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Guest blink

here we go,


my latest track 'little voices' is in desperate need of a decent critique. if it would not be too much trouble could you guys give a listen to my track: http://organicparadox.com/01blink_tracks/o...ttle_voices.mp3


its made entirely in reason. i know the sound is a little flat (i haven't a clue on mastering yet;)....... please be honest and thorough if its not too much to of a bother.





elllooo blik!


nice work..... realey like the rubbing bass in your tracks :)

maby a few breaks would help a bit.... but realey nice work.......


what program and hardware are u using??


boom fom dk....



Guest blink

thanks for the critique loon,


yeah i needed a few more breaks in this one, but this is the first track i've made where i think my 'style' is coming through.


a few more questions for those of you out there who have a minute to help a fellow fluoronaut;).........................


-what about the rhythms? too harsh? to repetitive?


-samples? do they add to the track or detract from the music? too much maybe?


overall the track is a success or failure?


come on psychedelic freedom fighters! help a trancer in need!


-the shameless begger;)



Guest go@lex

i like it, and if you whant you can download " T RACK" it's a freeware

who remaster your songs like a home studio, and it's easy to use!

but i don't remember where you can download it...

Guest jonathan

if you need some more feedback you can post your track in the "new tracks" section in the isratrance forum.I think people are usually good about responding.


Guest blink

jonathan, thank you for the head's up on isra trance's site. i'll do that. and to the rest of you who were kind enough to respond i really appreciate it. a little more criticism was needed, but i got some of my own opinons from the feedback. thank youssssss!



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