Guest defbyCoccO.... Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 - INSANE, CRAZY, RANDOM, POWERFUL, MELODIC, DEEP, TWISTED, FUCKED-UP!!! Like Mr Jon CoccO Said! 7,8/10 Quote
Guest psycosmo Posted March 17, 2002 Posted March 17, 2002 This is great stuff, right up there with Simon Postfords work and Amon Tobin, it seems already, having the CD for only a few days. I have a feeling I'll be listening to this with much pleasure for a long time. Have the producers of this alblum ever worked under any other names? Quote
Guest interested party Posted March 24, 2002 Posted March 24, 2002 Given enough time and enough drugs, VV could turn out to be Israel's answer to Eat Static or even Future Sound Of London...........I approve! Quote
smaug Posted April 14, 2002 Posted April 14, 2002 Wow! What a CD. I really don't know where to begin with this amazing piece of work. It certainly is different than most stuff out there today but in a very good way. My favorite has to be "Inside the glass shell". The whole CD Kinda reminds me of an Infected/Shpongle mix of sounds which makes this CD a must buy. Quote
Guest Diepeveen Posted April 15, 2002 Posted April 15, 2002 I'm getting a little tired when someone says something like: "Drum and bass with downtempo + ambient... not really something new or innovative... i think its just ok... but for kids i think they are doing good." This is so much more than d&b... this is far beyond anything i've ever heard. It's psychedelic and that's the only word that can describe it! I really *DIG* the downtempo tracks... They're so intelligent made! 9/10 Quote
Guest aquamental Posted April 23, 2002 Posted April 23, 2002 What a wonderful release! This is so COOL and is sure to make you bounce around with enthusiasm (in your head, at least). It's more like psychedelic listening music than dance music, like Juno Reactor's fabulous 'Shango' (No, I'm not comparing these two...). Every track is great, but I particulary like 3 (just insane) and 7 (stylistic & easy-going), 8 (great fun). Quote
Guest anyoneisamouse Posted April 28, 2002 Posted April 28, 2002 Only CDs that compare with this one are: Shpongle - Are You Shpongled, Shpongle - Tales Of The Inexpressible and Shulman - Soundscapes And Modern Tales Quote
Guest Lord of Destiny Posted July 19, 2002 Posted July 19, 2002 yesss i like this album! best things: 1. the first sound in Divine Conflict, that sounds soooo good, that alone almost makes the track worth listening to.. 2. the silence followed by a sudden "bang" of sound in tracks 2 & 3 ("we are all children of God") 3. the vocal in track 8 (like that voice..really relaxed), and the vocal in track 5 "this mushroom.." (that guy's really serious...) 'less good';) things: 1. the silence+vocal in #2&3 have exactly the same build-up, "you've heard one you've heard 'em all...." 2. the guitar solo in track 8, don't really like it...that's a pity cuz the first half of the song is very good! 3. the vocal from track2 (inside the glass shell..), doesn't make me feel good.. favorite tracks: 1,2,3,5,6(),7,first half of 8, and i haven't listened to 9 & 10 very well so i can't really say... rating: 8.5/10 and if i hadn't already downloaded the entire album i'd buy it (now i'm going to listen to the first sound of Divine Conflict again...) Quote
Guest thyran[at]hotmail[dot]com Posted July 20, 2002 Posted July 20, 2002 Why isn't this album recommended? I bought it yesterday...and i must say, the music fits the great cover! The entire album is one big trip...the weirdest melodies...very very original..i dont like drum and bass...well this album has drum and bass infuences, but they actualy go very well with rest of the album...So get this album and start trippin'!!!! Quote
Guest Lord of Destiny Posted July 22, 2002 Posted July 22, 2002 second review now, this time i've listened to trax 9 & 10 a little closer.. 9 is not really a moving track, the only good thing about it is the scream at about 6 minutes... but 10 is very very good!! i can just jump in the air when i hear that track start! (in fact i do, sometimes..=)) tracks i want to listen in whole/favorites : 1,3(now that's percussion!),5(luv the vocals),6(like every second of that one..) 8(!! too much good things to write all down ),10(!!masterpiece jus' like 8) that's i am not going to post a third revieuw...just one question, does somebody actually líke tracks 2 and/or 4??? Quote
Psychosis Posted March 13, 2003 Posted March 13, 2003 This album is so innovative and fresh. Its like an industrialized - Breakbeated - Drum & Bassafied version of Infected Mushroom....I love the sound. Very unique and interesting. A must buy for anyone looking for something new and fresh. The tracks are very different from each other (no repetition)...the production is awesome and the music is down right genious. I HAVE NO CLUE WHY THIS ALBUM ISN'T RED LIGHTED!!!!!!!!! 10/10 Quote
