Children Posted September 8, 2001 Posted September 8, 2001 Chi-ad - Infinitism Artist: Chi-ad Title: Infinitism Label: Our Of Orion Date: 2001 Track listing: 01. 08'39" Beyond The Singularity 02. 11'00" Sub-Atomica 03. 09'02" Celestial 04. 08'44" Eye Am The I 05. 10'42" The Flame Of Eternal Life 06. 10'38" C12 Ohm 07. 09'24" Animatrix 08. 07'38" Purity Review: GOOD album ! Varying between melodic, soft & psychedelic sounds, that kind of stuff Chi-ad made us discover along the years ... I first advise you that most of this Tracks (except Tracks 2&7) have already been released (in 1998 for most of them) , but most of them are pretty hard to find now ... that's why this album was built and I can say you that here you have a good overview of Chi-ad stuff ! I would say a kind of "best of", waiting for his incoming new album :-) Track 1 starts with a very soft melody & a strange background, then snares ... and the heavy kick & bassline start with these music lines already installed in your head ... then a psychedelic melody increases the tempo, maybe it could have gone in another way to be even better at 4'00", dunno ... but the whole Track is pretty nice. Track 2 is the first unreleased one : very fast & psychedelic, maybe not enough various anyway ... Track 3 is really good ... sometimes we hear influences from the famous "Eye Am The I" in the melody ... you'll love it if you like this Track (and who doesn't like "Eye Am The I" ?). it starts with a not too fast beat, and a slow melody builds up the atmosphere needed by Dave Young to launch his psychedelic sounds ... the melody never goes fast, but is pretty awesome ! One of my favourites Tracks here (maybe the best, didn't know it before). Knows how to combine intelligent melodies with a psychedelic background and a not too regular rhythm (I mean there are some breaks to breath ;-)) Track 4 ... should I really present it ? If you don't have it and don't buy this album, you're missing something ! Most of the people agree to say it's the best Track from Chi-ad. But I thin I should present it anyway, as it has been remastered ! It starts with an hypnotic bassline & very fast snares, and takes its time to reach the "explosion" : first, at 2'16", the main melody quietly presents itself to your ears that you already say "don't stop it !" Then a long changing high-pitched note breaks it, and all the background becomes very psychedelic ... then you say "something is preparing" and can't wait to hear it ... 4'55" ? 4'57" ? 5'04" Dave is playing with your nerves :-) At 5'35" all stops ... well actually it doesn't stop, it seems like the melody is "waiting" ... and explodes at 6'11", the faster part of the Track. maybe the Track stops a little too suddenly anyway, but that doesn't make it bad :-) Track 5 starts with a soft voice then a heavy kick ... the melody is still hypnotic and pretty simple, not too make it the main part of the Track, but to give more importance to what happens around it, in background ... Chi-ad is one of those artists who use background sounds more than it is usually used ... anyway, I don't like this Track that much cause I don't like the variation of tone of entire melodies in a Track ... and there is one many tone variations along this one ... I also think the voice is a little too repetitive ... but that's my opinion. Anyway, the quick transition at 8'06" is that kind of transitions that made me love psytrance music :-) Track 6 sounds less old-school, and this time the effects alone start the Track. The bassline following at 0'58" is really good. That's the kind of rhythm you have to wake up with to be on top form ;-) A more psychedelic transition appears at 3'13" , with the same effects that started the Track. The melody breaks at 5'01", then is even more psychedelic at 5'14", to break again at 5'56". Track 7, the second unreleased one, quietly starts with kinda tribal drums and hypnotic background effects. This Track represents Dave's new style according to the cover, so prepare yourself to that kind of sound in his incoming new album. A good bassline starts at 2'44" while all the previous effect stop and new ones appear with snares. All stays fast but relatively calm. New tribal influences appear at 3'52" with a discrete melody that doesn't break the bassline. The melody continues alone at 5'41", with very fast snares appearing at 6'08". The bassline & kick continue at 6'36", but the scale variations starting at 7'30" make it not as good as this Track could have been for me :-( Anyway, that's a pretty good one, particularly