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Parasence - Krakakot / Birdday

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Parasence - Krakakot / Birdday


Artist: Parasence

Title: Krakakot / Birdday

Label: Totsu

Date: 2000


Track listing:


01. 09'40" Krakakot

02. 08'23" Birdday




Krakakot looks like it's a drunk track: clear but going inside out...hard to

explain. The thing consists in rhythm and ghosts rumours in the begining, then

there are strange wobbling melodies And sounds (like GMS' ones). The music

itself looks like a gimmick. I think you can feel the result if you drink 1

bottle of vodka and listen to a GMS track. Good track. 7/10.

During 90 seconds, Birdday is a bit disappointing, then it reveals itself:

fast, no-compromise-bassline, military ambiance, uplifting rhythm, and so

on...madness? Maybe it needed to be worked on a little more, after all because

it's too agressive. 7/10.

They are mad, they are from Russia, they kill us on their live acts, and

they're still insisting...

So they get 7/10 for the whole delirium.


Krakakot is a very well done track... It's just a pity it's an old track so the

production is not that good...but the insanity rules.

Guest i_mike2000[at]yahoo[dot]com

unbelieveable tracks from the russian masters of war!

  • 3 weeks later...

Side A

This track starts of with a very swing feel. Specially the drums and the

cymbal.. and then a sample

"and your ready to float" and then the beat comes in slowly.. Not a hard

driving one.. but a subtle small nice sounding kickdrum.. and sweepy sounds

just going all over.. suddenly it breaks into this slow melody...and back into

a harder approach to the song

Side B

Very crisp clear sharp sounds...

very stacato bassline... and some sounds just grwoling away... very unclear

melodies... 7/10

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Guest Hoodoi[at]mail[dot]ru



hALLUcinaTIonS all around me ...

-P-R-I-V-E-T-/ -O-T-/ -F-E-E-L-a-.

  • 2 months later...
Guest bsd[at]christiania[dot]org

para sence fucking rules

atex, birdday, arizone dream and alot of the others rule !!!!

  • 1 month later...
Guest afxed[at]yahoo.com[dot]br

good percurssion, good bassline , but synt and melody doesn´t have power!!

that things bring me up!!!!! dont stop keep gooooinnng!!!!

i will be there at 8 june to listen....bum bum bum!!!

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