Jon Cocco Posted December 1, 2008 Posted December 1, 2008 Violet Vision - First Sign Of Communication BNE 2001 Track listing: 01. Divine Conflict 02. Inside The Glass Shell 03. Fingering Nuns On Mars 04. 3 Martians 05. Sense 06. Violet's Vision 07. Momentary Lapse Of Consciousness 08. Substance 44 09. Grey Matter 10. Panic Disorder First Sign Of Communication is more original, cutting edge, and refreshing today than almost anything that released in 2001 and few PSY and Downtempo albums since. At times the album sounds like what a Hallucinogen downbeat album could have sounded like to some degree, at one time or another. First Sign Of Communication is innovative, interesting, creative, daring, and psychedelic with elements of surprise and beauty. Evolution is BIG here, for those less into progressive trance. This is very psychedelic downbeat and midtempo music with uptempo work too. I wish they continued to develop their psychedelic-break-downbeat-trance-electro-tech-experimental STYLE here as opposed to what came later so far. This is by far their best release to date. Erez of Infected Mushroom mastered it in his prime. When IM was releasing albums that most people considered excellent. I'm not a big fan of how the album begins, though I find it great on a technical level. After the zip/break PSY/electronica opening and break-turned downtempo second number however, my panties start to get wet, starting with track 3. But just a little. They get soaked however as the album progresses. 01. Divine Conflict starts with a strange voice sample coupled with gentle, emotive notes of ambient. Slowly the sound develops. This reminds me of something I'd later hear from FuturePrimitive - Subconsciousness. The beat picks up along with the entrance of psychedelic sounds that are emphasized, crisp. Innovative more or less, drums roll, the tempo picks up with the growing beat and the intricate artwork around it. An emotive sound coupled with hymns and an intriguing interlude from around 2:50 to 3:45 are all well done. The segment from 3:15 to 3:45, before the beat is very floating, spacey! The beat returns with breaks and fresh melodies. New psy sounds are highlighted; they're brought into the forefront of the music. I like that. The song changes tempo, switching up the breaks/no breaks ideas, a varied stylish mix, now moving at a faster beat and rhythm. The song's hard to remember once over because it changes so much. There's enough ideas here to create several interesting songs. The song's unlike anything I've ever heard, it's innovative and catchy and more or less good and/or great! You decide. B+ 2. Inside The Glass Shell begins with strange, altered machine voices. It follows up the previous track nicely so far. Those into those fast break combos will likely enjoy this. Chopped up voice samples and sound effects fly around the moving beat and breaks. Cool articulated sounds sprinkle as if in fast motion. I like the first three minutes of this track. It's very hyper and energetic, crazy, fast. Around 2:57 the entire tempo slows down from hyper crazy to chill, downbeat. An ethnic voice appears in the background to the gentle melody. It's a unique shift into the downtempo realm where the album is gradually developing, less previous in element via the opening track. A male singing voice begins around 4:04 and this is really the only track you'll hear voices like this on. I don't mind it so much but I prefer the otherwise vocal free album. The voice work is soon altered or overlapped by an electronica effect. For the final two or so minutes the song is free of voices. Overall a unique track that goes from crazy breaks/tech electronica to downtempo with gentle singing. Good work but lacks excellence; this is my least favorite track here. B 3. Fingering Nuns On Mars is an elegant, opera-esque downbeat, stylish beauty with breaks, catchy melody/sound work, minor dub influence, and an ethereal, ambient edge, numerous cool psy sounds and more throughout. The beautiful opera voice goes with the music quite well as it evolves. It's unique, as it comes and goes. There is a very chill party around 1:50 too where all sounds fade but a badass beat, rhythm and tone. The song arrests my attention the most so far; it tell one story throughout as opposed to shooting through different transitions to the degree of the previous two tracks. The part around 4:00 to 4:20 is beautiful! Great work! B+ 4. 3 Maetians is great, maybe to see where Prometheous potentially got some of his ideas from before forming own unique style. The track starts out pretty good. It picks up a hard hitting, fast beat a la later-Prometheus into the middle section. The final two or three minutes beginning around 8:52 are just great. These goa melodies evolve with the song as it blossoms with a strong yet slow melody lead around 9:17. The star is given huge support around 9:42. The song sounds like a Simon Postford and Benji collaboration with a touch of something else, a strong emotive tune via Silent Hill maybe from those moody soundtracks. This a great number. The last third beginning around 8:08 is excellent. I'm curious to know what people into Prometheous and Younger Brother's first album think of this one here. B+ 5. Sense is a strong and heavy beat, a catchy and romantic/sexual, downbeat dream number. This is one of the best downbeat numbers IMO. Just listen to it on the samples below. It's great, excellent. A- 6. Violet's Vision is a momentary interlude. 17 seconds. No score. It's too short. This kind of relaxes the senses a little bit in between two big downbeat numbers. 