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Doof - It's About Time


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Artist: Doof

Title: It's About Time

Label: Twisted

Date: 2000


Track listing:


01. 08'32" Try

02. 07'46" Dawn Of A New Error

03. 08'41" Last Half Of Forever

04. 06'06" Home Of The Strange

05. 08'06" Sk 2k

06. 09'29" Dark Secrets Of The Manky Fudgepocket

07. 10'14" Nights In Shining Alma

08. 12'06" (There Is Nothing So Dated As) Yesterdays Future




The very long awaited album from Nick "Doof" Barber has finally landed .It

was about time! ;-) And it was well worth the wait, this is amazing!! This

album is divided into two very different parts. Tracks 2, 3 & 4 are all

amazing, cool danceable tracks with loads of energy and strong psychedelic

influences, while tracks 1, 5, 6, 7 & 8 are best described as. Mystery Of

The Yeti Part 3!! Yes, Nick has wisely chosen to stay on the path he so

beautifully began to step on in Mystery Of The Yeti Pt. 2 with High On Mount

Kailash. Very, very cool dubby, chilled-out ambient tracks at it's very best

here! Best tracks are Home Of The Strange for intelligent psy-trance, while

Nights In Shining Alma and (There Is Nothing So Dated As) Yesterdays Future

delivers some of the best ambient stuff I've heard this year. Only topped by

Yeti 2! All in all, a very good album by Doof and a worthy countermove to

the minimalistic style that seems to be taking over these days. Nick doesn't

give a fuck about that. Bom shankar! 9/10

Guest svidmar[at]hotmail[dot]com

yesp, great damn album!!! Different from Let's Turn On, but still fucking

amazing!!! Great ambient, and some great danceable stuff. Very intellegent

rythms and drum programming!!!! GREAT!!!!


hehe youre right DP, he dosn't give a flying fuck about that weird minimalistic








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Guest Ravemail10

Just got this, assimilating as i type. First impression: very good. Very

different from "Let's turn on", which i like very much. This is much more

minimal than the first, but still for from real minimalism. Still happy,

though less shiny. Mostly downtempo. Definitely worth getting. It still feels

like Doof :) Final verdict on first listen: If you keep an open mind you will

like this. If you expect something like "Angelina" throughout, you will be

disappointed. I guess the album can be summarized in 3 words: Doof grew up :)

9/10. Bom! - Raven

Guest Kindgok

I like Twisted's new logo...and oh yeah, Doof's album is nice, too:) "Dark

Secrets Of The Manky Fudgepocket" turned out to be a rework of "The Tower And

The Star" from TIP's Infinite Excursions 2. "Last Half of Forever" has the

minimalistic aspect going for it (squelchy sounds, etc.) but Doof adds melodic

elements where others just stop caring.

Guest Goa Spirit

This is nice.... doof has made a strong re-appearance with the aptly titled

album 'its about time'... the whole album is very nice... i even liked the

more dancy numbers. :-).. especially track 3.. perfect for sunrise time :-)...

but then what else did we expect//// its nick doof :-)


bom!... i rate this a 7.5/10...


twisted's new logo sucks. it looks like two nike tics put

together, their old one ruled :-))

the musics still good though ;-))

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest frayjay[at]hotmail[dot]com

Yeah, this rocks. Nick Doof has released an album with great technical

production with innovation and quality throughout. Mastered at abby road,

[same place as the beatles recorded] the precise and scitiallating digital

sounds are infused with an analog warmth. The 3 trance tunes [tracks 2,3,4]

are all great, and you couldn't really say which is best, cos they're all so

good. All feature funky baselines [especially 2!]

lush chords and precise percussion. Though they are progressive and sparse (not

minimal!) in nature so if u only like full on stuff then don't bother. There

are 2 dubby, slow 4/4 numbers [1&5]both good, and the last three depart into

lush ambient teritory, with both uplifiting and dark moments, and a general

otherworldly feel. The album has a strong sense of continuity and is

definitely worth buying.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest acidboy[at]GOATRANCE[dot]COM

is very very simple ........Nick Doof is really FANTASTICCCC

thats all

Guest iNFiNiTi500

It is the minimalist version of Shpongle: clean and sober, but rewarding,

complex stuff with a lot of depth after a few listens. 8.5/10

Guest squidbyte

it is amusing to note that doof is named after the sound a strong kick drum

makes, yet there is rarely such a sound in these songs. i'm not one for

ambient, but this is well-constructed relaxing music. i can't say much more

since this is the sort of music that demands several listens, and i've only

had one so far... but, i will say that twisted's new logo/image is complete

bullshit. i guess simon wants all the oakenwankers to buy his stuff now.

seriously, what is with the mainstream progressive trance coming out of



I hate to knock doof cause his first album and lots of his singles were such

good goa, crazy amounts of layers, tweaky acid sounds and just that doof vibe

that's kinda playful and fun. However, this album is nothing like "let's turn

on", while the first album was packed full of melodies, there is usually a max

of 1 or 2 tunes a track in this album! And what's this doof doesn't care

about the dub/minimalist movement? The whole album reeks of minimalism. That

said, there's some nice ambient stuff there especially Dark Secrets, but if

you're expecting goa do NOT buy this.


