Guest jonathan Posted January 13, 2002 Posted January 13, 2002 The best Album of 2001. No Question. Bom Shiva! Quote
GaySatanicHippie Posted January 13, 2002 Posted January 13, 2002 I have nothing to add to Syre's review. 9/10 sounds about right. And 4 and 5 are the best tracks, i agree as well. It kinda reminds me of Headcleaner mixed with the typical Shiva Chandra sounds, because its minimal in structure but still so melodic and smooth, and very very deep. A "must have" for everyone, it shows that this guy already released 4 LP's, he knows what he's doing!!! Quote
Guest rx7style Posted January 13, 2002 Posted January 13, 2002 I thought Auricular was absolutely terrible [one of the worst albums I've ever purchased in fact] and this album follows suit. I've been listening to a lot of "minimal" lately, and comparatively this ISN'T GOOD! I don't know what else to say except that each track on this album did NOTHING to stimulate my cerebrum -- same old sounds arranged in the same old minimal fashion. I don't even know why minimal enthusiasts would turn their heads towards this album... STAY CLEAR! Don't flame me because of my opinion either or write fake comments using my name just because you like this bullshit. Quote
Guest [Anonymous] Posted January 13, 2002 Posted January 13, 2002 i dont like it either and im a minimal progressive addiced,..its just boring,..i have the cd and ive listned to it maybe twice ,..and the second time was after i forced myself to,...i wanted to give it a fare chanse ,but no its just bbbbbbbbboooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnggg Quote
Guest Syre Posted January 13, 2002 Posted January 13, 2002 I'd like to add that people who thinks this is bad minimal, never really LISTENED to the album from start to finish, they just bounced from one track to another! Quote
Guest MK Posted January 13, 2002 Posted January 13, 2002 Shiva Chandra always demands attention and concentration with his work. Its obvious that many do not have the mindset or willingness to explore his music more thoroughly. If you think Auricular was no good - then stay away from this; even tho they r very different in structure and sound they are both fuking brilliant and your taste-buds are probably too undeveloped at this stage or not interested in this feast. What a brilliant album - full of feeling and subtle progressions. This one gets better with every listen. 9/10 Quote
Guest Syre Posted January 14, 2002 Posted January 14, 2002 Shiva Chandra - Gecko   Artist: Shiva Chandra Title: Gecko Label: Spirit Zone Date: 2001  Track listing:  01. Acht Achtel 02. BSB 03. Vierenkrach 04. Gecko 05. Torn Cat 06. Karasu 07. Bali Frogs 08. MY Papatacci  Review:  Oh my god! This is so fucking good -Mark my words! This is huge minimal psy trance from Shiva Chandra. I've had this album for a month of two now, but this has to be his best album to date! Each track is a killer, and full of pumping rich minimal sound. This is so good and one of the best productions I've ever heard. I know I might sound a little too happy, but I can't help it -I am overwelhemed by the power and the sheer greatness of each track. Track (1) is a hard kicking and very progressive track, and underway some hard chain alike noises come in and makes it very thrilling. The ending gets in bit a melodic mood, which ends first track perfectly. Track (2) is one of the best tracks on the album if I had to choose. It starts with some weird sample "The Aliens..." when deep bass begins kicking in. Very progressive like the first track, and it turns out perfect. Really kickin hard and sweet with nice breaks. This track also receives a little touch of a melodic sound field and it works great. Very beautiful track. Track (3) is a bit harder I guess, but very much follows the same style as the previous ones, but without getting reptive at all -Like no tracks on this album do. Anyway, back to track (3) which pumps away with a weird sample of a bird alike noise and a little girl saying something cool -Very good. Track (4) is nothing but amazing, starts with some soft "animalien" samples again, while background sounds creates a nice landscape of imagination and suddenly this progressive and deep bass kicks in, which goes on for the rest of the track. One of the best again if I had to choose. Track (5) is so hard to describe, MUST REALLY be the best track on the album, just floats wonderful from start till end. Kickin high and full of rich sounds and breaks! Track (6) changes style a little, gets more complex and varied, but still minimal and powerful of course. Track (7) is a bit weird in sound while still being progressive in style. I don't think it is as mindblowing as the rest, but its still very good and sharp... Track (8) ends the album in a good way, not so powerful again. It sounds like it has some Shaukelstuhl elements? a bit weird, but it works. I had hoped for a more chill-out / ambient track at end, but what can you expect from Vernunft? 9/10 -This you have to have. Quote
