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Hujaboy - Hujajoy

Guest Le Lotus Bleu

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Guest nikolodion[at]goto[dot]com

this album is very very bad,low class product the tracks get you no where. the

technic of this group are not proffesional,very borring & get you no where.4/10

Guest djhomsy[at]trancelucent-zone[dot

My review:

26 year old artist Nir Shoshani is considered today to be one of the most

prominent and unique TechTrance artists the holy land has delivered in the

last couple of years, setting new standards in sound and creativity. Just by

looking at the cover?s stimulating and unique artwork one can start to

understand what he is getting into. Before I go into the content itself I also

would like to mention and praise the CD?s first class production from inside



From the first track (virtual analog) up to the last you smile at how harmless

yet distorted the cover took you at first sight VS the powerful, focused

sounds that throw you straight into a dark and twisted journey ? and don?t be

mislead it?s a dark one, dark and astonishing.


Each track producing fat squeezy, powerful and fun, bass lines that are covered

by this fat essence of mystic filled with hard pure and cold metallic effects,

taking us back to the dark ages through the industrial revolution and back

again. At times you feel you are in this large and creepy cathedral filled

with bats and at times as if you are part of the proletariat, working in some

factory clouded by clear and precise sounds.


The album has a clear and visible direction and feel, a strong based structure

that leads and controls everything else, but what is so special about it is

that despite all that each track takes you into different and spookier



This excellent production took over a year for Shoshani to complete and aside

from delivering 9 stomping new kickass tracks it also comes with a bonus

multimedia track for the last closing track of the album ?The people Vs.

Hujboy (TV edit) ? and what a treat it is.


An actual movie 6:32 min long, a true masterpiece, audio & visual knotted

together perfectly delivering an outstanding exciting viewing experience,

giving the album a new perspective (at least 4 me) J ? now we are at the

60-70, a genius sound professor in old Russia is being hunted down by the KGB?

- you want to know how it ends? Well it?s on the album?J


All tracks in this album were created by Nir except tracks 5&8 that are the

result of Nir?s collaboration with Dudi Friedman.


Final Words:


This is a great powerful and mature release by a talented, innovative and

diverse artist. It is my favorite Trance cd so far this year. A mixture of

stunning sounds, amazing exact & special visuals and uncompromising

production. An all around good deal.



Visit Hujaboy at: www.hujaboy.com - currenetly includes only basic information

but a fully equiped site is soon to follow.


For live act/dj/licensing contact hommega:


www.hommega.com - site hasn't been updated for a while


Distribution information:

BNE Ltd.



Guest amrodrig[at]uol.com[dot]br

It's Hujaboy - Hujajoy the name of the album...just check the cover picture.

BTW, the video clip is incredible.

The music is great too, but homsy got that covered :-)

kind regards, Luiz Paulo

Guest goa[at]c4[dot]com

Excellent Tech-trance release- MASSIVE!!!!

I prefer the first part though- 1-4 all rock, same for 7-8. The video clip is

something else- Hujaboy is king for this one- watch it over and over and

you'll discover new things everytime!

Massive shit- did I say that already- great atmosphere and very good moving


Love it.

Bom Shankar!

Guest Le Lotus Bleu

Hujaboy - Hujajoy


Posted Image


Artist: Hujaboy

Title: Hujajoy

Label: HOM-Mega

Date: 2002


Track listing:


01. 07'43" Virtual Anal(og)

02. 07'27" The Day

03. 07'34" Flying Sorcerer

04. 07'27" Nemesis

05. 06'11" Shaba Rain

06. 07'02" Fresh Air

07. 07'42" Counting Spirals

08. 07'29" Save Ass

09. 06'00" The People Vs Hujaboy




It's a quite dark and rough techno-trance album, it's not

what i personnally first listen in trance.The dark minimal

trance's fans (stuffs like the delta,midi

miliz,spirallianz or m.o.s) will appreciate Hujajoy.There

are some very nice atmospheric worked intro and outro on

many tracks but the core's tracks are really groovy and

agressive. I prefer the second part of the album (tracks 6

to 9),"the day" is also interesting in the first part.

Counting spirals was the only track previously released (on

Israliens 3).To finish , i had to precize that you got the

nice video clip of The people vs Hujaboy which is whithout

any doubt the hit of this album.


Guest yoni[at]psysex.co[dot]il



as said,Tech trance would be the best way to describe it, but this should

appeal to anyone who likes interesting grooves(SHABA RAIN)& special

atmospheres(FRESH AIR),some german techno influences(THE DAY)& a bit of scary

Full on(Counting Spirals).


i also think everyone will appreciate the bonus video clip,

which is one of the best psy videos ever made



Guest victor

Huja boy??? What is that means???

this album is very strange,lead you to no were.if you want to do this tunes

right you guys listen to a lot of stuff that you are try to do. i got this

album & i dident like it.its so bad!!this is not a tech trance music.THIS IS



Hujaboy extends the tip of the Israeli sound down the direction that Future

Prophecy and Spiral Active Project [whatever happened to that outfit anyway?]

was working. Lots of 1998-99-ish germanic influence with properly developed

psychedelia to chew on. Plenty of good stuff here, lots of keepers. You

don't have to rush out and get this, but look for it next time you're buying

psy-trance CDs. He doesn't try to cram in too much information - he lets it

flow and sustain on its own. This is high quality entertainment, and it will

drive dance floors late late at night.


