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V/A - ISRAliens 3

Guest Chaitu/Purple Passion

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Guest Chaitu/Purple Passion

V/A - ISRAliens 3


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Artist: Various

Title: ISRAliens 3

Label: HOM-Mega

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. 09'11" Private Taste : First

02. 07'05" Astrix And Atomic Pulse : Optical Vibes

03. 07'39" Illumination And Perplex : Real Magic

04. 07'36" Yahel : Evolution

05. 08'25" Psysex : Amphitamaniac

06. 07'38" Xerox On Maskalin : Fanatical Clubbers

07. 08'44" Psycraft : Muse

08. 07'14" Hujaboy : Counting Spirals

09. 07'18" BLT : Bass Tah




The Israeliens strike for a third time!. But on this occasion theres a confict

of sorts - most interesting and entertaining though not as good as Volume 1,

it might just edge past the second edition - lets find out why!

1. Private Taste - First

(Its a relaxed opener, with lots of little percussion and entrances. The melody

is very relaxing, I can see myself grooving with it lightly under the mid -

day sun. A deepish morning tune for the outdoors, but great for clubs as well.)

2. Astrix and Atomic Pulse - Optical Vibes

(Smashing!! This is a real energetic dance floor track with a scando feel to

it. Thumbs up to this duo, one half of which used to produce victories. A real

full on peice of music which is simply a 'hit' in parties and will be fire on

the floor for sure!)

3. Illumination and Perplex - Real Magic

(My least favourite here, but only for the time i think. Not as likeable as the

name suggests, I haven't found any magic in it as yet, but theres still plenty

of diving left to do so it might just grown on me. Fingers crossed)

4. Yahel - Evolution

(A big change in style from Yahel here - the melodies are gone. Nevertheless it

still has a full on feel and is a great track to jump with. Sometimes I feel

its over and not going to take a direction - but thats just the best part - it

just keeps coming back strong. Very promising stuff from Yahel who is about to

release a new album , the content of which is along these lines - i believe)

5. Psysex - Amphitamiac

(One of my favourites here. The samples are taken from the crazy movie 'Requiem

of a Dream'. The usual psysex bubbles and squeaks, the madness back and forth,

those inevitable samples , and those amazing almost 'epic' melodies toward the

then end- beautiful!!)

6. Xerox and Maskalin - Fanatical Clubbers

(I sure ain't one of them, but I'm digging the track. Reminds me of some great

parties in Goa I attended 3 years ago which had a very festive atmosphere and

music wise I remember those tribal spanish shouts of 'Ecuadar' and 'Free', to

my immediate memory. A happy track, and I think thats exactly what the world

needs today - preferably in a large dosage.)

7. Psycraft - Muse

(Another favourite here. Beautiful track really , I think almost better than

anything on Gravitech. Happy, groovy, danceable. A real highlight of this

compilation, go go Psycraft!!!)

8. Hujaboy - Counting Spirals

(Things are getting real dark here courtesy of Huja, but most full on with a

bassline that will probably make people dig holes until they're underground.

Reminds me of the old Krembo music, but only much better sound and production.)

9. BLT - Bass - tah

(The name says it all.)

Guest Phoonch

I have this compilation almost from the first day it was released in Israel and

what could I expect more than deep full on groovy smart psytrance and amazing


this compilation is for me the comp' of the year and not just saying that

because I'm an Israelien I ment Israeli.

This compilation just rock's, it not as good as the first but still very close

to it.

favorite tracks: 2, 5, 7, 9.

ranking: 9.99999999/9.999999999

Get it as fast as u can!!!

Guest goa[at]c4[dot]com

very good one- a combination of progressive crunch and fullpower. favorites: 2

(a real killer!), 4, 6, 7 (great full on shit!), 8 (dark dark is the night), 9

(funky head bending shit!!).

Bom Shankar!

Guest a231[at]zahav.net[dot]il

woooooooooow man i love it!!!!!!!

and and track 9 Bass Tah is the best

GET IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Guest IsraFreak

isrealien trance started to become clubby and clubby everyday


ppl just lost the psy in their soul ... thats sad

Guest theorem

As much as I think that this album is pretty good, i have to agree with

IsraFreak on this one... There once was a time when I looked to the Israeli's

as the leaders of psychedelic trance, but alas, they now seem to be more

concerned with the club sound than the psy sound. Don't get me wrong, there

are some dope ass tracks here (2,6,7) but overall, it sounds a bit washed


Guest FelipeLysergicProBrasil

Very good...better than the 2nd Isralien...Hom-mega did it again. Psysex track

rules, BLT track is the best. Illumination & Perplex is very good too, and

Psycraft. For Israeli Psytrance Lovers only...Fuck minimalist crap.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Jason - Los Angeles, CA

Good stuff. Flows very well. You have to love Psysex. Love the beats on this

one. Thanks Hommega.

Guest Xymaths

Not a Israeli fan so much but yeah this release is superb. Although a little

too accessible (smooth that is) it really does have some good moments-Hujaboy

is what Midimillitz have never been-dark and stompy and the Psysex track is

deft my favourite of this year 2001!

Nice one Hon-Mega!!

Guest aquamental[at]hotmail[dot]com

I love this, just have to love these wonderful israeli people... Fanatic

Clubbers is so happy and Psycraft is one of my favorite artists nowadays -

everything they make is just so beutiful! Astrix rocks too... can't wait to

hear his forthcoming debut album!! No bad tracks in this one.

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Candlejack

Yes!! More of this shit please! From the excellent number one (of which I've

also got that excellent Ashtrax remix) to the hard punding number 9 this is

excellence all the way!! Standouts here are hard to name, but if you'd really

press me I'd answer: 1,2,5,6

Psysex really surprises me here with a more than excellent track!! People that

cab whine about this album are probably not sane anymore..!!

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest anti-club trancer

i'm really disappointed by this israeli clubbing trance that sounds like house

music for me.i don't like any track in this shitty comp :0/10

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Le Lotus Bleu

Lots of boring tracks but one brainblasting track from Private taste -First in

a deep trance style. 2 others good stuff, the first by Psysex with sex-breath

samples at begining;the second comes from Xerox feat Maskalin.

There's nothing else for me in this comp.

Rating: 4/10

  • 1 month later...
Guest Defbydelta...

This one is the best of the 3 of them i think

best track on this on is


track 1 sucks..


  • 5 months later...
Guest yataali[at]bluemail[dot]ch

perhaps tracks for the morning... I don't know but I know that psy trance

musn't be played in clubs!!!!

Psychedelic house... It sounds funny no??? Check the last album of deedrah and

you will understand...

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