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GMS Vs Systembusters - GMS Vs Systembusters

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Guest xerox_22se[at]yahoo[dot]se

tha bomb again they made it!!!10/10

they made it possible for me to enjoy the Drugs again!!!

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Guest romeosdistress[at]eudoramail[dot

now i'm listening lumberjack, and i'm impressed cos i thinked that the only

ones were infected, i don't know a lot of this kind of musik i'm just in, cos

i use to listen black metal but any other genre than psy trance likes me like

bm. it's hard to make a blacker like this kind of musik and they made it so



i'm lookin for other psycho dj's

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest NFalke666[at]aol[dot]com

I used to listen to a lot of black metal too... as a matter of fact, I used to

perform in a black metal band. I've performed with dark funeral, and

enslaved... but I'm die hard psy-trance now... I own over 70 trance CDs (not

much, but quite a few for a beginner)... I'm very familiar with the Goa, and

Morning trance scenes... I even went through Infected Mushroom's wild goose

chase over here is Los Angeles... and those fuckers better give me my $100


Lumberjack is awesome... but give me a break... how dare anyone compair this to

Hallucinogen!!! it sounds 2 dimensional compaired to anything Simon's ever


I'm bout to buy my plane ticket to Nagano, Japan... Hallucinogen, X-Dream, Sun

Project, Infected Mushroom, G.M.S, Sinister Association... Sept 22-24, 2001...

Welcome to "The Gathering"

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Sun-Wizard

I heard this album week after he was on the store and this not good as the

growly family except the first track-one of the best ever I don't understand

why you are so excited


  • 1 month later...
Guest Man_on_Mushroom[at]hotmail[dot]c

.....it makes me fly to the skies.....

Guest fer_rubio52[at]hotmail[dot]com

Well the first time I hear this guys I only can say : ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡wwwoooww

aaag¡¡¡¡¡ !!!!!!! this is the real psytrance music with pute energy , this is

no shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they explote me every time I hear they


Mushaman loves you guys(Gdl.Mexico)

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

ok i like one song.. slingshot.. the rest sound like bad remixes of it lol.

cant gms find another sound to use in their songs?? knock AP for not being

innovative, at least they use more than 1 sound. gms = boring


The best GMS CD!!! 9/10 only for the same-sound copy and paste repetition and

final track which gets just a bit boring...overall killer at home to trip or

killer at a party. You get sick of this CD fast cause its so good and you

listen to it so much, but u *always* come back to it. SOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME

  • 1 month later...

A very good psychedelic album, the best album of GMS.

Good sounds.8/10

  • 1 month later...
Guest Louhnatique

Great, great album !! although for some reason i like the gms tracks a bit

better than the systembusters, the album as a whole sounds real good. i don't

think the tracks sound the same, it's just a particular style gms creates. but

in that style they've managed to come up with some of the most incredible

grooves. my favourite: snorkelblaster rmx. no comments necessary, one of my

all time favourite tracks, 10/10 !! for the album i'd give a 8,5/10. and this

is by far the best gms album ever.. enjoy !!

Guest Jason - Los Angeles, CA

I don't know how anyone can put them down. They are staples in the trance seen.

GMS RULES and if you've seen them live, then you can't not like this album, or

the rest of their songs for that matter. I saw them in Los Angeles a couple

months ago and wow, I can't even begin to explain there energy. They have a

whole family of talent. I was so pleased to see that they are coming back

again DEC 1st. I can't wait. No matter what, I am there. Thank you GMS. Please

keep them coming. From Jaws and Do Androids dream of ..... to my current

favorite Whoosh! and their countless remixes like the awesome Reload remix,

they've been my favorite since the begining. Is it December 1st yet??

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest It does!!!

NiCe! Album!

Why do all of you say chezzey?Sounds REALLY STOOPID!!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Nice work here for the dance floor. Digital Self and Arabian Nights on

Mescaline are both excellent tracks. Most of the others are good too. This

is worth keeping in the collection. 9/10.

  • 2 weeks later...

Don't like this alb at all! while reading these reviews it occured to me that

the word'dancefloor' appears a lot... I guess it works just fine there, but it

doesn't work at all for me at home... They sound boring and predictable, none

of the trax have a surprise... and their melodies are so stupid... take

Slingshot for ex. it's even worse then the original (Caterpillar)... after

hearing this 2X I allready got tired of the simple childisch melody and the

predictable breaks... However, trax 1&4 are pretty OK... 5/10

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest VBRunner

Absolutely brilliant. GMS set a milestone in the evolution of psychedelic

trance with this release. Recently other groups have started to imitate this

sound (such as the also brilliant Alien Project), but this style was invented

by GMS and is quite different from previous styles within psytrance. It is IMO

the ideal kind of music for the dance floor, but I enjoy it just as much at

home! Without doubt one of my absolute favorite albums to this date.

  • 2 weeks later...

Alien project vs. G.M.S.? It would be nice, but just give me G.M.S.

Best track on this album: Lumberjack (still).

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest PsyTranceLiz[at]aol[dot]com

Good stuff. One of the few releases that doesn't have any "filler" songs. The

whole album is rockin' with music that represents what real psy trance should

be. GMS is musical genious. I give it a 10.5/10.

Guest Defbydelta...

They really got there on styles!!

that no one can do better!!

GMS RULES! they are Psychos and that is cool!


If i could choose from a)Talamasca b)Alien Project C) GMS or D) anything else,

I would surely NOT choose GMS, I think that even Astral Projection is less


Everything sounds absolutely the same way all over the CD

I hate that

Couldn't they explore something else

Of course they have something good (Hard kickin grooves) but after 15 minutes

you get tired from it.

My best track : Arabian knights on meskalin

I won't calificate this album, 'cause I've just heard them in MP3 format, I

give it 5/10.

Guest niels_knigge[at]ofir[dot]dk

"The boiled juice of the cactus contains the highest concentration of the

hallucinogen known as Mescalin"...


Track 1 is great (haven't heard others, but i will) 8/10.


GMS WHOOOOOOUUUUUUUU!¡!¡¡! what can i say it´s awesome this disk especially

arabian nights on mezkaline bugs life and star wars there are awesome this

work it´s great keep doing this caint of stuffff. 9.5/10

  • 1 month later...
Guest os]i[zo

... i am just hearing track1...hmm its somehow without any deepth, goa without

soul and cheap beatz!..."arabian knights.." gets interresting between 3:00 and

4:30...the rest is garbage kick´n

Guest Defbydelta...

"The boiled juice of the cactus contains the "worlds" highest concentration of

the hallucinogen known as Mescalin"...

just wanted to add something.. ;-)

Guest Booooink!

I can't believe that this is a "red" album... or reccommended in the list.. ;-(

Some ok tracks though...

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