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Diablo - Insufficient Memory


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Artist: Diablo

Title: Insufficient Memory

Label: Pandora

Date: 1999


Track listing:


01. 08'26" Hop She Goes ...

02. 07'06" My Parents Door

03. 07'16" We Are All Monkeys

04. 08'55" Sound Of Silence

05. 08'22" Insufficient Memory

06. 08'14" Past

07. 07'29" The D Science

08. 07'18" Nine Ways

09. 07'34" Download




Pretty Good And quite dark Israeli Album :-) I don't think there are awesome

Tracks on this album, but I think it's worth listening cause it's well built

and there are no Bad Tracks in my opinion ...

My favourites seem to be Tracks 4,6 ... This is that kind of album you must

listen to very concentrated to appreciate it well ... Rating : 6/10


My opinion is the same, except that my favourite tracks are nr 3,7,8,9. Use a

good soundsystem to appreciate the trip. Rating:7/10

Guest Infected Max

Insane feeling And weird atmosphear!!! Just lacks some experience And harder



A very good first release!!

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Kvin2000

Great album. Beware, this is not a full on album. It is a low key, very

atmospheric, dark, evil, gothic creation that is carefully crafted and

extremly well done. Nothing much is happaning in each track and there are no

parts of pure psychadelic madness. This one is all about the atmosphere is

creates. The tracks are all good in my opinion and are all similar (which is

good in this case because Diablo really have their own sound). This album is

intended ,I think, for home listening and should be listened to as a whole.

Great staff.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest AlexG

i 100% agree with kvin2000! i wrote a review for this album for my mailing list

when it first came out, and i said almost exactly the same thing using same

words as he did...weird! =) anyway, i don't know if this is impulse tracker or

not, but the quality sounds very high, and i would never think just from

listening that this was only done with a computer (unlike, for example,

shidapu or shiva sidpao, where you can spot the low quality of sound right

away). 8/10 from me! over and out

Guest 5dolphins[at]gmx[dot]net

I love this! Its a bit dark with less melodies


  • 3 months later...
Guest Dandoo Forest

ammmmammmmmm it's a israelien styl

but a difrent than all the israelien psy .....

kind of a dark twisted jumppy psy-trance!

ammm a GOOD album after all....

  • 5 weeks later...
Guest frequenchy[at]hotmail[dot]com

I think that this Album is very good but it"s like infected..

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest psy61[at]home[dot]com

I agree with the similarity to Infected Mushroom, I actually thought it was

some sort of side project at first. A really atmospheric album bordering more

on darkly sinister and gothic. Awesome album, especially if you are really

depressed, but still want to listen to psytrance. I really like tracks 1,7,8,&

9 , especialy the star wars voice samples on the last track, and the hilarious

leonardo dicaprio ones on the first... Its "titanic" meets psy!

Guest Ravemail10

Album most excellent. Very intellegent, very low key psy. It has no powerful

moments, and every track is nothing special, but on the whole it's a

masterpiece. Very dark, minimal, and very well done. I don't agree on the

similarity with Infected. Whereas Infected go for the more full-on funky sound

and are definitely melodic (twisted, but still melodic), this is not full on,

not funky and not at all melodic. Listening tip: turn off the light, close

eyes, turn on really really loud with headphones, listen to about 3-4 tracks,

then open your eyes. Everything will seem almost distorted! Every detail is

crystal clear, but it's all twisted a little. Or maybe my imagination is just

hyperactive :) And please disregard the impulse tracker comment above. Anyone

who has ever worked with a tracker (like me, then i moved to synths cause

trackers suck) knows that it sounds much worse, especially loud. This album is

beautiful loud :) 9.5/10 - I wasn't kidding when I said it's a masterpiece.

Not good as an introduction to psy-trance, but mindblowing for the discerning

connoisseur. Bom! - Raven

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest }Evilben{

i think th'at an amazing album ! great dark style, twisted, sometimes like im

(Sound of silence !),best tracks are 1,3,4,6. (although there're all good...)

Guest dusk[at]costaricarave[dot]com

My god I cant beleve that some people here are comparing Diablo

with infected, completly diferent dark atmosphere, and absolutly original, one

of the best albums ever.............

  • 4 weeks later...

It's better than I thought ... some tracks are really good.

  • 1 month later...
Guest [Anonymous]

It absorbs you to its domain without even trying. It's definitely very

atmospheric and a beautiful one at that.


Gives me hope that not all Israeli stuff are cheese (like Mystica's album

released same year ... urgh ...)




-- Prophet Goa (prophet_goa@yahoo.com)

  • 1 month later...

I love this style of music. Very similar to the great Infected Mushroom, this

is a must in Trance CDs. Very good.

  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Goddez

A very great alubm!! It's my favorite style of goa. :)

very good dark melodic :)

  • 2 months later...
Guest Rabbitakis[at]hotmail[dot]com

Diablo started very nice with that album (8/10) but where are they now? Anybody

knows anything? this cd has not killer tracks but it has a lot of atmosphear

,dark feeling, avoided only if you are planning tripping with hard drugs it

makes you depressed...

  • 3 weeks later...

It's a nice album, not great but very nice to listen to every once in a while


  • 1 month later...
Guest [Anonymous]

cosma is a part of diablo and its album is a killer stuuuufffff!!!

Guest [Anonymous]

the album is solid....one of the best releases that year

no bad trax and 'we are all monkeys' gives me eargasms after the last break

dark and smooth and bassy wellproduced with god athmosphere!!!

Guest st.balam[at]worldmexico[dot]com


  • 3 months later...
Guest Mekkish

I LOVE this album! No bad trax. 9/10

and remember: We are all moneys! :D

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