I wasn't too much in to doof's first album.. but this I like!!!! I really like

the complete change PACE of Doof's music.. don't get me wrong i'm a hard core

psy/goa trance junkie and i'd rather have it full on, but if its gonna be

ambient type music... this is how it must be.....

  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I am going to start this review off by saying that this is NOTHING like

Let's Turn On. While Doof's first cd was highly uplifting, extremely fun to

listen to, very energetic and always danceable, "It's About Time," takes a

completely different route. This cd is mainly a chill album more than

anything else. When I first got this, I was very disappointed, because I

expected it to be like Nick's first cd. After some time and patience, I

noticed more interesting things about it that I had not heard before. I

recommend that if anyone fully wants to appeciate this cd, they listen to it

with headphones on, and the volume turned up. It has some nice chill-out melodies. 7/10.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Hc Onyx

I think "it's about time" is an excellent album. Sure, it's more minimalistic

than the first one, but it still keeps the old psychedelic spirit allive. Most

of the tracks on the album are relaxing and laidback, but when nick puts the

pedal to the metal he really knows how to make a dancefloor rock. The way he

makes the entire album flow is brilliant, and you'll never get tired listening

to this.


I notice some of the earlyer comments on this list make a big deal out of this

album being to much minimalism and less full on goa. I think we should all

leave the artists alone. It's a new direction that trance has been taking.

Some like it, some don't. Doof manages to find his right place. Not to

minimal, not to overloaded with sounds. As far as the debate on Twisteds new

logo goes, all I can say is that Simon must be allowed to do what ever he

feels like. It's not our job to decide what their image should be, our job is

to listen to the music. If we don't like it, we dont buy it, let's just keep

it at that..

Guest Psylent Buddhi

Well, this is definetely on the chilly side of psytrance. It demands to be

listened to in headphones, otherwise a lot of the subtle and low-volume sounds

will be missed. All tracks are constructed in a very intelligent way; none of

the tracks head off in weird directions, they stay on the same path. This

could make this quite boring, but it certainly is not. Listening to the album

in its entirety is pure bliss, but the tracks can also be appreciated

individually (especially tracks like "Nights in Shining Alma" & "Yesterday's

Future"). In conclusion, this is a must-buy album if you can appreciate the

strong ambient influences this album has. I particularly dig "Dawn Of A New

Error" and "Last Half Of Forever" for the delicious use of chords, giving the

tracks a very chilly atmosphere, even though they're among the fastest tracks

on the album. Grab This! Plur - Psylent Buddhi

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Slidingtrancer

I bought this at the Senseblender festival and when I awoke at home it was the

first thing I put on ( though I bought one more cd and got one mix from

akindo). This is so great, I'm really tripping on this. I would describe it as

down-tempo,subtle,mindsoothing psychedelica. I don't have any favourites as

this album is a journey.

Just get it if you are into ambient psychedelica

  • 1 month later...
Guest grant[at]geeklife[dot]com

long live nick

  • 1 month later...
Guest [Anonymous]

what can i say?

"Dark secrets of the Manky fudgepocket"


  • 1 month later...
Guest deedrah[at]goatrance[dot]com

it's only "excellent"

  • 2 weeks later...

Great album.....Sure, It's not like his first album, but hey, things

changes....This is great ambiental, chill out album....If you're into this

style....GET IT.....8.5/10

  • 2 months later...
Guest koirraaah

Track 6 sends shivers down my spine every time. Excellent.

  • 1 month later...
Guest djairic[at]hotmail[dot]com

excellent music, excellent stuff! great to listen to on headphones late at

night, or anytime! turn it loud!

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Zaraknon

Very nice album, but it takes a little time to grow on you, especially the

trance tracks (2,3,4). At first few listens they seemed quite pointless to me

but soon I learned what marvellous and relaxed morning tunes Dawn Of a New

Error and Last Half Of Forever are. I love that special warm atmosphere

throughout the whole CD. The chillout tracks all do it for me, each of them in

its own way. Not as psychedelic as e.g. Shpongle but instead with high

emphasis on the chill-factor Nick Doof’s second album relaxes you with the

same high quality of the TIP and Twisted chill-out releases that we all

appreciate so much. 9/10

  • 1 month later...
Guest axis

stunning album... easy, gentle, melodic, i fall in love with this album...

great 10/10

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