It's more german psytekno oriented than the typical israelian trance. And the

videoclip it's like from VIVA tv

Guest vasyachkin

ok this is one is closest in sound to Etnica - Chrome than any other album

IMHO. But it does use atmospheric sounds that are very similar to those on

The Delta - Send In Send Back.


this music is VERY monotonous. as monotonous as Send...Back at least :))) on

one hand this is bad, on the other hand - IT NEVER STOPS, never slows down,

never takes a break just the same pumping beat and growling bassline going

forever with very minor changes in whatever there is except kick and bassline

-- this can be good if you just want to dance.


this is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of Psysex - Hardcore Blastoff in which tracks

constantly stop, continue, stop, put in 3 minutes worth of voice samples

continue again so you can never follow the rhythm :)


if you liked both Chrome and Send ... Back you will definitely TOLERATE this.

but if you already heard those two albums don't expect this to blow you away,

because its just more of the same thing.

Guest Chaitu/Purple Passion

Nir Shoshani delivered a real work of art here, personally i love it and for me

it is the best album of 2002 so far. The dark atmoshpheres, lush soundscapes,

technoidic realms,industrial mechanism, and trancey energies are all

beautifully intertwined to give a soundtrack for the mind and body. The

journey begins with "Virtual Analog" followed by "The Day" - the combination

is the most powerful i heard in trance in a long time. In short, it really

kicked ass! The music following goes into a really deep atmoshpheric,

sometimes tribal, sometimes full on, realm, just when u think u can catch a

breath - a larger than life bassline will arrive to sweep you off your feet,

all that in crystal clear production. The video is real joy, the music

complements it perfectly - now everytime i listen to the music i picture the

video and vice versa - great fun, try it! Concluding, another fine release

from Hommega and Israeli trance, moving into the german technoidic industria

world, and with Hujaboy at the helm - this is a ride you don't want to miss.

Nir your Day has arrived, kol hakavod ahi!

Guest [Anonymous]

Damn fools that want to dis the Hujaboy.

All those of you that liked it, respect.

This albumn should not be compared to Delta or to any other attempt that

anyones made.

This is cutting edge, new taste of things to come.

If your don`t like it, fine you obviously don`t know what it`s about.

But for those that like it or love it like myself, you know that what Nir

Shoshan is doing, is basically going to bust trance wide open for the next



I feel that he`s following the trend as far as dark, phat atmospheric Tech

Trance is going.

Go take a listen to Dark Nebula or the new wizzy noise.

Gives you a massive idea opf things to come, make it dark, make it so.


Rock on Hujaboy.

Guest Hylton[at]coco.co[dot]za

If you like the new wizzy noise then you'll like this! Geesh! The albumn is

agreeably best in the first four tracks but hells bells the rest is still

pretty fantastic!


Most enjoyable....we want more like that!!

Guest gabrielperez[at]netcourrier[dot]

Hard to describe .Yes ,hard , it kicks your mind .It's not a copy of delta or

spiralianz ,it has his own style but I don't love it.For me a trance song has

to tell a 8 minutes long story and I like to feel a progression from the

beginning to the end.Songs like pop from delta or one way from spirallianz

really have a 'body' ,a signification.Songs of hujaboy seem to be leer in

spite of pseudo-atmospherical waves.Listening to hujaboy brings you the a

dead end...I downloaded it and it deleted it a hour later.good bye hujaboy!6/10

Guest stop[at]shiting[dot]here

i fucking like it

Guest Wako Jako

great powerFULL tech trance !

i loved it !


Guest Goa Spirit

the video is really funny... with the whole scientist effect. could have been

made better though, at times i had a feeling that i would change the

cinematography if i had done it, a couple more effects in the dry parts would

have made it more interesting.....

Guest djpoliisi[at]goatrance[dot]com

Whoaaaah. an album that really that really divides opinions. Yes, it's quite

minimal, but what a great genius Hujaboy is. The atmosphere of every song is

soooo god damn great. I have to say that this must be one of the best records

I've ever bought. 10/10 !!!!


and also the video... so fucking awesome!!! great work that too. all respects:

Aimo Nippi of Hypoteekkiyhdistys


well i have to say i have heard once. and again. and again again. it sounds

good but i dont know... its totally empty of any feeling. 7/10


Some songs sounds very stolen from The Delta/X-Dream and such.. Esp. track 2...

Sounds like the same samples as in "Pop" almost ...

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Goa Spirit

as for the music, it is quite good,, i really liked the ideas, but the

production sometimes gets a bit muffled... anyway for a new artist, this is a

very good effort. (my own tries pale in comparison to this),,, but hujaboy is

good, and overall i liked the album, will give this a few more listens to see

if this grows on me a bit more... i would give it a rating of 7/10 at the

moment with room to improve...

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Just got this release, and its definetly Delta/Spirallianz inspired peace of

work. Its got good percussion and bass drums, BUT something is missing.. maybe

its the production quality or maybe it lacks of originality. I just dont know

for now.. and the other thing that really annoys me, is that there are too

many extra overloaded sounds/noises in this album which just damage the groove

and making it sound something between,, wizzy noise and opsis :((

overall not bad, but could be much better, that guy has alot of potential, so

for now I'd just keep my eyes open for Boo-reka project instead 5/10

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

i love X-DREAM/MIDI MILIZ/SPIRALLIANZ/THE DELTA,etc. but I don't get this

one,something is missing!!!

  • 5 weeks later...
Guest evil sith lord

This album kicks fucking ass! Its kinda like psytrance-industrial rolled into

one. Nir is like the skinny puppy of psytrance. So no wonder the kids dont

like it. They werent around at the beginning and they probably wont be here

till the end. Hujaboy=hujafuckingpleasure. 8/10

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