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Son Kite - Good Town

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Son Kite - Good Town


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Artist: Son Kite

Title: Good Town

Label: Digital Structures

Date: 2000


Track listing:


01. 08'16" Good Town

02. 10'17" Where's My Drum




This EP opens with Good Town which is an average track. It could have been


but the bassline is not deep enough according my tastes. All the ingredients


a killer track were there: Awesome rythmics, twisted weirdo sounds. But the


is too housy for me. Have a listen first, and if u like the bassline you'll


the track!


I'm always surprised but the B-Sides of MPDQX releases. Where's My Drums follow

the rule and it's amazing. Despites what the title of the track says there's


no need to look for the drums. They are here and they are strong. I really like

Son Kite's rythms because they are far far from reality. I mean that most of

the artists

use samples of snares, hit-hat, cymbals that could easily fit in a Rock'n Roll


Son Kit rythms are veeeeeery synthetic. Clean and Dirt at the same time. Hard

to explain.

When there's breaks in the track you can't help to shooooout because they


Especially when u don't expect them. Listen the WHOLE track before deciding to

buy it or

not because the beginning is AS COMMON AS THE END IS TOTALLY CRAZY and



I would give 6,5/10... 4,5/5 for "Where's My Drums" and 2/5 for "Good Town".

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