if you don't hate scales variations as much as I do. Track 8 is still melodic & psychedelic, but more hypnotic than the other ones. The instrument used for the main melody made me think to a "Faithless" Track named "Salva Mea" I listened to ages ago, that started with a violin and used this futuristic instrument in the main melody :-) Overall a good example of how we can make a kind of "compilation" with a single artist, not like things like Astral Projection's "In The Mix" for example, by putting rare and good Tracks, coming from compilations, without mixing them ! Good point to new Out Of Orion label to have decided to release such an album ! By the way, this same label is looking for some new music acts (I'll speak them about the "Tracks Contest" thing), so maybe some people could be interested in mailing them at :-) Rating : 7/10 Quote
Mergi Posted October 10, 2001 Posted October 10, 2001 Kicks of with a pretty good track, Beyond the Singularity, which has that sort of psy touch to it but still is quite melodic... celestial is really kickin' major, and Eye am the I is really the best one on this cd... Eye am the I certainly reminds me of some of his other tracks in the way of making them, like Biocandy and creeping gravity, Eye am the I builds and builds for a few minutes and then kicks of the (psychedelic) melodic part in the middle, really keeps you listening because you wanna hear what's going to happen next. The flame of eternal life and Purity are good, sort of the aftermath of Celestial. Still Purity really got those nice trance vibes goin'. C 12 Ohm is decent, it's really too long I think and it could get quite boring after awhile. Animatrix... I really think that track is pretty amazing, nice flow, and it is really not too psy, more trance sort of, melodic with nice bassline... 8/10 Quote
Guest rx7style Posted October 13, 2001 Posted October 13, 2001 I just don't like the sounds Chi-AD uses... he needs to use less legato in his melodies, with less annoying samples. Very well put together though, the sound is very polished. Just not my style... Quote
Guest Zeus Class Posted October 24, 2001 Posted October 24, 2001 The flame of eternal life .... is a fantastic track. But i don't understand why it is on this album after already being released on another album.... thats really cheap... Quote
Guest Zeus Class Posted November 30, 2001 Posted November 30, 2001 Ha ok this isn't the same track (just got the cd) someone wrote it up there as "the flame of eternal life" and it's actually called "the flame". I think this is the best track AGAIN on this whole album. I think this is even better than the AD version. Quote
draeke Posted December 20, 2001 Posted December 20, 2001 GUYS this CD rocks remake of eye am the I is simply wonderfoul =) the flame is absolutely astounding and deserved to be properly distribuited on a cd.. (crap psychedelic demons compilation..zoomshot does not distribuite it widely). And again melodies are great 9/10 Quote
seraph Posted February 8, 2002 Posted February 8, 2002 Pretty good collection of singles from CHI-A.D. with 2 new tracks....And those new ones are good too...So, good thing to have, for all GOA lovers...BEST: CELESTIAL, EYE AM THE I, THE FLAME, PURITY. 9/10 Quote
Jon Cocco Posted March 1, 2002 Posted March 1, 2002 Both (i think new) tracks called "The Flame" and "Purity" are truly AWESOME!!! Buy this album just for those two awesome, melodic, deep, powerful intricate, tracks! (some tracks run on a little longer then I wanted, but whatever) Listening to the new version of THE FLAME at nighttime is absolutely awesome and unforgettable....very VERY energetic, cool, and moving, like beautiful layers of waves, both on and within more waves! Quote
freak51 Posted March 3, 2002 Posted March 3, 2002 I just got this as a gift from a friend. Nice old-school tracks from an artist who cares enough to put in some detail. Feel-good vibes for happy-chemical trips. Minimal lovers stay away, but fine cheese is no crime. Quote
khogg Posted March 4, 2002 Posted March 4, 2002 The Flame of Eternal Life, ohhh soooo dreamy smooth sexy...excellent! Why isn't creeping gravity on this album?? Dam, when Chi-ad is good, it's great! Quote