7. Momentary Lapse Of Consciousness is another strong downbeat, downtempo number. It's great; this is another one of those infected, shpongle influenced numbers. Experimental, acidy work surround the less perception altering sounds. It takes time to grow and is just as if not even more attractive in some ways than Sense, though less accessible to the general person. Many cool, little effects and change up plague the chill ridden atmosphere as the beat pushes it through nearly continuous, delecate evolution. Another great, excellent song! beat A- 8. Substance 44 is a more experimental downbeat/tempo number with a faster beat being played within the atmospheric Chill world and feel. Later on the song becomes quite cybernetic, faster, and more driving. The dreamy sounds melt into the drive, thus relaxing the senses as the beat becomes less prominent before a unique interlude. It's catchy! A WONDERFUL, euphoric and soaring downtempo evolution and melody lead suddenly appears around 6:00. Both the change and melody, composure is beautiful. Maybe it's a bit too loud over the beat, but that depends on your stereo I suppose. This is a strong downtempo track filled with passioin, style and substance. A- 9. Gray Matter is the more minimal, crazy breaks/Psy number. The song is dynamic and fast, mostly relying on a breaks/tech emphasis amongst psysounds and tempo/sound effect shifts. It's unlike anything I'm used to. IMO this is one of the less accessible tracks on the album unless you have a thing for breaks. In that sense, it's very cool. The melody/sound work around the beats adds healthy support. I probably wouldn't have liked this song if such work around the breaks wasn't present. Nonetheless, the track's a breakbeat hyper kid. It's quite artistic and raises the bar as to what's been done before with breaks/psy music. B+ 10. Panic Disorder follows up with breaks and adds strong layers of ambient and various, emotive melody/sound work around the stirring beat and breaks. Okay I must say that the first half of this song is outstanding. The second half is good/great and if it was as innovative with ideas and cybernetic energy as the first I'd give this a solid A. The voice sample's compliment the choir. The song from the get-go evolves into an infectious, cybernetic, computerized, sound skipping, brain candy, psychedelic mind trip on melting walls, beat and rhythm. And that's just the first half. As it progresses it seems to calm down a bit, becoming less intense and layered. Overall this is an excellent, dynamic, innovative, and animated closing track. The damn 2:30 sample is okay... it gives no justice to everything I just wrote about it. Big picture: Excellent work! A- In conclusion, this is an awesome release. Not everyone will say so but I think the general reviews here agree. This album is one of a kind in the PSY genre. Will the group please get back to making strong downbeat/tempo albums in the PSY genre please. This is what they're best at. There is actually a huge market for strong downbeat, downtempo albums now days more than ever. The album begins quite experimental, though techinically impressive, and for this reason, I think the general person may not know what to think right away. It takes time to grow as does the rest of the album. Believe me. Nonetheless, as the album progresses, these strong, more-or-less powerful downtempo tracks start coming, one after another. Then the crazy break combos start coming over the downbeat numbers; midtempo work is evolved from previous downbeat drives along with infectious, driving cybernetic computer melodies, psy sounds, ambient, more or less skipping, tripped out and more. The style is imaginative, innovative, groundbreaking, and IMO wonderful, absorbing, and at times infectious. I always forget how strong this album is until I hear it again. If you're looking for strong downbeat, downtempo work, well that begins right after track 4 with exception to track 3 more or less and elements of track 2. There's just so much going on here, and with so much variety in the electroncia/down-mid beat genre, it's impressive. Violet Vision hit so many right cords when they produced this album. They just needed to find their audience and I don't think they found enough people at the time to hang on so they changed their style. I really wish they hadn't and would return to the source of making powerful downbeat/tempo work but for our time now. There's one track with voice work, singing, and that's Inside The Glass Shell. It's not a big deal because I know a handful of people don't like singing in downtempo music with few exceptions, OTT for instance. The majority of this pie is delicious! First Sign Of Communication is one of the best experimental and innovative PSYCHEDELIC down and midtempo albums I've ever heard. Love it or hate it, it's an innovative mind trip with strong beats, melodies, and a plethora of unique concepts that will likely grow on the general psy/downbeat listener. Excellent release! Favorite tracks: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 A- Samples Check BNE's website to see if it's currently available if you like these below. If not, click the "Add to Wishlist" button so that the "wants" come up in their system. http://www.saikosoun...ase.asp?id=2151 The whole CD Kinda reminds me of an Infected Shpongle mix of sounds which makes this CD a must buy. +1 Quote
mephistopheles Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 very nice review Jon Cocco.....and I agree with the things you write..... i ordered this in 2001 based on the samples from psyshop: it was something completely different but very psychedelic!! The album ends in a fantastic way: the last 3 songs are simply brilliant...beyond anything i've heard, even until this day!! unfortunately they went downhill for me....i never got into their second and the new one, well i don't even bother i'm afraid because i fear i already have the best song on it (heaven underground on the Life is...dimensions compilation.....) and the samples sound....well judge for yourself..... Nevertheless this is a masterpiece....way ahead of its time.... ps: i just love the artwork as well!!! Quote
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