the fillers and made a masterpiece. This follow-up to 1996's Moment of Truth is a big improvement to an album which had only 2-3 great songs on it. The ideas behind songs 1, 4, 7, 10, and 11 are great. Several of these songs are just awesome, several have moments that are unforgettable in how catchy they are too. The handful of goodies aren't just good, they're great! This was the MWNN's last goatrance album and because of the positive I'll never forget it. IN CONCLUSION, the good is so great and the bad is so disappointing that I always seem to revive those feelings of love, hate, and frustration each time I listen to this album. As years past I ignored the entire album just because of the disappointments. Fortunately with todays technology we can make playlists and hear great songs back-to-back. This as opposed to being reminded by the weak ones by manually skipping them in the cd player. Regardless, I've generally gotten better at focusing on the positive as I've grown up. When a song is that bad or average you often forget because you don't care to remember it. There are such great songs, full of character, energy, imagination, and zest! I don't want to avoid an album because a couple songs are average and below. If anything, the annoying songs gave us a good debate back in the day. Now days who cares. The once great songs are now classic in a genre that never knew the definition of limits. 01. VAVOOM - Great dance song!! He mixed a mainstream sounding main melody with goatrance melodies to create an excellent, climactic dance song!! 02. SERATONIN SUNRISE (MVO MIX) - At first back in 2000 I hated this song, but it isn't bad at all. The voices are alright, lyrics are so-so but they make the song unique and different. Musically the song is good. 03. CAMOUFLAGE ... A barely interesting interlude that doesn't sound necessary or catchy. If it developed into a longer chill song that would have been better. Add some substance to it!! 04. OWN THE WORLD ... Yet another great goatrance song that's highly danceable. This great song becomes excellent around half way through. I'm not joking!! 05. THE FIRST DAY (HORIZON) ... I don't like this song at all. It's too popish and clubby. The voices don't sound good either. What he's says and how he says it sound both uninteresting and unappealing. This sounds like a filler in relation to Seratonin Sunrise. 06. TREACLE ... Pointless. I've always found this song so boring and uneventful. The sounds used have never been appealing to my ears. 07. POSSESSED ... Yes!! This is arguably the best MWNN song to date. I love how hynotic it sounds as the wave moves up and down. The melodies keep changing, altering. They're so catchy and well constructed. More layers are added, the song is psychedelic, stylish, has key changes. It's awesome! 10 years later I love it! He should make more awesome songs and attempt to top this one with something amazing and completely different sounding!! 08. PARALLEL UNIVERSE ... Not good after hearing Possessed. It isn't bad. Some melodies are nice but they aren't anything special sounding. The song drags the more it progresses IMO. 09. SPAGHETTIFICATION ... Ahhh the second interlude. I actually really like this chill, downtempo-ish, ambient song...well until it ends. Why did he not further develop and lengthen this?? The melody conveys a certain emotion to it, almost sad.. It brings me into it. I get into this song and suddanly some sounds are removed which signals the end. This could have been such a great chill, ambient goatrance song. It feels like a tease more than an interlude. Seriously, he could have put a track as great as AZYMUTH on this album but no. 10. TARANTULA ... Good song. This reminds me of the goatrance, well done inspired version of that repetitive, famous house club song, "The Perculator" because of it's deep psy hook that continues throughout. It's catchy, very danceable, and good. It doesn't really develop that much or seem that intricate or very goa to me. It maintains a strong catchy rhythm throughout. 11. THE BREECH ... Badass way to end the album!! This is such a strong, interesting, cool, mysterious, and characteristic song. I love that part towards the end when *WHOOSH-BANG!!* the music returns in a suddan rush. Great ending! HIGHLIGHTS: POSSESSED, VAVOOM, OWN THE WORLD, TARANTULA, THE BREECH. SCORE: B or an 8.5/10 Quote
LSDan Posted January 27, 2007 Posted January 27, 2007 This album is terrible. The guy is really talented. What was he thinking. I liked one track on the whole thing. I feel like I've really wasted time on this. I'll stick to his other stuff :-) Pop cheese Quote
Mindphilux Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 I love MWNM... but I have a hard time getting into this CD. There are some real standouts... but as a whole it's very hard for me to enjoy. Half of that reason is because of the 2 vocal tracks, and the other half is the couple non-vocal tracks that seem just dull. The stand outs make this CD worth owning, especially is you're a MWNM fan... but those vocals... Quote
