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Celtic Cross - Hicksville


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Artist: Celtic Cross

Title: Hicksville

Label: Nova Tekk

Date: 1998


Track listing:


01. 07'34" Hicksville

02. 01'31" Stargate Avalon

03. 07'37" Jade Garden

04. 08'58" Shwazz

05. 04'35" Fifth Level

06. 07'42" Khatmandu

07. 07'50" Mundis Imaginalus

08. 03'21" Louden

09. 06'10" Darshannon




Hum ... that's a quite interesting album (involving Simon Posford And Martin

Glover), but a more ambient (1998 - Simon Posford : it says it all) than

psychedelic one ! Don't buy it if you're looking for some psychedelic

experience ...

Tracks 2,5,8 are much too short (I precise the album just takes 55 minutes !),

and I don't find memorable Tracks ... anyway I suppose that's an interesting

album to chill out ...

but I largely prefer psychedelic trance to ambient ... Rating : 3/10

Guest AtomikElf

pretty cool, chilled, nice flow. a preview to shpongle i would say. not as

complex as shpongle tho. i loved the guitar on "louden" (i thing that's the

trackname). really really cool. so, i think it's quite a nice ambientish

album, but no real mindblowers in here, just cool vibes ¦-D

i also like the sample....and i stumbled on the philosopher

stones...blahblah....and i opened a pandora box of multiple

realities....wicked!!!! hehehe

Guest jsbedard

AVERAGE ambient album. Some tracks are very good a give a "world beat"

influence (hicksville, kathmandu, darshannon) but others are ordinary and got

bad recording quality. This album is a mix of guitar and percussions with

electronic music. Nothing to see with Shpongle or the Eclipse compilation.

It's a project of Youth (from dragonfly records) and simon posford. If you

look for good psychedelic ambient, look for Saafi Brothers or the "Eclipse"

compilation out on Twisted Records. It's much better. 4/10

Guest swoop

I would say this is an above avarage quality album! I like it alot, very good

nice chilled guittar parts. It's hard to find such ambient. I would give this

album 7/10 not the best from posford&co but still a very good album!

Guest Psylent Buddhi

It seems people don't really dig this album...? Weird... I myself find it

absolutely amazing! Agreed, it's too short, but the depth of the music is

amazing. I mean, listen to the production... Stunning! For me this goes beyond

words. I can't describe what I feel... Even though I've had this for over a

year now, I can still throw it in my cd-player and be amazed. Fucking

excellent work!!!

Plur - Psylent Buddhi

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest psych_merlin[at]yahoo[dot]com

Psychedelic music is psychedelic music which means music that expands the mind.

For me this is very psychedelic. Not full on, but who says it's got to be full

on to be psychedelic? I think this is a very good psychedelic ambient type

album with some very good cross-fertilization of ideas. Youth is on this album

as well. Not as good as Shpongle in my opinion, but definitely worth a listen.

  • 1 month later...
Guest Goa Sage

I bought this one before I bought the Shpongle album. Back then, I really loved

this one, but after buying "Are You Shpongled?", nothing is what it used to

be. This is still one of my favourite albums...but nothing can compare to Raja

Ram's and Simon Posford's masterpiece! :) I love Celtic music and the Celtic

feeling is very tangible here. My favourites are "Hicksville", "Shwazz", "Jade

Garden", "Khatmandu", "Mundis Imaginalus" and "Louden". I love the acoustic

guitars, the violins, the Celtic feeling AND...the magic cover! :) Great work!


  • 1 month later...

I'm a Posford fan but this time, I think this project is a big mistake - sorry.

And by the way, 'Darshannon' track has been released on 'Traveler 99'

compilation (Six Degrees Records), great joke. [ 4.0/10 ]


Eat some acid (pref. celtic's) and listen to this at the same time.. hehe :)

  • 3 weeks later...

an okay album. really really chill, is to be heard when stoned and when you

have nothing better to do. also works as nice music in the background. anyway,

i'll give it 6.5/10

  • 2 weeks later...

I strongly disagree with anyone who puts this album down -it is totally

astounding. I agree that Shpongle is more involving and dramatic, but

Hicksville is a superb addition to anyone's chill out stock. The gentle

interplay of rythms, samples and guitar make this a real musical journey that

demonstrates the wide acoustic experience of Youth and the technical wizardry

of Simon Posford. It oozes lush warming sounds held together in a tribal

bassline, and shows a maturity that is so often lacking in many efforts at

producing decent chilled tunes. It neither rushes into anything cheesy or

melodic, nor loses variety and interest. An easy 9/10


  • 2 months later...
Guest sunsquid

I love this CD!!! It makes me wanna dream when I'm awake. Very deep and awesome

sound. I dont understand why some people compares it with Shpongle or Saafi

Bros, when non of them sound the same!(?) anyway it's a very very good album!

10/10! PLUR!

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

kinda took me some time to adjust to this album but after a while i loved it.

little short but still delivers the great chillout that the name simon posford

stand's for (other then his known psychedelics) overall 8/10 Boom Shankar !

  • 1 month later...
Guest goapsytrance[at]hotmail[dot]com

I guess enjoyment of this album just depends on whether you like Celtic

influences or hate them. I think they are cool, so I like this album. Simon

never fails to disappoint.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest ralih[at]hongkong[dot]com

this is really one of the best ambient albums out there.. i mean supurb

electronica mixed with beautiful celtic guitars.. can it get much better? :)

  • 5 weeks later...
Guest Sun-Wizard

the best ambient I ever heard and i dont like simon posford at all

but this is so....... i cant find a word to describe this music

best tracks hicksvile and darshanon

  • 3 weeks later...



I can't belive people don't dig this album


Sure we've heard better but this is another (short) masterpiece from Simon and



Keep it coming

Guest luke

damn straight- another masterpiece. much deeper than (apparently) many people


  • 1 month later...
Guest heierli[at]library.ethz[dot]ch

Very good album. I like celtic influences. The CD is slow, with a warm

atmosphere. Sometimes psychedelic, sometimes celtic/irish and the second last

track only with guitars. Wonderful melodic and good mixed, but too short.

Overall, a masterpiece. And the philosophies in the booklet are good too; i

like drugs (particularly MDMA and Magic Mushrooms). My favourite tracks are

Hicksville, Kathmandu, Louden and Darshannon. 10/10

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Diepeveen

This album is not really psychedelic is it?! But i like it all the same!

Guitars used in almost every track... Gives it Celtic influences as the name

says... No bad tracks and no psychedelic ones (Maybe Darshannon) - 7.5/10


This release requires a good stereo, or good headphones at least. It took a

while to grow on me, but it's definitely a keeper. The banjo kicks ass! The

"Pandora's Box" sample is really well done, too. This is well worth owning.


  • 4 weeks later...
Guest pierrozopa[at]hotmail[dot]com

ok i agree it's a great album see you soon as would say a good friend of my

  • 2 months later...
Guest X_4no1_X[at]hotmail[dot]com

Shitmandude ! great album .. first encounter with psychedelic music. I really

loved the way the tracks have a thin red line..

hicksville - earth

stargate avalon - transportation from earth to ascencion

jade garden - almost there


and so on ...



  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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