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Psycraft - Gravitech


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Artist: Psycraft

Title: Gravitech

Label: HOM-Mega

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. 03'05" Life In Mono

02. 08'12" Night In Kopangan

03. 07'22" Bizarre (Rmx)

04. 07'46" SOS

05. 07'46" Illegal Overdose

06. 08'16" Hypnotic MSG

07. 08'23" Dream On

08. 07'21" Born Evil

09. 07'53" Partial Recall




Psycraft's debut album is in thier typical style.

I was looking forward to this one.

They are known for thier very funky melodies and groovy tracks.

The intro has a laidback beat almost dreamy.

Night In Kopenian has some very cool uplifting buildups towards the end.

This album has more melodies than stomp.

Bizarre Rmx has the most plesant bassline stomping away with a nice 4/4

kickdrum and a bunch

of kreaking noises. This one also has some very relaxed guitars on it.

S.O.S starts to get deep. Somehow this track seems such a "Goa Gil" track.

Illegal Overdose goes back to dreamy not so dark melodies...

This one gets really groovy with those melodies and it gets more intense over


It has those very 303 sounds old school sounds... Which I must say are used

very well.

Hypnotic M-S-G- has a great sample courtesy of Simon Posford. When I

interviewed these guys

they said they wanted to work with him. Hear you get a very nice track.

It goes into another known track "Dream On" which has been on compilations for

a while now.

Partial Recall is full of guitars which dont bother me too much... It turns

into Full On

somehow. This album is just brilliant! It's produced very well and I would

definately reccomend it if your into

an alternative to minimalism.

Guest didge

groovey, stylish and spacey - i love this stuff! Fav track is S.O.S, but

Bizarre Rmx is also a favourite. Recommended highly! I'll review it properly

with a bit of time

Guest soof

album that won't be forgotten in a while and will allways be one of the trance

classics ever...

highly recomended


That's the perfect combination between melodic and groovie trance. No one makes

it better than these guys. Top notch album.

Guest Psy-fan

Funky, psychedelic & uplifting -

Psy Craft are defiantly an act to watch out for!

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Psyentist

Very rude, S O S is one very kick ass track I mixed a few tracks at my last

party the boys and girls immediately went into hybrid sensation and witnessed

another rebirth in the brain transition to greater understanding, haven't seen

anyone review the activate morlack album I think it's time.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest evan[at]shpongle[dot]com

PSYCRAFT's new album is incredible. Full on psychedelic goa power, perfect for

those suffering from 'glory days' nostalgia of classic goa and it has awsome

modern psychedelic production quality.

  • 3 weeks later...

this is good, best release in long time 10/10

the best track is sos and bizzaro rem

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest slidingtrancer

I heard this at my fav psyshop in amsterdam and I wanted to buy it, looked in

my pockets and I felt really dissapointed, NO MONEY!!! I'm dying to buy this.

Psytrance like its meant to be. 9.2/10 :P

This is gonna be a classic for sure

Guest Slidingtrancer

I just bought it yesterday and it was everything I expected, favorite trax up

till now are 3,4,5,8. Excellent release, one of the best I ever heard. I will

not bore people with a description of every track in detail, but just advise

them to BUY IT! It's one of the best cd's I have and I have many cd's. Kick

ass melodic psychedelics, but in every song there's a little of everything.

Guitar-haters, don't worry about the guitar, it sounds much better in here.

Listen it for yourselves

Anyway, this one goes up to my favorite 5. 9.6/10

  • 1 month later...
Guest aquamental[at]hotmail[dot]com

Excellent good mood party album! It's sooo beautiful and full of positive

energy. I just can't keep still while listening to this. It really makes me

dance and smile at the same time with no worries in my mind. Well done

Psycraft! You guys have received a special place in my heart...


ive spent so much time looking for a hard but dreamy and

beautiful real psychedelic trance AND NOW I HAVE FOUND IT FOR SURE!!!

Psycrafts bizarre remix is so great on its 1:20 mins till 2:47 that it worths

the whole album(why r u fucking with our minds... what is real...is this

real...hhahahehehe.. when they simulate worlds like this), the voices r great

too!!!... SOS is also very full-on n very well build-up psytrance!

Brasil Rulez!!!

  • 1 month later...
Guest Psysmoker

Probably one of the 5 best releases in this year... very good album . I really

love bizarre remix and dream on... all tracks here are goo, keep up the

fucking good work psycraft crew!!!! 9.5/10

  • 1 month later...
Guest PsybiaS

psycraft twister our minds

last week here in mexico


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Agent Smith

this is good stuff.

just what i needed now!!

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Defbydelta...

I diden't think this one would be this nice. very good album by psycraft!

harmoni and good melodies softish sounds altrough.. very nice vocals and good

kicks and bass lines.. This is a recommended CD

8/10 (The cover is not a killer, its medium alright=)

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest joel[at]shpongle[dot]com

This is a special album, nice and original. I have been searchy for this blend

of styles for a long time. Funky, rolling basslines, melodic and uplifting.


  • 1 month later...
Guest NFalke666[at]aol[dot]com

Partial Recall is amazing!!! why isn't this album in red?

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Candlejack

Well, pretty good stuff. I do tend to find that this one has a little too much

the 'stop and go' feeling in some of the tracks. I don't know .. there's just

something about this.. It does tend to listen really well though, so not too

much complaining to do here. In short: well produced & mixed Israeli

psychedelica for the masses.

It being Israeli does have a drawback.. there's a fucking matrix sample in one

of the tracks.. when are those Israeli dudes gonna stop samplin' that damn


7,5/10 here (maybe an 8/10 if I listen to it more often)

  • 2 months later...
Guest [Anonymous]

i just boght it after all the good words here and....

i am disapinted. evrything sound o.k and qality and prodaction are good,

however its not inoveting or original at all, it sound very recayceled and un

original. there is btter stuf outthere 5/10

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Slidingtrancer

I can't believe what this last guy is saying, audio-wise this IS original and

innovative. Just listen to the great way audio is placed in the aural

spectrum. I must've heard this album over 500 times and still its earcandy

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