abasio Posted February 13, 2007 Posted February 13, 2007 I bought this ages ago & didn't like it. Some of the tracks were pretty cool but I felt there were too many fillers. Maybe my opinion would change if I heard it again but it's one of many CDs I keep 9000 miles away from me so I can't listen to it Quote
yerg Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 I'm listening to the whole album right now - and IT IS SO FRESH even 9 years later. Quote
AlieNed Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 fanstastic album the only thing that made me confuzed is that it was released on perfecto recs , a lable own by Martins friend Paul Fuckenfold despite this fact , this is my fav album from MWNN Quote
Sideffect... Posted December 31, 2012 Posted December 31, 2012 Man With No Name – Earth Moving The Sun - (1998) Speaking of an entire good release Man with no name provides us hear with some good tracks but imo not with a good release. Although he starts stunning good with "vavoom" which is one of my favorite trance tracks. The next tracks are less then mediocre, "own the world" does it a bit better. But the rest voices singing pfff etc... It doesn't fit! Back to Vavoom which is imo the perfect combination of trance and goatrance. A morning trance track which is very gentle, not uptempo and inspirational. Those trance waves combined with the goatrance spirals combine perfectly. Like I said before after Vavoom it's waiting, waiting and waiting. And then suddenly "Possessed" just fucking (sorry for the language) blows me away. What a goatrance track, especially for 1998. What a production and strength This is not only good for on the dance floor but playing this at home as loud as you can is an absolute must. Very convincing melodies and a good strong baseline with "die hard" climaxes. There are still some tracks to come so fingers crossed. But it's not happening. "Parallel Universe" is good, the same quality but nothing original anymore. Only "The Breech" is a nice trance track to fade out the release and floats quiet. Discogs: http://www.discogs.c...un/master/45618 Quote
johnb820 Posted February 9, 2014 Posted February 9, 2014 I've been listening to this album a lot lately. While some things about these songs seem to miss some of the more interesting aspects of Moment of Truth and other MWNN songs, I can't fault Martin for bringing the energy and melodic craft. Own The World and Tarantula are so powerful. Vavoom! and The Breech have nice entrancing moments. Quote
GagaISM Posted July 7, 2014 Posted July 7, 2014 A mixed bag, but Possessed has to be one of the best Man With No Name tracks ever. Quote
Manuser Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 Agree it's a mixed bag, really inequal, track 2 is terrible because of the vocals, vocals are not necessarily a bad thing but here it sounds bad to say the least. I don't understand the hype about Possessed, ok it's energetic but i don't like the cheesiness, it's not bad but not great either. Vavoom is the best MWNN track ever, really a beauty that set too high standards for the rest of the disc. Own the world is a brilliant track. Parallel universe as well. That said, too many fillers (nothing special tracks)... on the whole I find this album average. 5.5/10. Quote
Goa-Head Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 You will call me a nincompoop but I prefer this to his 1st. Quote
BASS-O-MATIC Posted April 24, 2016 Posted April 24, 2016 Like many others,I didn`t like it back in the 90`s.Nowadays I listen to it on a regular basis and it is a very good Album with some real Highlights (The Breech,Tarantula,The First Day. Definitly underrated. 7.5/10 Forgot Mainframe on my Japan Edition,best song on the Album.I don`t understand why it is not on the regular one. 9/10 Quote
Blair Thaumic Posted April 25, 2016 Posted April 25, 2016 I've heard that the label interfered with this one, and that Martin wasn't entirely happy with the result. It's still a great album. I even love Seratonin Sunrise, vocals and all. It could be seen as an early crossover between Goa and synthpop. Quote
abasio Posted May 21, 2016 Posted May 21, 2016 Like many others,I didn`t like it back in the 90`s.Nowadays I listen to it on a regular basis and it is a very good Album with some real Highlights (The Breech,Tarantula,The First Day. Definitly underrated. 7.5/10 Forgot Mainframe on my Japan Edition,best song on the Album.I don`t understand why it is not on the regular one. 9/10 Japan often used to get a bonus track. I'm bit sure why, it could have been the CD market here was so much stronger, still is too, and prices were so high that they felt Japan deserved that little bit more Quote
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