mars Posted July 17, 2000 Posted July 17, 2000 GMS Vs Systembusters - GMS Vs Systembusters Artist: GMS Vs Systembusters Title: GMS Vs Systembusters Label: Spun Date: 2000 Track listing: 01. 06'32" GMS : Arabian Nights On Mescaline 02. 07'28" GMS : Snorkelblaster (Rmx) 03. 06'55" GMS : Bugs Life 04. 07'13" Systembusters : Square Wave 05. 07'59" Systembusters : Boiled Gravy 06. 07'24" GMS : Lumberjack (Rmx) 07. 08'12" GMS : Slingshot 08. 06'54" Systembusters : Star Wars 09. 06'31" Systembusters : Digital Self 10. 08'11" GMS : Joke's On You Review: What to say when there is nothing to say but buy this marvellous album? If you've seen the GMS in the past months, you should know all those tracks. Nearly all of them are true killers! track 1: you take off immediately. this is twisted to hell, perfect. track 2: you (mad people) thought Snorkel Blaster wasn't enough? You're now rewarded, as this is the remix, probably written out of madness. it's a total success and if you survive to this one you can probably listen to the... track 3: a very fastrack twisting on itself all the time. this is a balance between what's soft and what's hard in GMS. Want more? ok now you are faced with... track 4: if you like to jump like a rabbit this is for you. This track is dark And in the last minute you wonder wether the Systembusters want to grab your life or not (!) track 5: really not my favourite track... maybe the black sheep of the album.. no spirit in this track. track 6: another remix And another success. the only thing i could find to criticize is that this track is written on the same model as track 3, so they look a bit the same. track 7: Slingshot is in fact a remix of the Caterpillar (see the Growly Family tracklisting). The rythms have been reworked to trigger a better effect on the dancer. track 8: Here is the movie reference the Systembusters have composed and put in this album this time. The track is based on the Imperial March from Star Wars. Several themes And sounds of the movie have been included, and the result sounds really good. I think this track will get old soon but it managed to makes us laugh on the dancefloors (especially when Riktam And Bansi fight with their lightsabers behind their synths). track 9: a typical GMS/systembusters track, with many strange noises over a fast And trippy rhythm.. not bad at all. track 10: a track made up of metal (strange effect in your ears) & plastic (the wobbling instruments) to allow you to calm down. It's really wiser than the other tunes in this album...and always those GMS sounds... Globally this album is by far superior to the first two GMS albums. That's a really good work that deserves 9/10. Quote
Guest AlexG Posted July 17, 2000 Posted July 17, 2000 my opinion: good album, all sounds exactly the same. if you've heard "lumberjack" (which was already released), then there won't be anything new for you on this cd. they use exactly the same drums, bass, effects, and other random sounds throughout the whole record, plus they use the same techniques to arrange them. for me, it gets kinda boring listening to this whole, although on the dancefloor any of these songs are killer. overall, a good effort, but i think they could've done better. get it and hear for yourself: even if not mindblowing, it's at least worth the money. Quote
Guest Vystril[at]aol[dot]com Posted July 18, 2000 Posted July 18, 2000 i couldnt stand the first two GMS albums, i thought they really sucked... but this one is some good stuff reminds me a lot of hallucinogens first album, its twisted, and has a lot of dark psy sounds but in the end is pretty uplifting, it has good themes and melodies and is definately worth a buy 8.75/10 Quote
Guest travis[at]bcell[dot]com Posted July 18, 2000 Posted July 18, 2000 Amazing album. For those who think it all sounds the same, do yourself a favor and learn to REALLY LISTEN, you'll be rewarded greatly. Quote
Guest jsbedard Posted July 18, 2000 Posted July 18, 2000 REPETITIVE. Nothing to see with the qualtiy of the Hallucinogen album production (Vystril). The tracks are all the same and their endings are very bad and too fast faded out. Recommended only for true GMS-o-Freaks because you've got to love the GMS style to listen to all the album without be bored. There's no link between tracks like on the Hallucinogen or Infected Mushroom albums and the melodies (especially in the star wars track) are very bad. It's rapid easy stuff for rapid and easy peoples. 3/10 Quote
Guest Nico_Steinacker[at]hotmail[dot]c Posted July 20, 2000 Posted July 20, 2000 I like this album a lot - but the 2 spoken samples in the star wars track are really bad... the rest is really good stuff not only for parties but also for a couch ;-) SIT BACK AND ENJOY THE MUSIC! 8.5/10 Greetz to the Mystery World Team! Quote
