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V/A - Fahrenheit Project 2

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V/A - Fahrenheit Project 2


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Artist: Various

Title: Fahrenheit Project 2

Label: Ultimae

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. Robert Rich : Somnium intro

02. Solar Fields : Electric Fluid

03. Vibrasphere : San Pedro

04. Khetzal : Glaciales Lacrimae

05. Nuclear Ramjet : Folding Time

06. Aes Dana : Summerlands

07. Chi-ad : When The Effect Came

08. Bhol Baumann : Benares

09. Cell : Keun Yung

10. Mystical Sun : Waters Of Life

11. Robert Rich : Somnium




Whereas the continuous melodic versus minimal debates kinda dominated psytrance

in 2001, psyambient enjoyed a quiet yet eminent popularity increase with a

range of quality releases, hereby somewhat bridging the gap between the

traditional deep and spiritual psyambient sounds with the huge Ibiza chillout

crowd. The French Ultimae label, formerly known as Infinium Records already

made a big impact with the first in the Fahrenheit series and the second, to

spoil the surprise, is also blast. Although a tad less etnic, deep and

spiritual than the average LiquidSoundDesign release, the 11 trax are well

crafted compositions with head and tail. Don't expect any 9 minute perpetual

synths, variation is king here despite the chill only tag. After the Somnium

intro, Solar Fields kick off with an early Orb oriented soundtrack for

spacetravelling (8/10). Vibrasphere contributes with a suberb atmospheric

track with lossy acoustic guitars and a relaxing melody (9/10). Khetzal boosts

the BPMs a tad and mixes melancholic moments with powerful dark synths in the

best Asura/Jaia tradition. Impressive (9.5/10). The Nuclear Ramjet track is

less of a rollercoaster ride but the used synths dripped in dub are decent

enough (7.5/10). Aes Dana implements some etnic influences in a track which

could be instantly on the great Asura debut (8.5/10). Psymaster Chi-AD takes

easily the crown here with a marvellous blend between spacy Pink Floyd/Orb

influences, wicked Gothic synths, backward (!) drum parts and weird dub

samples (10/10). Hol Baumann comes up with an excellent Triphop/DnB chilltrack

where etnic voices, sitars and funky synths give a nice effect (8/10). The

haunting in-your-face Cell track breathes atmosphere and has a clever built-up

ultimately trancending in an impressive wall of sound (9/10). Mystical Sun

restores the peace with a more typical chilly soundscape guided by angel

voices (7.5/10). Gentle dripping rain accompanies the quiet horizontal sounds

of the last tune in which Robert Rich convincingly reproduces an empty and

deserted location (8/10). Fahrenheit part 2 may not be the most sophisticated

collection of chillout sounds available *sigh* Posford and friends *sigh* to

reach the often proclaimed higher level of consiousness, nevertheless the

varied saturated trips that explore both darkness and light (the violent

relaxation of Cell, Khetzal, Chi-AD) are true masterpieces and the other

tracks are damn fine ambient compositions in their own right... Overall 9/10

(not an average).

Guest j_j_moura[at]hotmail[dot]com

It's very curious, but the melody in Cell's track "Keun Yung" is very similar

to a fruityloops (a drumsynth-sequencer) sample song... He he... But i have to

say this is a very good compilation...

Guest jeffe[at]freesurf[dot]fr

IMO a very good compilation, down tempo more than pure ambiant stuff. A good

trip !. 9/10

  • 5 weeks later...

oooch !!! pure psy-chill-out mix...really good sounds, really marvellous.

Please, more products, ultimae records team !!!! 9/10

  • 1 month later...
Guest sunbeam[at]ultimae[dot]com

We're glad you all seem to be enjoying it !

The newt compilation will be out in June, right now we're working on a new


Take care all of you.



  • 1 month later...

miam miam this is real psy ambiant for sure

if u want to listen a real psykedelik stuff ! listen to it



  • 2 weeks later...
Guest alex.scheffer[at]wanadoo[dot]fr

Hi there!...


I'm Alex SCHEFFER a.k.a Cell.

Thanks for the comments...


To be continued!!



  • 1 month later...
Guest j_j_moura[at]hotmail[dot]com

this was one of the best compilations in 2001, in my opinion, even if i kidded

with Cell's Keun Yung , i'm really sorry for my commentary... I beg everyone's

pardon for being too hasty in my judgement...

  • 1 month later...
Guest www.isomorphmusic.com

Never get tired of this compilation... if you like downtempo buy this!

