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Activate Morlack - Illegal Remixes

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Guest iNFiNiTi500

Tough one, this acidcraziness from Activate Morlack. On the one hand we have

some splendid trax which are among the best I heard all year (Nagira, Juracid

Park, Gimme Some More) and trax that follow the tired GMS formula i.e loatsa

weird and downright ugly acidsounds but no clear direction. Like AtomicCow

said; some of them work, some don't. Shame really cause these lads could have

delivered one of the surprises of 2001 if the songwriting had been more

consistent. Hopefully they get it right next time. Still more enjoyable than

any GMS album: 7.5/10

Guest AtomicCow

Activate Morlack - Illegal Remixes


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Artist: Activate Morlack

Title: Illegal Remixes

Label: Hadshot

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. 07'35" Nagira

02. 07'00" Mississippi Growling

03. 05'52" Charas Ultralight (Rmx)

04. 06'50" Mission Possible

05. 07'09" Bumble Bee

06. 07'48" Glande De Loup Part 1

07. 08'12" Snoozy

08. 06'26" Juracid Park

09. 07'38" Gimme Some More Part 1




What we have here is not very melodic (lots of great riffs but few

melodies) full on with a strong bassline and a few noises thrown over

the top and maybe a breakbeat now and then. Most of the action is

going on below 1000 Hz. The production isn't very good because the

sounds aren't very clear and there's a noticable amount of hiss in

many tracks. However the music makes up for it. The BPM's increase

as we move along. The first tracks aren't very exciting apart from

the great Charas Ultralight(#3). It has a great sample of a droning

voice going "Naaa naaa nana nana nana nana" going down in pitch. And

later some silly french song. The stand out track on the album.

Bumble Bee(#5) is where things begin to pick up. It uses a melody

from some recognizable classical tune. Glande de Loup(#6) has dark

pads and later on a sample from War of the Worlds that works very

well. Snoozy(#7) is just plain good. Juracid Park(#8) has a VERY

catchy riff and is also good. Track #9 is unlike the others. Unlike

the others it doesn't have a strong kick but instead a shuffling

breakbeat. It has some strange melodies and noises but is too

'expermental' for me. Most of the tracks are very similar it's just

that some of them work and some don't. Solid stuff for the

dancefloor. Very energetic and just a little bit crazy. Favorite

tracks: 3(!),8,7,5. Overall: 6/10

Guest Cnt97

Wow... Track 8, Juracid Park.. GREEEEEAT track. Gotta love that bassline.. so

fun indeed :)


very good party nighttime full on banging psy, not pretencious, not minimal,

not flowery, not boring. 7/10

Guest acid_man_listening

Really none boring sounds inside!! Very crazy album by activate morlack, but

what should u expect from guys who name a track as "dog on acid" ? favourite

tracks 3,6, 8!

Anyone knows where that came from that funny song on charas ultralight?

Guest Grind

You can keep on making new psytrance forever, but one day you're going to have

to move on here. This album is crazy and very psychedelic, but the music is

filled with squeeling pigsounds, sound'farts', 303sounds and basslines that

have been used over 100 times. The average acid freak will love it, but in a

year people will have forgotten it.

Guest Psyentist

I got this almost the day it came out, I do agree that this is hard and

psychedelic, rude till the last minute, the quality of sound is not the best

but it is one of my best albums this year so far The Activate ingredient of

psy is back, we shall now go back to our ancient roots with the raw new sound

of the Morlack seed. I don't think it will be forgatten that so soon as to say

in a year, probably in 1 1/2 but if the Morlack can show newer better stuff as

you can see they or he can they just might make a legacy.

Massive attack to your body, I don't know if it's a group or a guy or what, I

sure would definately enjoy another album.

Guest FelipeLysergicProBrasil

Very good album,full bass,evil distortions.Best tracks for me are Nagira (great

bass line), Charas ultra Light, Mississipi Growling and Bumble Bee. These guys


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

Activate Morlack consists of one (as far as I know) guy from Israel, who lives

in Germany. He is also a DJ and has been playing around Europe for a couple of


  • 1 month later...
Guest trancer27[at]fcmail[dot]com

ANOTHER GMS alike bullshit that we've heard for over 5 years ??

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Mich [at] yahoo[dot]com

yeah good sound, hard tunes with bollox,production poor, if they

get that right,I think they/him will be successfull

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Rabbitakis[at]hotmail[dot]com

Barbaric Psychedelic Album!Fast tempo with heavy basslines.It is Fanatastic!!!

Best Track is Snoozy...

One of the most aggresive Basslines i have heard. 8/10

Dont miss it!

Guest Fluo_Samsara[at]hotmail[dot]com

I Love it!The basslines are amazing, and i find all the album really tripy.

Hope I can hear them someday in the dance floor!


This is a great album IMO... starting with a very groovy track then some normal

psychedelic tracks (still powerfull but a bit gms-alike nothing innovative )

and then we have Snoozy... my favourite with an 'aphex twin' sound in the end

of the track which makes the crowd go insane... Juracid Park is also very

twisted... this is a nice album. i'll give it 7,5/10

  • 2 months later...

this album kicked my ass..... 'dark groove' is the best way to describe it

it got me smiling like jack from the shining before he breaks down the bathroom

door with the hatchet

  • 1 month later...
Guest Defbydelta...

this album got the same rythem and style hole trough,

i think track 7- snoozy is best here!

this cd got 8/10

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Stimp

This is pure psytrance... i love it how they manage to put recognizeble

melodies in their composition. Their samples rule. This is one that diserves

respect! He's a master in his genre... (this opinion might be slightly

personnaly effected :P) :=: I give it an 8/10 since there are a few less great

songs on it but the others make the score!

  • 1 month later...

Pretty boring album...Too repetitive and no melodies at all...psychedleic

enough to get under your skin at first moment but turn into repetitive tasted

formula...It has 3 okay songs though : NAGIRA, BUMBLE BEE and SNOOZY...Rest is

completely not interesting...5/10

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest Activate Morlack

hi all!

thanx for the truly critik!!!

Finally set up the studio again after 1 year break and starting to produce new

stuff...also doing a webradio 24/7_3 streams_psytrance_house_ambient check

it out http://hbr1.com greetings!!! Morlack

p.s.sorry, dont speak any spanish....

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