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Entheogenic - Entheogenic

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Guest meec[at]bezeqint[dot]net

I love this album...........

Fresh,and very relaxing ,haven't been at India but it's takes u to this



01."Level One"-Strange and interesting vocal(Arabic-Hindu???),lot of percution

02."Light Ocean Blue"-Quite,more "European" track

03."We are one"-One more time Indian vocal theme,in the middle of the track-is

something that remind 1'st revelation of Alien Project.

04."Beyond Zero"-weird mix of Middle-Easten and Alien....:-)

05."Astral Cave"-Mystic...just to get stoned from this one

06."Liquid universe"-Liquid indeed...I wish I've get pot of this


07."Yage"-The best of this album (for me)-drums make u fly...

08."Earth song"-Strange and "progressive",somehow...remind electronic music

from 80"

09."Absolute love"-Not bad...absolute???



Guest shalom_eno[at]hotmail[dot]com

good album, i liked the samples and the strings.

good for relaxing and very good with smocking and comes good with sex..

BUT thay remind me "shpongle"..

Guest Le Lotus Bleu

Entheogenic - Entheogenic


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Artist: Entheogenic

Title: Entheogenic

Label: 3D Vision Relax

Date: 2002


Track listing:


01. 08'34" Level One

02. 07'41" Light Ocean Blue

03. 07'34" We Are One

04. 06'49" Beyond Zero

05. 07'24" Astral Cave

06. 07'55" Liquid Universe

07. 07'29" Yage

08. 06'49" Earth Song

09. 10'02" Absolute Love




To start, I had to tell that even if Enthéogenic is

musically close to Shpongle ,surely hey're not a Shpongle's

clone. So ,in this album you can hear lots of soft melodies

and nice harmonies relying on acoustic instruments (piano ,

violins, flutes,xylo or vibraphone.) ; men or women

voices ; some ambient or drum n' bass influences and

oriental atmosphere.

It's a very eclectic album in a trance-chill out style.

Level One starts magnifically the album with a great woman

voice ,some percussions ,the melody is played by a kind of


Light Ocean Blue begins with sample of water then a woman

voice arrives and some notes played at xylophone. There's

also melodies coming an oriental guitar (probably a

sitar,i'm not sure) and twisted violin.

We Are One, has some birds singing , men and women voices

at first.This track is more cosmic and less acoustic except

some flute.VULCANIA's also more rythmic by moments.

Beyond Zero starts with drops of water, a women voice

sings.In the second part of the track ,the melody is played

at piano and finally with the twisted vilion sound.

Astral Cave opens on man voice then woman. There's also

children voices. Some notes played at harp ,flute ,sitar

and twisted violin.This track is very rythmic and quite


The first seconds of Liquid Universe are vey relaxant with

water samples. Progesively, percussions come with a xylo

melody. Cosmic sounds arrive in the second part of the

track which confer a nice cosmic feeling.

Yage has in his intro a man laughing and few notes of

vibraphone.Then the music suddenly awake with some percus ,

accelerate and sounds like a dancefloor trance stuff with

lots of different instruments.

Earth Song has some sitar and fulte melody and frequent

woman voice speaking. It sounds less rythmic than the 2

previous tracks but more relaxant and ends with twisted

violin sounds.

Absolute Love got in his intro some sample of 'cigales' or

imitation and oriental guitar with a woman singing. Less

acoustic except in the rythmic and a flute on the second

part, this last track got more cosmic and twisted

electronic sounds.

For its first release, 3D Vision Relax (the chill out

division of 3D Vision) has done a very good choice in

first releasing this album of Enthéogenic.

A recommended album for all fans of chill out and soft

trance music.

Rating :8,5/10

Guest Syre

This is great music. Powerful, happy, thrilling and trippy -Good use of layers

and great flow, just beautiful crafted. I am buying this as soon as I see it.


if u love shpongle u gonna love that for sure

i think it is a bit to much shpongle but .....(same sample...maybe remix)

it is very fine to listen

nice track

almost the 5th


happy to see that the first realeased of 3Drelax is great :)

i m happy it show how the chill out musik grow in the scene

Guest [Anonymous]

A must have for all Shpongle lovers. Some of the most beautiful melodies I've

ever heard. This is the type of music you can put your headphones on and

close your eyes and fall into a deep trance. 9/10

Guest lykos[at]lykos[dot]org

Wow ! Psychedelic trippy downtempo at its best. They even mention Ayahuasca in

their thank you section.


Absolutely love it !!!

Guest romaine[at]romaine[dot]org

I can continuously listen to this album with my eyes shut without ever getting


This is one of the better discs I?ve heard in quite some time. This album will

take you on a journey, and a great journey it will be. A brilliant work

Guest tristana[at]oninet[dot]pt

Utterly beautiful electronic and organic music all combined together in an

amazing harmony, . The more you listen to this album, the deeper you get into

it. Each song is an captivating aural experience of beauty. Highly recommended

Guest dani.eden[at]clix[dot]pt

It's like watching a well-made, complex movie. Each time you listen to it, you

get more and more out of it, which makes you like it even more.Beautifull

trippy melodies intertwine into an epic composition. This really moved me.

