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Psychopod - Headlines

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Guest Stathis_gti
Posted (edited)

Psychopod - Headlines


Artist: Psychopod

Title: Headlines

Label: TIP

Date: 1997


Track listing:


01. 8'11" Re Vision

02. 9'42" Universal Mind

03. 9'58" Stop The Carnage

04. 8'41" Friagram

05. 4'23" Dreampod (Video Edit)

06. 8'23" Out Of Your mind




That's a very nice ep from the very good psychopod (kox box). Re Vision and

Stop the carnage are the most wicked tracks. Very complicated and hard to

listen sound, some of them scratch your ear but not necessarily bad. Universal

mind and Out of your mind are fantastic!! Mind-blowing sound and nice light

drum bass will drive you crazy. This ep has very progressed sound for its time

(released 1997) and it will not saw you his age. 8/10

Edited by DeathPosture
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest tb[at]biogate[dot]com

This was my first psychedelic trance album, and it's still one of my best

albums. It's mad twisted, not as twisted as Kox box though (it's the same

dudes). It's more appropriate for the dancefloor. Universal Mind is a

wonderful song with extreme depths. The whole CD hold a very high class, no

half-way productions. I really recommend this EP! 10/10

  • 5 months later...
Guest Tequila

I like koxbox/psychopod a lot, that's why I expected a lot of this EP...and I

was right, it's a damn good CD.Re:vision is a good, really psychedelic

track.Universal mind is in the pure koxbox style wich I like so muuch.Stop the

Carnage is...hum...wicked is word, bud "good" maybe not!!it's a really special

track, really hard to understand...and I still didn't, the sounds here are

too...undescriptible, but I'm sure I will understand it one day:)

friagram is really good whereas dreampod video edit has been cut and completely

destroyed because of this insane shortage...no intro, only the peak of the

track...horrible.out of your mind is as excellent as the others.8/10

  • 5 weeks later...

Nothing special about this album... HECK!!! What am i saying? absolutly the

BEST serious piece ever!!!

all tracks are intense, kickin` and pushing... all sounds are evil, wicked and

fresh... what else could you expect from koxbox?

long live Re Vision!

btw.. the Dreampod (Psychopod Video Edit) is really really great... =) the orig

was a little bit boring =)

my only 10/10 ever!


Tristan definately knows the deal. This is probably my favorite cd i own. And

the Dreampod video edit kicks ass!No fluff, they get right into it and blow

your mind. Every track is terrific with my all time favorite being Universal

Mind. Or maybe Re Vision. The problem is, every time I listen to it I have a

new favorite track! Theyre all so damn good. I would even venture to say that

they are better as psychopod than as koxbox. If you can find it,,, BUY IT!

  • 11 months later...
Guest Diepeveen

This is, again, a super release from IanIon and Frank'e... Those two danes are

just so insane! - My all time favourite on this one is Friagram - those sounds

are just soo psychedelic!! - 8/10 Looking forward to the new Saiko-Pod album

wich, hopefully, will come out here in the spring!

  • 1 month later...
Guest plasmagoria[at]hotmail[dot]com

First, I think this CD (I got it on a CD) is really good! Re Vision and

Friagram are really! But I see that many do not understand the best track,

Stop The Carnage. First I thought Stop The Carnage was the worst track I ever

heard. But, one day when I was lying on my bed and relaxed the CD was on and I

woke up in the middle of a really good track. I wonder what it was and when I

realised that it was Stop The Carnage I was really supprised! Stop The Carnage

is total freedom in music. It have no limits. So, to understand it relax or

think in other tearms. That track is not good music (it is not made to be

good), it is made to feel good.

  • 6 months later...
Guest Peaceful warrior

Wow..I am completely blown away! I had no idea that this was going to be this

good. I mean I expected it to be good because its KoxBox but this is some of

the most amazing music I have ever heard. I am so suprised that people haven't

been talking about this more. Why haven't those who have heard it been

recomending it to everyone they talk to. This is the heart and soul of

psychedelia. Every song is amazingly complex and psychedelic. Whats more is

that they also contain some of the most groovy riffs I have ever heard. This

E.P. is more like an album. It has six of the best psy-trance songs I have

ever heard. They have depth, emotion, groove, and power. This is similar to

Dragon Tales but I would venture to say better? This is definitely one of my

favorite pieces of music. Peace and respect to KoxBox/SaikoPod for creating

such amazing music. Now I can't wait for the new SaikoPod album. ITS COMING!

  • 3 years later...

