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Plastyk Elephant / Hyper Frequencies - Plastyk Elephant / Hyper Frequencies

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Plastyk Elephant / Hyper Frequencies - Plastyk Elephant / Hyper Frequencies


Artist: Plastyk Elephant / Hyper Frequencies

Title: Plastyk Elephant / Hyper Frequencies

Label: Mac Ben

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. 07'55" The 7th Harmonie

02. 08'43" Flying Attack Of The Space Frog's

03. 06'52" After Effect

04. 09'37" Running Time

05. 08'26" Mental Zone

06. 08'57" After Son God

07. 09'50" Triton Kill Me

08. 08'20" Sister's

09. 07'46" Opus Secret




Before this CD I had never heard of Hyper frequencies, and i must say it was a

pleasant surprise! They are French and you can hear that in their music... The

style is very much Turbo Trance Records/@cidance Records! (Not very 3d-vision

like, there is more energy in this music and it's more psychedelic). Song 1

has a horse-rhytm, you know, a "double" beat, and on top some scratchy

psychedelic sounds, also it's rather slow (140).It's a good starter anyway.

Song 2 has a very powerfull bassline, but there isn't happening very much, a

little to techno like for me. Song 3 is very 3d-vision style, fast with

percussions and psychedelic scratch-sounds... Song 4 must be the first

dancefloor-killer. Very powerfull beats, some nasty guitar-riffs, in the

middle a melody and at the end an explosion of psychedelic sounds... Song 5 is

like song 3, but faster... Song 6 has a dark atmosphere with alot of weird

noise and some very psychedelic peep-noise... Also this one is really fast.!

.. Nr 7 is an absolute killer, on the dancefloor this would give instant

insanity... Powerfull and fast rhytm, and a killer melody in that typical

scratchy sound... (somehow like GMS, but less boring). listen to this song

loud and you are in the mood for party-ing!! ;-)) Number 8 has a deep bassline

and reminds me very much of Parasense. Also there are some guitar-riffs in

it... To end this cd there is once again a very fast song, but this time not

with a powerfull bassline, and that's a pitty, otherwise this would have been

a very cool song... there are some breaks with didgeridoo in it and once again

psychedelic-sounds-overdose!! So let's conclude this cd is rather harsh, fast

and véry psychedelic, but I like it, altough some more varation could have

been better!! 7,5/10 Bom Shankar!

Guest hate_FBI[at]hatemail[dot]com

This is god damn kickass wicked psytrance... I really love this album! rating

9.4/10! bommzzz

Guest Dandoo Forest

well its a nice album , i expected a bit more ... but fuck some trax rocks

Guest borisl[at]mad.scientist[dot]com

this is Neuromotor, btw, with another guy called Gill. and that should be

Plastyk Elephant. Not bad, but I like the Neuromotor album better, in the

similar style.

Guest ivan.nowodworsky[at]aventis[dot]

In fact this album is a compil of two different projects :


Plastik Elephant Aka Fred of Neuromotor

Hyper Frequencies Aka Gill Beraud


Two tracks 3 and 4 was be relased in Turbo Trance EPs 01 et 02 (After Effect of

Neuromotor and Runnig Time of Hyper Frequencies).

The new Turbo Trance comp contain two Hyper Frequencies tracks.....


When they produce music together the project call "Crazy Lion's Cult".

You can find a track of Crazy Lion's Cult in Devil is a DJ Hadshot comp and the

album coming soon.....





Guest Slidingtrancer

This is a cd which people should put on HIGH volume, there's a lot to discover.

An excellent release from a completely unknown album to me, I was happily

surprised. I like Triton kill me the best and these songs are all very good! I

really think people should take a listen to this album, wicked and psychedelic

all the way!I really recommend this, 8.6/10 I wish the Neuromotor-guy would do

more of this, this is way better....

