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Ticon - Electricity / Skunk Funk

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Ticon - Electricity / Skunk Funk


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Artist: Ticon

Title: Electricity / Skunk Funk

Label: Digital Structures

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. Electricity

02. Skunk Funk




So, Ticon is back with a new release after their success album "Rewind". What I

know is that they have been a very attractive act around the globe (espseiclly

for the Germans?) and while also releasing music under their pseudonym "New

Disco Science Alliance" I guess there hasn´t been much time over for the

Ticons. But now they´re back and for all the Ticon-lovers out there, you

woun´t be dissapointed! The A-side, "Electricity", is actually something new

from Ticon. It has a lot of new ingredients that you aren´t used to hear from

Ticon. Ofcourse it´s progressive and the "Ticon-kick" is there which has a big

part in making this track a floor-filler, but you aren´t used to hear

beautiful melodies that brings up sadness/emotions on you (atleast not for me)

that you can find in this track. I got the feel as I get from some of the more

atmospheric Logic Bomb stuff I´ve heard rescently. When I looked at the

release notes on this one I read that it would be "new style Underworld l!

ike floorfiller"!?! And yes, you can clearly hear what they mean, it´s the

voice-samples :). There is a looped sample added in big parts of the track

that sounds exactly like taken from Underworld. Very fun to hear that Ticon is

evolving, in a good way aswell. Ofcourse I think this Underworld sampling

stuff woun´t be a ingredient in forthcoming releases, but it´s nice to hear

some experimenting which makes the track quite unique. Give it some listens

before judging it, atleast that´s what I needed to get into the track,

hopefully it will grow on you to. Now it work like an uplifitng bomb for me,

nice :).

"Skunk Funk" is more of a classic Ticon track. A very pumping progressive

Ticon-track witch takes of quite dark and even a little bit scary with warped

industriell effects. But as many Ticon-tracks it´s progresses towards a

lighter and more atmospheric feel. A hard-hitting kick, a lot of effects and

percussions and a beautiful atmospheric/sad melody is what you can expect from

this track, nothing new or unique in anyway but still a very nice Ticon-styled

track. I´m holding the A-side as the current favourite but I like both these

tracks a lot, more then many other releases from Ticon that I´ve heard which

makes this a great release for all lovers of the atmosphere of progressive


  • 3 weeks later...

OK, I finally got the record. The a-side, Electricity reminds me of that

annoying Ìnvisible` song by Underworld, which is one of their worst in my

opinion. Anyway, Electricity is better, but still I think this is one of

Ticons weaker songs, its nice and all, but it´s, i hate to say it, kinda


Doesnt matter, because skunk Funk makes it up easily. One of Ticons best songs,

heavy driving percussion, nice grooves, industrial klinking, little melodies,

INSANE!!!!!!! THe tension just keeps building and building, its one of those

songs where you completely loose it on the dancefloor. 10/10 for this one. I

wont grade Electricity, cause I dont wanna give Ticon a bad grade, cause I

like them.

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