Guest LaGoaTrance Posted July 23, 2000 Posted July 23, 2000 Yes ! I like it ! very powerfull album, the whole album is good..when you hear that, you want to dance ! best track is "Lumberjack" but others are good too. Quote
Guest Ktaadn Posted August 16, 2000 Posted August 16, 2000 No doubt we've got some wicked tracks on here. They've definitely got the GMS sound honed and finely tuned -- which is both good and bad. A bit more exploration and experimentation would be welcome. Without some risks taken and real innovation, even the classic GMS stomping sounds will soon fall flat. Oh, and the Star Wars thing was a bit silly to me. Musically, the song's alright but the samples from the, guess we've all got our favorites and it's just not one of mine. A good release anyway and one that keeps the dancers and trancers content at a party...7.5/10 Quote
max Posted August 27, 2000 Posted August 27, 2000 Good but really really repetitive. If u got one you got'em all. Quote
Guest bauer[at]scheune[dot]net Posted August 28, 2000 Posted August 28, 2000 why the fuck they put the star wars track on this cd ? it sounds so cheezy . the rest is mainly ok . -1/10 for the star wars track . 5/10 for the rest Quote
Guest goa_2000[at]mail[dot]ru Posted August 28, 2000 Posted August 28, 2000 I agree that Starwars suxx. Other tracks(especially the first one) really very good and was make in a style of GMS. 8/10 Quote
Guest AlexG Posted September 7, 2000 Posted September 7, 2000 i have to revise my opinion a bit. i still think all these track sound the same (come on, travis, i know how to "really listen": they use exactly the same techiques and sounds on every song!), but i now like this album very much. it's rough, and even a bit rubbish, but at the same time it's so much fun! the energy here is very high and they don't ever let go (except the last track maybe). like a locomotive (or an energizer bunny), this music keeps going, and going, and going, and going, and never stops! i also like their newly released single "whiplash" (on t.i.p.) very much, and it also sounds exactly the same as this album =). i used to hate "starwars" for it's incredible cheesiness, but i now actually enjoy the track: i can laugh along with the cheesy parts, but if you take those away, the rest of the song is actually very good. these guys recently played at a festival here in northern california, and that was the most fun i've ever had dancing: i never thought i could dance for so long and not get tired, and almost not even sweat! there's just something about their music that takes you on that higher level of energy, like a second (or third?) breath. their music is also very professionally made, and the production is one of the best around. yes, they only do one thing, but they do it oh-so-well! 8/10 Quote
Guest shantidruid[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot] Posted October 12, 2000 Posted October 12, 2000 Well, I tend to agree with the above-the tracks are good in isolation, but as a whole album, a bit much. And really, there's not that much that is really NEW here-I've already heard most of these tracks for a long time (two years?) at parties and have half of them on DAT. Seen them live twice-once they rocked (I received this information from an AAAAAAAlien!), once they seemed a bit fiddly and bangy. Their albums aren't all the same-just this one and The Growly Family. Chaos Laboratory is a masterpiece, but in those days they had four people, and for me the best tracks were made by the two (Jakov and Sebi) not there now. So, buy it if you like stomp, but if you're looking for a real psychedelic intelligent effort, don't bother. Quote
Guest Goa Spirit Posted October 31, 2000 Posted October 31, 2000 This is definitely one of the better releases this year.. track 1, 2, 3 and 7 make this album worth buying.. especially slingshot (caterpillar remake, my god what an improvement). An album filled with party killers... don't listen to the criticisms and buy this with your eyes closed... 8/10. Quote
Guest 3001 Posted December 15, 2000 Posted December 15, 2000 A DAMN FINE! album^_^, my favorite rite now, above twisted and lone deranger...The tracks got good vibes... whoever says the sound the same...hmmm...did u just start listening to trance? heheh, I think it just requires a degree of appreciation...a different view on the sounds...well doesn't require you to change, but if you appreciate trance like i do then you'll like it...=) Quote
Guest ArchNemesis Posted January 4, 2001 Posted January 4, 2001 I bought this album and i liked from day 1. I was just gone in this music. But then i was at a concert in Denmark where Deedrah played, and they played Arabian Nights On Mescaline and that was it. I totally was hooked to this album. Its a power-booster from track 1 to track 10. No doubt. I give it 9/10. nuff said! Quote
