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V/A - Fusion Vs Confusion

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V/A - Fusion Vs Confusion


Artist: Various

Title: Fusion Vs Confusion

Label: Exogenic

Date: 1999


Track listing:


CD 1

01. 05'04" Koneveljet : Polski

02. 07'03" Brothom States : Skje

03. 05'51" GAD : Mellow Yellow

04. 04'26" Phokuz : Malign

05. 05'14" Mac Maviz : Samba De Kivikko

06. 06'44" Holohedral : Thinline

07. 05'47" Praktika : Musiiki Vaikuttaa

08. 03'04" Slomotion Airlines : Miss Lonelyheartz

09. 05'27" Bubble Scum : Fuel On

10. 05'21" Reuna : Heimo I

11. 04'02" Accu : Finger Fuck

12. 04'38" Bonzai Republic : Day In The Jungle

13. 08'37" Maha Ketama : Sheepflock Roadblock


CD 2

01. 06'23" Stanley : Lungdrumma

02. 08'30" Electro Magnetic : I Scream On Mars

03. 07'29" Pelinpala : Roboman

04. 05'25" Time Bees : Extra Life (Extended Version)

05. 08'02" Outolintu : Mind Full Of Tricks

06. 05'45" Kolmiokulmiosilmio : Maudot Laulaa

07. 07'35" Flouro Fantasy : Midnight Duck

08. 06'55" James Reipas : 7 Brothers (Themes And Variations)

09. 06'12" Eraser : Headache

10. 05'13" Texas Faggott : Humour Tumour

11. 07'00" Midiliitto : Pellon Laitaan




A whole grab-bag of sound from Exogenic,

ranging from chill to the tranciest of psy

trance. CD 1 (Fusion) begins with the minimal

ambient sounds of Polski - quiet synths with

a lot of beach samples (seagulls, breaking

waves & the like). I like the way they've

incorporated the "splash" of tide pools as

percussion. Nice track, could be a bit longer.

Trk. 2 is soft electro-ambient for tired ears;

could be an early Warp release. 3 takes an

electro-techno groove & adds slightly

unnerving, yet "mellow" analogue warbles.

Jazzy breakbeat meets the LFO in track 4, &

then we're transported out of chill-land for

a "Samba" with Mac Mavis. Sounds like a dance

competition in a disused, echo filled factory

building. Holohedral - "there's a thin line

between genius and insanity" - yes, there is,

and this walks it unbelieveably well. Slow

breakbeats, fast breakbeats, tribal chanting

(in Finnish?), all kinds of wiggly sounds

coming from any and all directions. Just when

you think you've figured it out, it throws

something totally new at your ears... great!

7 is a slow walk down the streets of Helsinki,

with a biiiig boombox... Dub Pistols on shrooms

;) 8 starts as fucked-up retro-funk, then

turns into a decent breakbeat number. I

would've liked more of da funk, myself... 9 is

Chemical Brothers style (hmm, I'm sensing a

theme here) psychedelia with big drums, wah-wah

guitar & some guy shouting "get your mojo

working". Could be the "hit single" from

Fusion vs. Confusion ^_^ 10 reminds me of

early Transglobal Underground stuff, with it's

trancey/clubby synth and sampled ethnic vocal.

11, "Finger Fuck", is dirty, nasty dub. Music

to perform unnatural acts to, or just nod your

head and grin - each feels equally wrong.

Sadly, 12 isn't nearly as naughty - good dub

atmosphere, but those chopped Amen breaks in

the second half just don't do it for me.

Would've worked better as straight chill.

Finally, 13 is a downbeat track in-fused with

worldly samples; Celtic flute, Tuvan throat

singing, Indian sitar, & some other things I

couldn't identify.

The first track of Confusion starts off a bit

like before; loungy, psychedelic trip hop.

2 is a little hard to describe; it's dark, and

very intense, but not in a "floor-pounding"

way... More like cluttered midtempo, with

breaks and some highly pissed-off analogue

synths. Continuing the slow-but-twisted theme,

we get the slow 4/4 of Pelinpala's wacky

"Roboman". Good use of vocoder, & the theremin

had me looking for Bela ;) 4 brings us into

psytrance; it's funky, has a kickin' bassline,

and even uses "Extra Life" sounds! (Finns and

their Nintendos ^_^) 5 will leave you lost and

bewildered in a land full of bleeps and beeps -

all you can do is dance, and hope for some

sanity further down the road. 6 is Texas

Faggott under an alternate name, with a very

noisy tune... I'm not too fond of it, it has

the TF-sound, but they've done much better.

7 is by Flouro Fantasy, an act that appeared on

"Recreational Drugs"; Midnight Duck is a great

dancefloor track, with a twisty bassline,

staccato percussion, and the usual plethora of

psycho-Finno-Scando sounds. A good sense of

melody (though you couldn't call it melodic)

shows these guys know what they're doing. I

don't know the story behind 8... it sounds

like folk music gone psychedelic. Weird, but

good! Eraser's track is... messed up. Fast

and dangerous sounding, but with incredibly

silly samples (love the Duckman bits!). The

first horror-comedy psytrance? You probably

know "Humour Tumour" by now; when they're good,

Texas Faggott can make the funkiest music

around, and this is no exception. Wicked

drums, a bassline that DARES you to dance, and

a boy's choir that they probably buggered after

the session. Midiliitto end it with their

acid-core-1991-stylee "Pellon Laitaan".

Conclusion: two excellent CD's, different from

anything else out there, but a real audio

adventure for those willing to dig deep.

Finnish Hymns! 8.0


I've been listening to Brothom States tunes since the time he was called Dune

on the démoscene and his style quite evolved during the years. If you are

likely to listen to the quiet electro-ambient style of this small guy, he also

released an album on Warp in 2001 called 'Claro' (very good), an EP also on

Warp called 'Qtio' and an EP on Exogenic called 'Brothom States EP'.

Guest rapuryökäle

This is the all time best finnish compilation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wwweeeerry nnniiicee

Guest avosuuvasikka[at]cyberia[dot]fi

I listend this compilation about 25 times, but still i can`t remember nothing

else exepct this one song. James Reipas track, 7 brothers is the best, because

it has the "patakakkonen" flow, you know. Great Kalevala-stygeee...

Guest VäkäVänhäVäinämöinen

I'm A finn And I usually Hate Finnish Styge..

But this one here is a great Kalevala Styge piece Of art

Guest bombadillo

one of the best compils i own... such a huge range of syles covered make this a

must own...


quirkiness and nintendo sounds on confusion send me into higher states... even

the nordic lagerhall anthem by James Reipas goes off... pushing the cheese




  • 4 months later...

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