Post edited by moderator to comply with review guidelines... Release info added:



Posted Image


Label: TIP Records

Catalog#: TIP 026 CD

Format: CD5"

Country: UK

Released: 1997


1 Re-Vision (8:11)

2 Universal Mind (9:42)

3 Stop The Carnage (9:58)

4 Friagram (8:41)

5 Dreampod (Video Edit) (4:32)

6 Out Of Your Mind (8:22)






OMG yo wow phazooong I just listened to this yesterday for the first time and I was so totally bulllldozered by this 3D attack on my aurals. Sheeesh is this the highest pinnacle of this certain liquid fractal trance that labels like TIP & Flying Rhino put out around 1998?? Like, woooow!½ Only the last track fails to deliver, the rest are just zarjaz! :P


This beats the heck out of all earlier Koxbox material IMO, I never liked Forever After and Dragon tales so much.


I remember I didn't like Stop The Carnage when I heard it the first times back then, but now it just made my mind go boing and I nearly stopped being for a moment. Phooh. Yurg. Kazargh. Plonk. Quirp. And so on.


SO recommended.!


So now I need to check what they did after this one, I somehow always got the impression that they too jumped the minimal bandwagon after 1997....


This is very good indeed. Universal Mind and Stop The Carnage are unbelievable tracks... Bought this one for 2 euros! Good deal I'd say :)


nice score there kim!8]


definately a great ep. have you heard there Dreampod/psychopod single? that is really the only other tracks under this alias and then they changed to Saiko-Pod which is more on the prog tip...




Aren't they on TIP blue & phoshporescent? Or was it 3D?? Anyway yes I like those tracks too... And there's many of the same sounds used on all these tracks so probably they were written quite close in time...


Really great and crazy stuff.. Can't believed it was made the same year as... Well pick up any goa album from that year and insert!


Psychopod was truly amazing psychedelics, it´s Ian Orion and Frank Madsen from koxbox. Psychopod - psychopod is a truly outstanding track too. :)

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

One of the best releases of the genre, next to their Dragon Tales and Cosmosis' Synergy!


It's soooo psychedelic and detailed, that you never feel that the EP is only 45 min long. There's so many ideas and sound-layers, all beautifully arranged. Even though it's quite old, it still sounds fresh and innovatiove, just because nobody else dared to go their road and do something even resembling the style...


Best tracks are (2) Universal Mind and (4) Friagram, but all of them are at least very good.


F***king 5/5 :)

Edited by antic

Antic, it's almost 50 minutes long, so it's basically an album. Or rather, it is an album. There are CD's that are 24 minutes and still get to be called album (not in trance though, with these long tracks)


I was not complaining about the length. I just wanted to say, that some albums last for example 70 min and somehow they pass pretty quick, while this one goes and goes and it seems it will never end, even if it's just 45 min :)


A little off-topic:


I've noticed lately that average running time of CDs gets longer again - it was 70-75 minutes few years ago, then with minimal wave and 8 tracks / CD it shortened to 60 min. The ęfull-on eraę changed the tracks / CD ratio to 9-10, but there was still only 60 min (tracks were much shorter).


Nowadays, many albums have 10-11 tracks and last 70-75 min, with top releases like VoC - We Are Free lasting 78 min :)

Headlines is a good album, yeah, with a pretty unique sound. A couple of the tracks do venture into what I call 'the land of tired, senseless noise' but it's still worth picking up. Most the tracks are very good.
  • 1 month later...
Guest Cosmogenesis

Superb E.P. with a lot of incredible effects and various feelings. Universal Mind reallly kicks ass! However I prefer the entire version of "dreampod" who is a true masterpiece. We can recognize the koxbox touch inside, something near the mystic "re-oscillation's" melody. I have "Dreampod" in my distance to goa vol 5 double cds, and it's for far my favorite track of this compilation.


and it's for far my favorite track of this compilation.


"by" far ... :)


Yes that's a great track. Why? because it has personality and doesn't sound like anything else made by another artist. To me, that track is the best of these guys, and i include Koxbox in my statement :)

...And Universal Mind is Excellent too!

Guest Cosmogenesis

Sorry for my mistake and for the others ! ;) You know, my english isn't perfect: I don't have a "universal mind" :lol:

Guest Anti Gravity

indeed an album with some very strong tracks involved

the melodies have a little nitzho touch but just subtle balanced that they are not

listening to the whole release there isn't that much varation imo

when you heard the best tracks next time you listen you skipp the others

I do ;)

last some very motivating basslines considering the time age, a very uplifting touch :)

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