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V/A - Future Navigators 2


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Artist: Various

Title: Future Navigators 2

Label: MDMA

Date: 2000


Track listing:


01. 06'56" Infected Mushroom : Wider

02. 07'40" Tim Schuldt : 7

03. 06'28" GMS Vs Earthling : Wheese Balls

04. 08'44" Space Cat : Space Cats (Rmx)

05. 07'35" Talamasca : Telepathic Atmospheres (Live Mix)

06. 07'57" Total Eclipse : Alternatif

07. 08'27" Oforia : Impuls

08. 08'13" Future Prophecy : The Second Room (Rmx)

09. 10'54" Etnica : Trip Tonight (Rmx)




Good compilation again from MDMA-Records with some real killers!! Let's start

with the Infected Mushroom song... it's rather

soft and definetely in the "Classical Mushroom-styl" But the final is good as

always!! Tim Schuldt has also a rather soft song here with lots of guitar, but

I don't like this song very much... (Strange, because normally I like Tim

Schuldt stuff...) After that we get more dance-stuff from GMS... This song is

really good and véry psychedelic!! It's followed by the remix of Space Cats

and this song is a KILLER!! Really great stuff, not really hard but it makes

you fly...

And then there's the most dance-floor orientated song on this CD... the Live

version of the great song Telepathic Atmosphere... It's as good as the

original, but the end isn't as explosive as the original!!

Song 6 is from Total Eclpise and here they show that they are completely back

after their dissapointing album... Many good melodies and a good rhytm!! Song

7 is from Oforia and I really DON'T like that song, it's really too soft and

not Oforia-style... :o(( After that we have the remix of the X-Dream song of

Future Prophecy... Well, it sounds good of course, but it's almost the same as

the original, altough some melodies are different... And the last song is the

bést song of this CD... Etnica released that song already on an EP but now

it's also on CD, and I can only say that song is simply pérfect!! In my

opinion it's even the bést song the Italians have ever made!! So this CD is

certainly worth your money!! In fact it's a crime if you don't have it because

of the Etnica song (and partly because of song 3,4,5!) This gets an 8/10 of me

(because of 2 And 7, otherwise it would have been more...)! Bom Shankar


Oh what a surprise. Future Prophecy remixed an X-Dream song. Guys, don't be

afraid to write your own material; you do have some talent. But that's just

being catty; I'll probably go buy this record anyway to get the Trip Tonite


Guest [Anonymous]

This album was a nice one... Started of with the infected minimal style...the

buildups are very typical Infetced style in the song...goes into tim

shultd..the Gms and Space Cats tracks are lovely... definate dancefloor

killers... Telepatic Atmosphere(live mix) speaks for itself... but trip

tonight is one of the best ones.. I would give this album 7/10

Guest Kuldipsidhu

yes i like this too there is no bad track in this album i like all track even i

like tim's track i have no problem with this album it's realy good 10/10

Guest bauer[at]scheune[dot]net

Very good comp ! Only the Oforia track is not my style but the rest is

fantastic !! Favorites 2,4,8 and of course 9. 9/10

  • 3 weeks later...

i dont agree kodos: this is one of the best comps this year! all track are

great (except i dont like infected track), but total eclipse and etnica are

amazing! also great are oforia, space cat, future prophecy. 9/10

  • 3 months later...

Pretty average comp.... The Etnica and Talamasca tracks are amazing... Infected

is somewhat .... Not infected! :-( ... But all in all this is fairly good...

7.1/10 Bom shankar!

  • 5 weeks later...

Good sounds all round BUT that Future prophecy track has to be one of the most

beautiful tracks I have ever heard and is still X-Dreams best track. I

wondered who it was when Dino laid it down-nice one and worth it alone for

just this track.

Guest DJ Spottycat

I'm very glad I bought this compil! The Infected Mushroom track was

surprisingly boring until the very end, and the Oforia track was a little

fluffy and cheesy. I will definately be playing some of these at the next

party I play at. =)

  • 3 weeks later...

Except for the Oforia track (Ofer Dykovski has much better ones) this is a very

nice compilation. The Tim Schuldt track sounds very original and fits very

well with his track on the new Aurinko ("Catcher") compilation. My

favourite,together with the Total Eclipse and the wonderful Etnica remix.

Can't wait for future Future Navigators!

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Zodiac[at]goatrance[dot]com

One of the greatest compils I have in my collection...the greatest track on

this one is track 5...Talamasca can really make you go crazy on the dance

floor...this is a 9/10...dont miss this exellent compil...

  • 1 month later...
Guest Sun-Wizard

one of my favourite comp best track is tim's stuff one of the best tracks ever

I also like IM track GMS and the greatest Space Cat

  • 2 months later...
Guest popeneil[at]hotmail[dot]com

Important to note that the Etnica track isn't included on the vinyl release of

this compilation.

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest djcpr[at]hotmail[dot]com

A very well rounded compilation and one that I will be playing quite a bit I'm

sure. Wider is the sh"t, and so are the Talamasca and GMS tracks. But Oforia

and Tim Schuldt are the weakest tracks, but if you can perfectly beat match

then you can do alot with both tracks. Overall: 8/10

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest mr_shih[at]yahoo[dot]com

very decent compilation here. track one disappointed a lot of people, but i

enjoy it. mostly it just sets the mood - it's kind of a spacey, almost

ambient track. track 2 is nice - fun to listen to with nice driving synths,

but not really noteworthy. the third track is pretty cool - lots of

wacked-out psychedelic sounds in a very interesting arrangement. track four

is the highlight of this compilation for me - i haven't heard the original

track, but it's hard to imagine it being better than this. a teasing, funky

rhythm starts things out and then a little staccato melody comes in, which

sets up the grand finale, a huge killer melody that sends you floating through

the sky! track five is a badass storming track - very, very uplifting and

energizing. you can really tell it's the live mix; it makes me want to bounce

off the walls! track six is an average track - a little bit boring, and

disappointing for total eclipse. the seventh track is really pretty bad and

it's fluffy and sterile enough to be the theme song for an american family

sitcom. at track eight things pick up again with a very psychedelic and

interesting song that's just fun to listen to. i haven't heard the original,

but if this remix is much different from it, then it is very clever and

innovative. finally we come to the song everyone's excited about, etnica's

trip tonight remix. it's uptempo, very stylish, and does not disappoint. all

in all a cool compilation with only two not-great tracks (6 and 7) that are

not offensive. grab it if you see it, 7.5/10.

  • 7 years later...

Great comp. It is always nice to hear some of the lost gems - every track is different and they're all very good. :)


Faves are: GMS Vs Earthling - Cheese Balls, Talamasca - Telepathic Atmosphere, Total Eclipse - Alternatif, X-Dream - The 2nd Room (Future Prophecy Remix) and of course Etnica - Trip Tonite (Remix).

  • 2 weeks later...

Indeed a great compilation!


A typical (back then = great) IM-track for starters, a psychedelic ballad Tim schuldt-style followed by two great tracks from GMS (yes...?!) and Avi SpaceCat...


The Talamasca live version isn't as good as the original on Beyond the mask but still more than decent.....


Then 2 tracks I don't like: Total Eclipse - Altenatif and Oforia - Impulse....(and I like Oforia a lot....)


Finishing this comp are two classics in a modern version: Future Prophecy's rmx for X-Dreams' - The 2nd room......leaning towards the original, very much so......and Etnica's rmx for their überclassic Trip Tonite........ :posford:

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