Guest [Anonymous] Posted January 14, 2002 Posted January 14, 2002 The key is a good sound system. As with a lot of other good minimal artists, in order to fully appreciate the depth Daniel creates with sound FX, you need a great sounds system with a very good stereo image (sound stage). That means no mp3s on your computer speakers!! Quote
Guest rx7style Posted January 14, 2002 Posted January 14, 2002 I used my Grado Reference SR1's the first time... and I always listen from start to finish -- of every ALBUM, not just track to track. After the phones, the CD took to my new Odyssey Stratos amp with my pre-existing equipment by Sonic Frontiers, Alchemist, Cardis, Nordost, and Totem equipment... this album doesn't sound bad because of poor quality audio. If only that were the case. Anyway, my review is fair and I don't think ordering the vinyl is going to make any difference either. I get it -- no good. Quote
Guest kite flyer Posted January 14, 2002 Posted January 14, 2002 to all you critics like dan all i have to say dan you are an hipocrit not so long ago you said that this style is great and now you are calling it boring you change styles of musuc like your skin i love this album myself Quote
Guest MicK dundee Posted January 14, 2002 Posted January 14, 2002 rx7style there is no wonder u do not like this album - i have just looked at your favourites list...the depth of Vernuft is definitely not for you. And I agree ordering the vinyl will not help you! In fact most albums u review and find postivie, I know not to touch with a pole. I agree with MK - 9/10 - - - - - EXCELLENT Quote
Guest [Anonymous] Posted January 14, 2002 Posted January 14, 2002 Boooooooriiiiiing Morning stuff.....if u hear this it will be time to sleep Quote
Guest pavi Posted January 14, 2002 Posted January 14, 2002 fuckin brilliant -hear the textures on"karasa"! Quote
Guest djpatek[at]hotmail[dot]com Posted January 14, 2002 Posted January 14, 2002 Not party music but still good music. 7.5/10. Listen to it. Quote
Guest MB Posted January 14, 2002 Posted January 14, 2002 Music with lots of brains behind it. Wonderful. 9.5/10 Quote
Guest Seb Mullaert Posted January 14, 2002 Posted January 14, 2002 Nice .... but the same as the last one! If you release two albums in a short time you really need to know how to variate! Quote
Guest --== MiLeS ==-- Posted January 14, 2002 Posted January 14, 2002 Definately one of the more enjoyable underground techno releases lately as most trax are pretty deep and varied enough to keep the attention throughout the trip, although -Gecko- lacks an absolute killer track such as the Delta's -Standby- to become an instant classic. Pretty decent work though. 7.5/10. Quote
Guest DJ Psy604 Posted January 14, 2002 Posted January 14, 2002 I'm a real minimal man and I have this one, but I can only play two songs of it, the rest is not interesting enough, but the sound is great. There is better stuff out there, but als whorser. Quote
Guest --== JoneS ==-- Posted January 14, 2002 Posted January 14, 2002 Absolutely boring! so boring... worst CD from 2001. Quote
Guest MooKie Posted January 15, 2002 Posted January 15, 2002 Not sure how you can find this boring, unless you are listening to the exciting sounds of NSync. This is an excellent realease from Daniel, he keeps progressing and making varied music. Auricular which he released with Mapusa, was one of the best releases of last year, and this album which is very different to Auricular, is another quality release - VERY big sound, VERY toned and executed VERY nicely - 9/10. Quote
Guest russ Posted January 15, 2002 Posted January 15, 2002 this sounds very good, but too similiar to the auricular and audion albums (and i am a huge shiva chanra fan). even though it is has fantastic production, it sounds like the arrangements were done rather too quickly. i suspect that spiritzone wanted an album for 2001, and that after auricualr (released end of last year) and audion (released earlier this year), there wasn't quite enough time to get together more original ideas. but having said that, it's still powerful stuff, just not much of a departure. Quote
Guest Mike Liquid Posted January 15, 2002 Posted January 15, 2002 i must disagree, I find Auricular project and this Shiva Chandra album very different; different mood, feeling and arrangements - Both great but different. I really enjoyed this album, 8.5/10 Quote
Guest [Anonymous] Posted January 15, 2002 Posted January 15, 2002 I have to agree with the first review. This is Daniel Vernunft's best work so far. Very deep, trippy music and clearly a lot of thought and ingenuity behind it. He's come a long way, putting out consistently good albums which is more than I can say for a lot of other artists out there. I really hope he keeps this up and doesn't run out of gas along the way because the progession of his work has "futuristic" written all over it. Better than the Auricular project in my opinion. An honest 9.5/10!!! Quote
Guest psypaleta[at]antisocial[dot]com Posted January 16, 2002 Posted January 16, 2002 the Best Best ALbum in 2001 !!! is the only thing that describes this album!! Quote
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