Guest djpatek[at]hotmail[dot]com

Fucking good music. Triton Kill Me rocks. 8.5/10. 11/10 if compared to the new


  • 5 weeks later...
Guest Genetix

Honestly I expected this release to be awesome but is appears that is "only"

very good. I expected here to be Strikes To Heaven (one of the best Neuromotor

track) but?? All tracks are fast full on stompers that makes to dance without

the question you want or not. I don't have a time for full review. I will

describe only the tracks that are really good. (t3) very fast wicked tune with

no intro. This track is dancefloor hit here. (t7) Do you wanna dance? Aaaaaaa

what a track. You cannot image how good is this track. Fast and furious

dancefloor burner with very good voice samples. (t9) Also fast twisted tune -

great to dance. It has some sample like some kid shouting - pretty scary. I

expected that the last track will be more calm but here we have evil brain

punisher. Other tracks are very good to but in the same style like that I

describe it. I give 8.0/10.

Guest [Anonymous]

very good relese the best on it track 7 woooaa 9 of 10

Guest the dank man

Very good CD. Tracks 2, 7 are best. Neuromotor style, with lots of deep

danceable percussion. Plastyk Elephant is the name of the act; Hyper

Frequencies is the name of the album.

Guest Neuromotor

in fact plastyk elephant and hyper frequencies are the artist (i

know cause i m fred of plastyk....)no title 4 the album,sorry 4 the full on

staff this album is the 1 rst experience of un album with two artist

differrent the second one will be release in june thanks 4 people that take

time to listen it ,next time will be better i promise

Guest Goa Spirit

well this one is in that crazy neuromotor style with a couple of upward gear

changes.... this would bring out the dark even at mid-day in goa...

nevertheless this is very hard core stomping stuff and has two very good

tracks with almost no flaws in it and these are 4 and 7. 7 is a bit too crazy

to be released in our troubled times (thats a compliment by the way ;-)

8/10 from me, and going by my night visits to outdoor parties in the last 2

months is a clear indication that this has scored big time in that arena....

so i guess this is the last time anyone will ever say that they have never

heard of Hyper Frequencies,.,

Guest [Anonymous]

They are called Plastyk Elephant, not Hyper Frequencies, thats the name of the


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Neuromotor

last explaination....plastyk elephant and hyper frquencies are two different

project sorry but we didin twrite any title on this album

  • 1 month later...
Guest master[at]goatrance[dot]net

I like it, especially "trinton kill me" and "the 7th harmonie" nice full-on


Guest snitchie winnis

After Effect, track 3, is rinsing.

the bass guitar in that track .. oh yes. but unforunately it goes a bit trashy

mental further on, imo.

good werk tho...

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Slidingtrancer

It still kicks aural azzzzzz! Buy this great cd, it makes you wiggle till dawn.

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest windowing[at]yahoo

So all the odd-numbered tracks are by Plastyk Elephant and the even-numbered

are Hyper Frequencies, as I understand. No bad tracks here. Great full-on

psytrance. 8/10

  • 8 months later...
Guest Smarthowie

BUY this CD NOW !!! I have always wanted this cd, but it have always been Not

available at Psyshop.com... But then I tried chaosunlimited.co.uk, and they

had it.. So today I finally got to hear this cd - and what can I say... ? It

blew my mind and it still does, a couple of ours later... Got damn, probably

my best cd out of 50.. My favourites are Triton Kill Me, I have heard this

before though, but it is sooo good.. and Sister`s and After Son God, two

completely crazy tracks, the bassline in these tracks are the most pleasant I

have ever heard... *puh...* Seriously - Buy this cd, nothing more to say! :)

Guest Psykret

I have to say that i agree with the one above! Crazy stuff here!

Would probably ripp up the dancefloor @ any party!

Best moments 6,7,8!

  • 3 years later...

Since I first heard Hyper Frequencies solo CD (name eludes me at the moment)

I knew I had to get this one too!


I have been looking for this CD like crazy for years now!

FINALLY got it!




9/10 for sure!!!


now... to figure out which track to pummel a dancefloor with from this amazing piece o work!


deep groovy bounciness throughout!

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