  • 6 years later...

V/A - Fahrenheit Project 2





Posted Image



Track listing:


01. Robert Rich : Somnium intro ... N/A

02. Solar Fields : Electric Fluid ... B

03. Vibrasphere : San Pedro ... A-

04. Khetzal : Glaciales Lacrimae ... A-

05. Nuclear Ramjet : Folding Time ... B+

06. Aes Dana : Summerlands ... A-

07. Chi-ad : When The Effect Came ... B+

08. Hol Baumann : Benares ... A-

09. Cell : Keun Yung ... B

10. Mystical Sun : Waters Of Life ... B

11. Robert Rich : Somnium ... N/A



Great compilation. I didn't know Khetzal made music downtempo/Goa Chill in 2001 let alone made music V/A - Apsara. This is great stuff. I've seen the Fahrenheit compilations over the years but payed little attention to them, as I stuck to the Ultimae friendly artists that I most enjoyed like Aes Dana and Asura via their main albums. Until someone mentioned when discussing Hol Baumann in a 2008 thread Hol's song Benares was originally on this 2001 compilation.


In conclusion, Fahrenheit Project Part Two is one of the most solid downtempo compilations out there includes songs by Solar Fields, Vibrasphere, Khetzal, Aes Dana, Chi-ad, Hol Baumann, etc. Need I say more? This is a great compilation. I'm surprised I'm buying and hearing this for the first time now, but better late than never. And btw the Chi-a.d. track sounds like an Indian Eastern downtempo song in part New Age and Goa influenced and in another part slight funk/techno edge via Crystal Method and Chemical Brothers. It's excellent! And that's right before one of my favorite downtempo tracks ever! This is a fantastic compilation. If the others were this strong, I'd buy them too.



Favorite tracks: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.







Samples won my attention: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=2345

Unfortunately the album was unavailable to buy.


Fortunatley, Ultimae is smart enough to put a handful of their albums on Amazon MP3 so I decided to order it in great quality below for $8.99. :)



  • 4 weeks later...

Why have you rated Robert Rich - Somnium as N/A? What does that mean? You didn't get those tracks on the download? I know it's not the full 7 hour version but I thought they were great and that this is one of the best in the Fahrenheit series. The Vibrasphere track is the best I have heard from them. Great stuff all round :D

  • 3 months later...

The second project sounds much much better than the first one. I fell in love with most of the tracks immediately.


Some thoughts:


1/ Robert Rich - Somnium (intro) - a beatless intro. 5/5

2/ Solar Fields - Electric Fluid - sounds much better than what i heard from him on first compilation. Atmosphere is liquidy and very relaxing. A huge build-up with SF's trademark melody is simply magnificent accompanied by 303's :) Stunning track and the beginning of the whole compilation. 5/5

3/ Vibrasphere - San Pedro - it starts off with a melody, straight bassline and didge-samples vibrating here and there - awesome. Then guitars follow - not the fast electric ones - but soft and slow ones - the strings only not the riffs. B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. 5/5

4/ Khetzal - Glaciales Lacrimae - the most mesmerizing beginning of all with its trancey pads and echoing percussion - then it all develops along the vortex bass and some beautiful background melody. Khetzal - is a son of trance-spirit :wacko: 5/5

5/ Nuclear Ramjet - Folding Time (ambient version) - this track was pretty annoying as there was no realisation or deepness as it was in the previous ones - so let it be a coffee-pause-track. 2/5

6/ Aes Dana - Summerlands - starts out with a voice of a tired woman, a soft 4/4 rhythm and dripping sounds enter making this track somewhat interesting. A nice effort but i think his track on the first compilation was way better. 4/5

7/ CHI-AD - When The Effect Came - again voice samples - like a tribal chant, a background effect sounds like a distorted rain, and then we can hear an uplifting melody - wow, it sounds brilliant. Suddenly the melody fades away and the beat changes - and the whole mood of the track changes with it - becoming more dub-punk than etno with 303's on the back. Later both themes mix one into another. Absolutely fantastic and i must say CHI-AD is a very talented person - it sounds complicated and catchy at the same time. I love it. :posford: 5/5

8/ Hol Baumann - Benares - this track entered his 2008 album "Human" which i consider to be one of the best chill albums of the past year. Though it sounds a bit different from an album version - anyway a great track and i like the voice in here very much. 5/5

9/ Cell - Keun Yung - hm... - it sounds really deep with almost invisibile/unhearable 4/4 rhtyhm. Tracks like this need more time to get appreciation from a listener. It's definitely interesting. Journey music - you know :mellow: 5/5