Each track is full of originality and feeling. Rating 10/10

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest disappointed

I can't see what one can find in this. It sounds like an emulator demo cd, with

a true lack of material. An album which bring nothing new, far away from

Shpongle, far far better than this one.

Guest tasha[at]imago[dot]hr

haaaa...... for me the best ambient album out so far this year. Will be

with me on summer vacation. 9 /10 beautiful.........

Guest sviva[at]sviva[dot]net

Wouldn't compare it to Shpongle, Entheogenic is more melodic and somehow

deeper, the emotions are not the same.

More of a spiritual trip, puts me in a very relaxed peaceful mood. Great

album !

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

I love it, best ambient this year. Hope to hear more

  • 2 weeks later...

3D Vision with the surprise chill of the year- excellent organic, psychedelic

and very emotional album- a great opening for their chill out series. I don't

know where these guys popped up from, but apparently while hiding they were

well cooked- good tasty delicious French cuisine with all the expected subtle

complex tastes. I hope I'll find time to really write a deep detailed review

of this great journey, meanwhile I'll highly recommend you all to take it-

complex, mature, diverse, full of raw organic sounds, a real experience for

the mind.


Bottom Line: the perfect chilling for people who really like psytrance.

Favorites: the whole thing.

Guest [Anonymous]

i listened ond loved the album. pure surpise. any suggestions for similar

journeys ?

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest donkeydick[at]bignobs[dot]com

Yes it does sound a bit like Shpongle but who give a shit - stop your

complaining wankers . Shpongle is great and so is this you idiots . And in

some ways this is even better as a "complete" albumn than shpongle's last

effort . This albumn has less "cheese" than the last Shpongle albumn. A+

Guest deanobob[at]hotmail[dot]com

Agreed - also thought "Tales Of..." by Shpongle smelt a bit cheesy . I think

they were trying to broaden their appeal and recover some dollars. Fair enough

- to each their own. Entheogenic thankfully give us the albumn Shpongle should

have released !

Guest [Anonymous]

Entheogenic thankfully give us the albumn Shpongle should have released !

I really like this album and hope they are going to bring us more

great stuff.


For me this is the link (musically-wise) between TIP - Mystical Experiences and

Shopngle. Mystical was very deep and Shpongle was more on the "fluffy new age"

(I do NOT in any way mean this is a bad thing...)side. So if you want half-deep and half-fluffy,

this is the one for you!! Personally, I can't stop listening to it!!!! 10/10!!

Guest Quetzalgoatl

This one is really relaxing, very good chill-out tunes. Not very psychedelic

though. Really enjoyable music

  • 6 months later...

This is a truly beautiful piece of artistry. Entheogenic manages to capture

the essence and ethnicity of nature with there first release, "Entheogenic".

This album is laced with ethnic sounds, ephemeral vocals, and beautiful subtly

soft melodies that all intertwine to create a peacefully relaxing and vivid

journey through the atmosphere of sound. Each song has a character of it's

own while still embodying the vibes created from the songs before. Many

instruments are used in the production of this album: Piano's, Flute's,

Violin's, Electric Guitar's, and of course Synthesizers's...plus many more.

This album is like the musical score of nature, showing it's moods and

beauties through a myriad of melodies and sound. There is a subtle

similarity in Entheogenics work to Shpongles. However the two are very

different from each other where Entheogenic's music is smooth, transitional,

ethnic, and full of different soothing melodies where as Shpongles work tends

to be more varied, surprising, eerie, psychedelic, and complicated. Anyone

who is a fan of Shpongles work should definitely check out this album, it's

almost a certainty that any Shpongle fan will enjoy the musical stylings of

Entheogenic. This is a top quality album that is sure to help heal your soul

in times of stress and take your mind to far off places. This is a must have

for any chill out fan. Final Verdict: 10/10

  • 3 years later...

This is a truly beautiful piece of artistry.  Entheogenic manages to capture

the essence and ethnicity of nature with there first release, "Entheogenic".

This album is laced with ethnic sounds, ephemeral vocals, and beautiful subtly

soft melodies that all intertwine to create a peacefully relaxing and vivid

journey through the atmosphere of sound.  Each song has a character of it's

own while still embodying the vibes created from the songs before.  Many

instruments are used in the production of this album: Piano's, Flute's,

Violin's, Electric Guitar's, and of course Synthesizers's...plus many more.

This album is like the musical score of nature, showing it's moods and

beauties through a myriad of melodies and sound.  There is a subtle

similarity in Entheogenics work to Shpongles.  However the two are very

different from each other where Entheogenic's music is smooth, transitional,

ethnic, and full of different soothing melodies where as Shpongles work tends

to be more varied, surprising, eerie, psychedelic, and complicated.  Anyone

who is a fan of Shpongles work should definitely check out this album, it's

almost a certainty that any Shpongle fan will enjoy the musical stylings of

Entheogenic.  This is a top quality album that is sure to help heal your soul

in times of stress and take your mind to far off places.  This is a must have

for any chill out fan.  Final Verdict:  10/10




Great review man !




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