Guest Roopak Posted January 11, 2001 Posted January 11, 2001 It's true that the trax often sound similar to one another but there aren't many other than the Growlers who can pull off a masterpiece album with a repititive formula. The holistic result is a psy-masterpiece... MAD PROPS to Riktam & Bansi...Keep twisting those knobs: 9/10 Quote
Anoebis Posted January 25, 2001 Posted January 25, 2001 I really like this album!! GMS changed their style really hard since their last album, this sound much more professional!! Good points about this album... It makes people crazy!! On the dancefloor and also at home... Also cool is the fact that there are still many melodies, but mostly very disorted and "scratched"!!! Bad points are that most of the songs sound the same and they always use the same bassline... Anyway, I would give it an 8/10!! Best songs are 1,3,4,6&9!! Bom Shankar Quote
Guest ZARAKNON Posted March 2, 2001 Posted March 2, 2001 I don't know what's the matter with all tracks sounding the same, 1. it does definately NOT sound all the same, each track has its own typical sound patterns, and 2. What's wrong if it sounds the same and that "same" style is so freakin' good!!?? This is an album, people, that means the tracks have to FIT TOGETHER in some way. And that works perfectly in this one because G.M.S. got that drive, that pushing energy that rocks till the end & it will never get boring, not until the the very last second. The first track, Arabian Knights On Mescaline, is one of the best in here, it has awesome melodies and was coproduced by Amit Duvdevani, that's why it sounds a little bit infected! The bad point is that it's too short in my opinion, 6 1/2 minutes are simply not enough for this. Anyway, I give a 10/10 to this. Next one, Snorkel Blaster Rmx just keeps it going, need I say more? 9/10. Over to Bugslife, quite fast and with these so wicked twisted noises, it could really be a soundtrack to the movie "Bugs Life", but with loads of evil little bugs crawling into your head. That tickles your brain so that you can't sit still, 9.5/10. Then comes Square Wave, a track with a bassline like in Green Nuns' 'Conflict', but I don't like it that much because it sounds a bit too simple imo. However it deserves 8/10 just for ass-kicking. Boiled Gravy is a little deeper and another cool track with a quite funky bassline. Who said this is a black sheep, heh? It's a good track, 8.75/10. Next is Lumberjack Rmx, I think it's almost identical with the original, which I heard on Philosomatika, but i can't really remember. The track is very good, typical G.M.S. madness, I love that certain metallic melody in it that makes me think of a chainsaw. Fantastic, 9.75/10. Now it's time for Slingshot, the roughest track here, WOOOW, it's so wicked!!! When I said this album rocks, I meant especially Slingshot, because it totally ROXX!!! It's the ultimate Killer for me and the best thing: it has got the RIGHT LENGTH to enjoy it maximally. 10/10! The Starwars track isn't cheesy at all, it's just amazing and, yeah, I would like to see Riktam & Bansi with the lightsabers too. 9.5/10. In the following track, Digital Self, there's nothing really special for me except that it contains some distorted race car sounds, cool but not awesome, 8/10. Last track, Joke's On You, is a little slower and also a very good piece of work, 9/10. What this album lacks are the breaks, and that's GREAT because without breaks you have that straight- on-drive, that makes it the ultimate wicked party album, and I give it, what's in there I can complain about? - Nothing! So it must be a 10/10. Quote
Guest Psymushroom[at]goatrance[dot]com Posted March 25, 2001 Posted March 25, 2001 Amazing album. G.M.S. are predictable, but always satisfy our needs... Quote
Guest £-P§ycho Active Maelstrom h Posted April 5, 2001 Posted April 5, 2001 There's no escape from this one...phat phat phat!!...8-) This killer Album has all things from goa and psychedelic sounds to hard breakbeats plaved on the pumping and thriller-pounding trance-BassDrum. This combined with some goa edge the bass makes this album a floor killer, don't try this at home kids !!!! { Old school meets new school with a sound unlike any other). Be sure to buy this !!!!! but also i thinx my music its better hey u... me ? yes u , try this one !!!! Quote
freak51 Posted April 19, 2001 Posted April 19, 2001 Maybe it's not Art, but the record is like taking an adrenaline gun, pointing the trigger down your throat and screwing the power input into a G-type star. Excellent fun, rocks hard with a minimum of cute diversions. That Star Wars track excepted, it's pus. It's got to be a parody, maybe? Quote
Guest theone666[at]sol[dot]dk Posted May 4, 2001 Posted May 4, 2001 Starwars track is ok ..and a litthle ...bit good track 1 ...the rest ise crap Quote
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