10/ Mystical Sun - Waters Of Life - minimalistic ambient. It just gets lost among other giants on this compilation. 3/5

11/ Robert Rich - Somnium - not just a beatless outro. Nothing can beat a flute on the rainy misty day. 5/5


Best productions come from Solar Fields, Vibrasphere, Khetzal, CHI-AD, Hol Baumann, Cell and Robert Rich.




boring, boring, boring imho

its all the same really, the changes in the songs are not enough evident,

and its always the same kind of changes, you can see it coming way too long, and then when its there, im like, okay, whats next now, but it doesnt changes

of course theres some good moments, but all put together, its dissapointing

tough, kethzal and Nuclear Ramjet are really fun to listen to

but haul bauman song is just, aaaaa i dont know, i find it pretty cheesy actually

and robert rich song are IMO really good! a lot like the last two songs of mydogan, i love it and the solar field song is okay

so actually, there 5 songs out of ten that are listenable

the cgi-ad songs does not make me feel good, its nor grooving, not relaxing, its just well produced, but really the melodies are boring, apart his beginnings of song

maybe this is good to go to sleep, but almost every downtempo is nice

and in fact, aes dana song is awsome, but still...


i have to say that tough, all the beginning of every song are a delight but it doesnt change after that, it keeps evolving, but not fast enough, but sometime i dont care, like with ishw, but here, there something that doesnt feel right, nothing here sound natural, its all too metodic


to Myrphy:

I think before listenning to any downtempo release there is a big chance that music won't make it for you just because you're not in the mood. I mean - - downtempo is slow and it needs a deeper insight. If you get the right mood listen to it one more time and you will see how complex and different all tracks are.

for example, i can't listen to chill while being excited - i just don't hear it, and when i'm calm and some techno or psy pump my system it gets really wrong.


so the fomula would be: right mood + right music = right understanding and appreciation


to Myrphy:

I think before listenning to any downtempo release there is a big chance that music won't make it for you just because you're not in the mood. I mean - - downtempo is slow and it needs a deeper insight. If you get the right mood listen to it one more time and you will see how complex and different all tracks are.

for example, i can't listen to chill while being excited - i just don't hear it, and when i'm calm and some techno or psy pump my system it gets really wrong.


so the fomula would be: right mood + right music = right understanding and appreciation

at any moments, ishq or the compilation eclipse or solar field or midnight soul dive, sounds freaking awesome.

almost every dowtempo is relaxing of course its made for that, but when a compilation has nothing really special to offer, well, i rather be in the right mood like you say, and listen to something really exciting yet relaxing... no?


Isn't it pretty normal that ambient tracks don't change direction that quickly?

yes and no, because ambien track like ishq as always changes or the new solar field album, theres lways some sound that are evolving, or like the last two songs of mydogan-kettel, well its always changing a bit


ambient doesnt mean necessarely a static sound, that keep coming back again and again; even if they are relaxing, after 3 minutes, i feel like skipping songs

good ambient should make you whant to listen to every moments, delightfully. well thats my opinion and im sorry to shock people since the farenheits project are sooooooooo mystical around here, and i understand a bit too, but IMO theres really too much good dowtempo, ambient out there to waste my time on okay compilation...like this one


yes and no, because ambien track like ishq as always changes or the new solar field album, theres lways some sound that are evolving, or like the last two songs of mydogan-kettel, well its always changing a bit


ambient doesnt mean necessarely a static sound, that keep coming back again and again; even if they are relaxing, after 3 minutes, i feel like skipping songs

good ambient should make you whant to listen to every moments, delightfully. well thats my opinion and im sorry to shock people since the farenheits project are sooooooooo mystical around here, and i understand a bit too, but IMO theres really too much good dowtempo, ambient out there to waste my time on okay compilation...like this one

Well I was talking about real beatless ambient but I know, I know there are exceptions :rolleyes:


at any moments, ishq or the compilation eclipse or solar field or midnight soul dive, sounds freaking awesome.

almost every dowtempo is relaxing of course its made for that, but when a compilation has nothing really special to offer, well, i rather be in the right mood like you say, and listen to something really exciting yet relaxing... no?

Your subjectivism is killing me.


@mods: sorry for the offtopic, no more


Your subjectivism is killing me.


@mods: sorry for the offtopic, no more

euhh okay lol, but if your not subjective you cant have any opinion

and whats killing you exaclty?

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