Mindtwister Posted June 18, 2002 Posted June 18, 2002 Ths album kicks as!!! A perfect mix with old and new styles, you combine good old memeories with new unexplored stuff that is really good... Here is a short description of the tracks: 1. Nice track to start with, will work great on the dancefloor, nice bassline... 2. One of the not so good trax on this album... Kind of borring acctually. 3. My favorite track!!! Nice melodies and amazing twisted samples and fx-sounds. Incredible!!! 4. Don't need to say anything except that it's re-mastered. So it's EVEN better. 5. This is a true killer, if you see people not dancing when you play this, there must be something seriously wrong with them =) 6. The second and last of the boring tracks... Quite interesting but nothong that I put on my mind. 7. Kind of tribal track, to bad that it ends in a kind of Holymen/Yahel style tho...=( 8. This is a nice trancy track that has a smooth melodie that everyone with feelings will like...=) Final Verdict: 8/10 Quote
Guest Davidtolsn Posted December 23, 2002 Posted December 23, 2002 hmm... below average, i think. very full on. a lot of the time the melodies just aren't too good. track 4 is good, track 5 is pretty good, and track 8 is nice even though it's very old sounding. the rest don't hold my attention... 6.5/10 Quote
Guest Goastomp9 Posted June 11, 2003 Posted June 11, 2003 this cd is pretty cool...dark and melodic, sometimes a bit on the cheesy side. track 1 is def my favorite track, melodic but DARK!!! i like 4 and 5 too, great vibe and energy. 7/10 peace. Quote
seraph Posted September 15, 2004 Posted September 15, 2004 CHI-A.D. - INFINITISM 2001 OUT OF ORION 1. BEYOND THE SINGULARITY 2. SUB - ATOMICA 3. CELESTIAL 4. EYE AM THE I 5. THE FLAME 6. C.12 7. ANIMATRIX 8. PURITY This is definately the last Goa Trance album released, and it is not even an album but rather compilation of singles brilliantly arranged. Dave Young is after Simon Posford the best Goa Trance producer from UK. His music is absolutely original and very epic structured. His philosophical approach to compositions and arrangements brings special feeling to your listening making it more experienced and layered. Every layer he uses is used exactly on time, on its place and for the right reason. There isn't slight bullshit in his forms and no experimenting. His straight forward melodic structures really bring a lot of excitement and maturity. After releasing 2 official albums : VIRTUAL SPIRIT from 97 and ANNO DOMINI from 99 he released compilation of singles that can be easily mixed with the album as well. If we don't count previously released songs this can be his best effort, but he then made EARTH CROSSING, an album that has never been released cause no one wanted to buy it. So, after pretty mature but not enough mastered debut he released classical album ANNO DOMINI which was entirely focused on dark gloomy times with incredible atmosphere and sounds. This album goes even further than that, shifting you to another dimensions, universes with every next song on it. BEYOND THE SINGULARITY is amazing piece of music. Not entirely goa trance this epic song has mature melodies followed by strong kick and drums. SUB- ATOMICA is good but I find it the weakest on album. Then comes very well known CELESTIAL which is brilliant goa trance song. EYE AM THE I is his most popular single ever released and this song don't need any description, simply BEST. Then comes THE FLAME, the first version of the song which he later remixed it and called it THE FLAME OF ETERNAL LIFE. This is an amazing song, one of the best on album as well. C 12 is also previously released and it is pretty good. Then comes another PERFECT song - ANIMATRIX. What a masterpiece. One of the best compositions ever made with amazing effects, drum machine and melodies ! PURITY is amongst best goa trance songs of all time for me, also very well known. This is an amazing collection, everyone should own it no matter the tastes...10/10 Quote
Guest Rain Posted September 15, 2004 Posted September 15, 2004 chi ad _ eye am the I is indeed the very best and one that I have got lots of positive memories is 'astral warrior'... not on this release but still worth to mention I believe... very realistic review by the way... straight to the point Quote
Lemmiwinks Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 nice review but you can still add reviews of older stuff already in the database in the "Goa Reviews" section... anyway, once the fully functioning site will come mars will put them in the new reviews section Quote
AmithabaBuddha Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 Celestial is so a beautiful song , i love Chi A.D´s work! Quote
Manuser Posted May 20, 2005 Posted May 20, 2005 EYE AM THE I !! One of the best goa tracks ever made !!! Sensational! Quote
