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Kingston Wall - Freakout Remixes

Guest pyg-mies[at]stc[dot]cx

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Guest pyg-mies[at]stc[dot]cx

Kingston Wall - Freakout Remixes


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Artist: Kingston Wall

Title: Freakout Remixes

Label: Zen Garden

Date: 2000


Track listing:


01. 00'17" Intro

02. 06'30" I Hear You Call (Possibly Apple Rmx)

03. 03'50" We Cannot Move (Texas Faggott Rmx)

04. 05'29" I'm Not The One (Praktika Rmx)

05. 07'09" With My Mind (Accu Rmx)

06. 07'30" Use To Feel Before (Squaremeat Rmx)

07. 06'22" Palekastro (Mukta Rmx)




Well, this was the record that I had been waiting since last winter - it's a

CD release from a Finnish techno label called Exogenic Records

(http://www.exogenic.com) that includes remixes of songs made by the late

Finnish psychedelic/progressive rock band KINGSTON WALL



OZRIC TENTACLES had their techno-remix CD, so I guess now it's rightfully

KINGSTON WALL's turn. On this album you can hear remixes of those good old


and MUTKA (total of seven tracks of which the first one is 'Intro', seemingy

made by the band members theirself). Some of the remixes are excellent and

some ar not as good, or should I say, not as good when you're not on

psychedelic drugs (err), but there were in my opinion no bad tracks at all,

which was actually a suprise, since usually most remix-CD's fall down when

it comes to "keeping the whole CD in one piece".


My personal favourites were Possibly Apple's "I Hear You Call"-remix, TEXAS

FAGGOTT's _very intense_ Goa2000-rmx of "We Cannot Move" (watch out,

Hallucinogen! :)) and ACCU's extremely talented groovy, even a bit funky,

mainly downtempo rmx of "With My Mind" whereas the other tracks in my

opinion sort

of "forgot" about the original songs and were mostly just psychedelic trance

than KW remixes (well, except for those few riffs and lyrics that were mixed



The biggest downside to this CD, on the other hand, is it's length of only

37 minutes and it is still priced as a full-length CD. But in this case, I

must say that you should rather concentrate on the quality than on the

length. I'm a die-hard KINGSTON WALL fan myself and I just loved some of the

remix-tracks, but those who think that the the third KW album was

too experimental, should be cautious with this one. As for the rest of you,

it's pure Exogenic atmosphere all the way.. freak out!

Guest bobiz[at]ytti[dot]fi

We Cannot Move ruulz, fags are the best.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest parair[at]parair[dot]org

Honestly, I expected more from the album. I thought it might take the hypnoticy

in KW music to a new level. On the contrary, KW III is far more hypnotic,

psychedelic and it's even more trance than this one. And being so, why there

is no KW III remixes?

As pyg-mies I liked the Possible Apple, Texas Faggott and ACCU remixes the

most. The vocal sample on I'm Not The One makes me so sick I can't even listen

to the song. In Palecastro, one of my favourite KW songs, all the best parts

were left out from the remix?

Of course, this is only opinion, but for me this album is merely a joke.

Forgive being negative, but I take KW music very seriously and I think they

would have deserved a more seroius remix. Don't get me wrong, I love also

electronic music and I know the featured artists can do some great stuff.

  • 1 month later...
Guest nekufiili[at]yahoo[dot]com

if you like KW you´re gonna hate this album...

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest god[at]here[dot]now

Freakout remixes is absolutely horrible shit! Kingston Wall is one of the

greatest rock bands in the world ever.

They just don't don't deserve this!!

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest masque

Possibly apple and Squearemeat have done great job, but the others.. uww. Don't

buy this album, if you're not a die-hard-Kingston wall fan..

  • 5 weeks later...
Guest John D.

KW is KW, but some people don't understand this as a tribute from todays

artists to the legendary Kingston Wall. This is a plus not a minus!

  • 1 month later...
Guest *LOVE----ALL-------SERVE------AL

It is ZEN GARDEN PRODUCTIONS and absolutely nothing to doo with exogenic. How

serious is life to someone who is dead? I personally think that the message of

the LORDS in the afterdeath has allways been "NO WURRIES!! YOU ARE A SILLY


  • 4 weeks later...
Guest IIR.O.KIIqRuNgE!!

Kingston Wall is one of the best bands in the world, but freak out remixes is

on of the worst albums in the world. Kw´s singer/guitarist Petri Walli have

hatet this album too, but he suicided somewhere 1995, so he couldn't stop of

making this shit album. ( sorry my bad english language)

  • 2 months later...
Guest zippiwippi[at]jippii[dot]fi

This album is the best way of showing respect of the most professional finnish

underground musicians.

KW would have loved and honoured this great job of these finnish masters!!


NO more judging

  • 2 months later...
Guest Shacker[at]demon[dot]ac

It´s Possible Apple. Not Possibly.

There is spelling error on the album.

The album it self, is a average listening

experience. Few wrelly good tracks, few not

so good. I give 3 / 5 points.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest rastablasta_[at]hotmail[dot]com

Kingston Wall is the best band ever played.it's larger than life. and the most

respectable and psychedelic band ever.I have all of their albums except for

this remix-shit that stinks bad.texas faggot is great tough.

  • 1 month later...
Guest [Anonymous]

WHY??? Why some idiot people do this... i can't even says how bad this album

is.. Kingston Wall is the best band in the world what we have ever seen and

hear.. And Petri is god... only god...... don't do this anymore... and

again.... you had a shame!!!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

Wich is badder, That somebody makes remixses like this.

Or somebody releases remixes like this?

I think that guys who made this album, respected the original band good enough.

I´ts just theyr´e vision of

songs. But i dont know, if this album was very klewer thing to do at all. Few

good works! Some of tracks... eerm, Were you in horry or smthng?

  • 3 months later...
Guest [Anonymous]

My opinion is that KW was the greatest band ever. I think that this remix album

sucks a bit and I don't know for sure if the band would have liked this. But I

think that Petri Walli would have because he liked trance music. (So I've


Guest m[at]edu.kerava[dot]fi

It sucks like no record has never done before...

Guest [Anonymous]

some people just don't get it. first of all, pete walli was very much into

techno music. Kingston Wall even performed live (under a secret name) in

goatrance rave parties. second of all, i think that Pete knew most of these

artists who appear on this album. Third, making an album like this, no matter

what you say, it's still made in honour of kingston wall and the people behind

this album are still professional musicians in the finnish electronic music

scene. and the fourth thing is: DO NOT TAKE THINGS TOO SERIOUSLY. I think that

humour and just HAVING FUN, expermenting with weird sounds etc was a stronge

force within Kingston Wall - if you saw them live, or on bootleg videos, you'd

realize. Walli himself said, even in his last interviews, that you shouldn't

take things too seriously and therefor not all of the remixes are so seriously

made either (or shouldn't be taken too seriously at least).. SMILE, GO ON AND

SMILE! peace!

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