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V/A - Infinite Excursions 3

Guest strou[at]mail[dot]tele[dot]dk

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Guest strou[at]mail[dot]tele[dot]dk

V/A - Infinite Excursions 3


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Artist: Various

Title: Infinite Excursions 3

Label: TIP World

Date: 1999


Track listing:


01. 08'07" Saiko-Pod : Go Fly A Kite

02. 07'03" Jaïa : I'd Like To Live

03. 06'34" Bus : North By North West 6 (Double Dekker Dipped Midnight Sushi Mix)

04. 06'37" Tristan : Fantastic Mr. Fox

05. 06'54" The Infinity Project : Dancing Girls

06. 06'04" Kreg : Microwave

07. 08'35" Process : Electric Monk

08. 09'02" Voodoo People : Mogodon Circus

09. 05'13" Dat Pirates On Dope : Es Klopft

10. 07'42" Further Mysteries Of The Yeti (Part 1 - Excerpt)




Totally amazing chill album here from TIP World. Some of the tracks are really

short ones, but it doesn't matter cause there are 10 great tracks here. I like

all of them but my favorites are the last 4 tracks. Especially the track from

Voodoo People kicks ass. It has a really great sample with a guy talking about

a clown in a big read suit. Really Weird shit. 10/10

  • 5 months later...

Infinite groove! I normally don't like the Koxbox/Psychopod style, but "Go Fly

A Kite" is something totally different from what they normally produce... A

killer track! Other superb tracks are #2, 7, 8 and 10. The tunes by Sean

Williams are pure masterpieces, as always... "Electric Monk" contains some

beautiful guitar lines... Great work, Sean! The last track is an excerpt of

the tune "Under Mount Kailash" by Process (taken from "The Mystery Of The Yeti

Part 2"). The tune by Voodoo People is another crazy creation. Great

compilation... Buy it now!

  • 2 months later...

Very, very good... Get this if you can find it... I found it at a local record

shop for only £8! ... And after listening to it, I would have paid double for

it!... Nuff said! 8.8/10 Bom shankar!

  • 1 month later...
Guest manicmagicmmushroomman[at]hotmai


Anyone feel like dancing??

Or Loud music???


An absolute joy from start to finish.

As someone else once said bubbalicious trancesplifferous.


That pretty much sums it up for me. Lie back and think of summer.


So good that it doesn't need the out of ten system.

Don't argue. Just get it!

  • 1 month later...
Guest Diepeveen

Great chill from TIP World... Best tracks must be 1,2,5,8,10... But there's no

bad tracks on this comp... So go get it, i found it on a sale for only 5£...


  • 8 months later...
Guest Diepeveen

After taking this cd back to my cdplayer i want to make my rating higher! This

is not just great, this is just amazing! - I really *dig* all of the tracks,

they're just so good! As said before: Dont's argue. Just get it!!!!!! - 9.2/10

  • 2 months later...
Guest psychodad

I find this cd boring. The first track is cool, but i have listened to it way

too much on the koxbox album. The Jaia track is good, but the vocal-sample

really annoys me. I dont really like the next 7 tracks. Though the one by

process is average, but not something I have to listen to again. The best

track is nr. 9 by Dat Pirates. Really cool. And the last one is allso

excellent, but its the same one as the process-track on Yeti-2, only its


Only one track that i liked. 6/10 but if you havn't heard any of the tracks

before I guess it will get something like 8/10.

  • 1 month later...

This is an excellent release from the rebirth of TIP records. This is exactly

what you need after a TIP party.

I think its time for part 4 in the Infinite Excursions series...

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