seraph Posted May 23, 2005 Posted May 23, 2005 EYE AM THE I !! One of the best goa tracks ever made !!! Sensational! 263473[/snapback] WORD ! Plus PURITY and ANIMATRIX... Quote
ct haddock Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 Chi-A.D. is one of those artists that no one really talks about but everyone knows. Im just a bit dissapointed that I won't be hearing much new Chi-A.D. Anyway, I picked up my copy of Infinitism a couple of years ago and can say without a doubt that its one of the best purchases I'v made - CD wise. There is not a single track on this CD that isn't good. As has been said earlier, a lot of these trax have been released on other CDs so one can look at this CD as a 'best of' comp. The track that stands out for me is by faaaaar "The Flame". It is guaranteed to get you moving. The remix of this track (on another CD) doesn't do justice to its power. Another thing I love about Chi-A.D. is the track lenghts - they are nice and long. Iv been noticing lately that almost all psytrance trax are in the 6 minute range - I like long trax that take me on a journey so the newer music doesn't really cut it. Im not saying that a track has to be long to be good, it doesn't - LSD is a prime example - but it has to have a story and I don't really like short stories much. Overall, one of the better releases to come out of the goa/psytrance genre. A must buy for those that don't have this CD yet. Quote
Mindphilux Posted April 21, 2007 Posted April 21, 2007 I love this CD but Chi-a.d. has so many b-sides and comp tracks that this could have easily been a 2 disc set! i guess i'm being greedy, but what i say is true! I love Eye am the I and Purity.. a great collection of some of his non-album tracks Quote
bwhale Posted May 10, 2009 Posted May 10, 2009 Great CD but the weakest one from Chi-AD (which isn't saying much) IMO. Track 2 is not very interesting and track 7 sounds too similar and much inferior to Exit Eternity. Other than that all the tracks are great, but don't really give flow together like his other albums. 9/10 Quote
eudaimonia Posted July 3, 2009 Posted July 3, 2009 superb album ! I love all the songs favourites : Eye am the I, the flame and celestial I really like the kind of 'epical' melodies and sound he uses in these songs most of the songs are kind of dark but still melodic , I like this one the most of all the chi-a.d. albums actually.... although this one is not really a "coherent" album Quote
Trance2MoveU Posted December 18, 2012 Posted December 18, 2012 Artist: Chi-A.D. Title: Infinitism Label: Out of Orion Date: September, 2001 1. Beyond The Singularity 2. Sub Atomica 3. Celestial 4. Eye Am The I 5. The Flame 6. C.12 7. Animatrix 8. Purity The third album of Dave Young is a compilation of his most well known tracks as well as 2 new ones. Hmmm...released in September of 2001. Not many people were releasing goa trance at the beginning of the millennium. Gone were the floaty and beautiful melodies and in their place the minimal movement was in full swing. Something else happened right at that time. What was it, what was it? Oh. Yeah that. His style is that floaty storytelling goa trance more focused on spiraling melodies and atmosphere than blowing your doors off. Beyond the Singularity is a great way to start with a really cool breakbeat and dare I say an uplifting melody. Sub Atomica copies that exact pattern at the outset, but like a lot of his tracks it meanders on its own dreamy way. Mainly due to the length which is ideal for meandering. The long break allows the breakbeat to return while new leads germinate like flowers in Spring. The Flame is a monster. Hear that hi-hat? So delightfully crunchy! The lead? Epic! Carving across space like a turkey on Thanksgiving. Seriously cosmic goa trance. C.12 is another one of his cosmic tracks that rely on storytelling and capturing the listener. A synth stab hums warmly amidst outer space and alien effects. Soft melodies twinkle and travel from ear to ear. Animatrix is one of the new tracks (also the weakest in my opinion) and while in the same vein as the others it's a bit of a slow starter. Purity closes things out with one foot in the melodic trance genre and is a pretty good track. I enjoyed this one and it seemed to be a good time to put together a best of if you will. There will be questions of why this one or that one wasn't included, but I think it's a good primer for those not familiar with Chi-A.D. Floaty, melodic goa trance that uses epic melodies to rocket you into the stratosphere. Mdk Quote
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