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V/A - Kumharas


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Artist: Various

Title: Kumharas

Label: Shiva Space Technology

Date: 1999


Track listing:


01. 03'16" Shiva Shidapu : Intro

02. 12'00" Shiva Shidapu : Tiwanacu

03. 08'05" Project N Feat DJ Sha-mane : Eair

04. 07'21" Moksha : Morphik Labyrinth

05. 12'00" Jörg On Mushroom : The Messenger

06. 08'52" Members Of Wah : Hotel Sumatra

07. 16'00" DPOD : Long Caravan Au Soleil

08. 07'42" Shawn : Nexti




A Wonderful Ambient CD of the label of Jörg Kessler!!!

Some songs will brainwash you... I Didn't knew that Ambient could

be so strong!! There are 4 really awesome songs on it!!! nr2,3,7&8!

I know most people will like the combination between Infected

Mushroom and Jörg Kessler the most, but it's more Psychedelic

Drum'n Bass, and I don't like it that much... Also a pretty good

song is Members Of Wah (Aka Sinister Funk)!! Bom Shankar

  • 4 months later...
Guest email[at]plbicker[dot]com

Really great CD. One of the better chillouts out there. Track 5 is my favorite.

Intro is also cool.

  • 1 month later...
Guest svidmar[at]hotmail[dot]com

Purchase it gotdammit...It's just fucking beautifull!!! Best Ambient EVER!!!!!





PURCHASE IT!!!!!!!!!

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest OveGrov

Oh fuck, awesome album! Ambient at it's best. Fav's are track no 5 and 6

(10/10). The rest is 7/10. Pure softambient with a touch of psychedelic

goatrance. The Album is a one of a kind. Before this album I did'nt really

like Shiva S.T. But now I do. Thank you S.S.T

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest tranquilityallstar[at]yahoo[dot]

Some of the most beautiful ambient ever put on CD. Favorite tracks are 2, 3,

and 7. Great for escaping reality for a while. Tracks 2 and 5 are 12 mintues

long, but they will be the shortest 12 mintues that you will ever live,

because the songs are so wonderful that they go by way too quick. The same

can be said for the 16 minute long track 7.

  • 1 month later...
Guest [Anonymous]

Second best chillout album I have. Best songs are 5 And 7. Song 5 isn't realy

that ambient, but it is very trippy. Song 7 isn't goa but I don't realy care

about that. It has some nice drums in it. The rest of the songs are all

average but listenable. Oh, not to forget, the intro is very cool too. Rating:

Highly Recommanded

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Guest Kindgok

You say "taken" but not only is one track a tribute to Shpongle (which is

intentional), but electronic artists are ALWAYS drawing ideas and sounds from

each other (which isn't always intentional). Besides, if you're going to

swipe you ought to swipe from the best, right? Are you saying there SHOULDN'T

be more music in the Shopongle vein? I wish MORE people would tap into this


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Diepeveen

This album is great! So many weird sounds (The tracks with Erez *LOL*)!

Favourite tracks must be: 2,3,5,6,8... I don't enjoy the Moksha track that

much, but it's not bad;) But my dissapointment comes with the Caravan track,

wich I find to repetetive! - 8/10 :D

  • 1 month later...

I don't rate this as highly as some of the reviews here - but certainly a

worthy chill. I'd have to say that I suspect that the producers think a little

too much of their abilities here - it's a bit of an overkill in the sample





  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Goa Spirit

This was made in a different frame of mind DEFINITELY!! sounds very alien,

great for escaping.. really liked 1,2 , 5, 6 and 7. Very powerful ambient...

  • 3 months later...
Guest antero_virto[at]hotmail[dot]com

I actually bought this album because of Hotel Sumatra. I had heard Tiwanacu

before and it's still very good, except for the coughing squirrel sound :)

Very nice album! Track 5 has nice parts but it's a little bit 'broken' in many

pieces. And track 7 is NOT repetitive, unless you are an impatient person or

in a hurry. Pay attention to it and it's great. I didn't like Moksha's track

much, and the Shawn track isn't one of the best tracks here either. Not that

they were bad. tracks 1,2,3,4,5,7,8: 8/10 and track 6: 11/10! It's Hotel

Sumatra! I've listened to it for 9 hours straight on loop, and it never gets

old. Wow!

  • 4 weeks later...

This cd was my first touch on electronic music.. after this i just freaked uot

on electronic music.. well that happened quite a few years ago.. but i still

think that the messenger is one of the best tracks ever..

  • 1 month later...
Guest then again, so what? it rox :)

I hate to disappoint anyone but track 8 is (seems to be, unless...) a rip,

unless it's made by Nexus under some weird artist name. The original, as said,

is Nexus' song Tau Ceti, made in 1996, which a fairly large percent of the

tracker scene can prove, including myself. The songs are identical, and I've

got the original .it file, too.

  • 2 months later...
Guest [Anonymous]

too much taken from the shpongle..

rolling on floor laughing.. this cd was before shpongle..

and it goes like this -- shpongle took a lot influences from this cd

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Kurukad Dar'nizhaan the Unhappy

"Pathetic" is a word that can be used when describing the intro, luckily the

rest isn't as bad. But I'm still glad I didn't buy this one. And what comes to

Shpongle's relation with this, I think Shpongle has refined just the parts

needed and left everything useless out.

Guest Genetix

Everybody here is talking about this CD. Kum Haras, Kum Haras - all the time.

That was big motive for me to go and buy this CD. When I saw the track listing

I saw the well-known Jorg On Mushroom track that I don't have at that time.

Sure I don't expect chill out tracks here, except the Jorg On Mushroom track.

After first listening I feel little cheated, but after second listening I

realized that this CD is a pure Gold. (t1) very good intro, after this intro I

understand the direction of this CD. (t2) well good work from the Infected

guys here, some flute playing and you feel like you are flying in another time

and space (t3) noting special here but still good (t4) very twisted and wicked

track from Moksha, after this track I bought their album Neuromistix (t5) best

track here, it punches my brain hard and slowly. I have feeling that I am on

another planet! - very sick psychedelia. Even Shpongle cannot compare with

this thing (t6) fynki ambient but enough psychedelic to flow (t7) too long

IMO. Yes the title is right Long Caravan, you will feel that the journey never

ends (t8) beautiful melodies here it ends this CD very well. Very recommended


  • 2 weeks later...

Very good compilation that how it's compiled it even sounds like a proper album.


I am so sorry they haven't made more compilations like this cause this is truly good excursion in freestyle. Shiva Shidapu made their best tracks and Jorg On Mushroom is soemthing out of this world.



  • 1 month later...
Guest [Anonymous]

This cd is amazing! It is one of the best chill-out cds I own. Every song takes

you on a journey into new realms. The intro is so atmospheric and sets the

mood for the cd. Then comes Tiwanacu which is such a nice piece of music, it

stays with me all day, the melodies and vibe just reverberating in my mind.

One of my favorite songs. Next is Eair which also is one of the best tracks,

it is melodic and powerful while still maintaining a chilled-out vibe. Track 4

Morphik Labyrinth is probably my least favorite but is still very good. It is

deep and dark and it creates a strange atmosphere. Track 5 The Messenger is

such an amazing creation that it must be experienced first hand. It is a

unique song where the rythms are mostly break beat or drum n bass style and on

top of this there are piano parts and strange psychedelic vocal snippets

strewn about. It is a long and strange journey through many emotions. This

song is my favorite along with Tiwanacu. Next is Hotel Sumatra which is

chilled to perfection. Very excellent chilled out, somewhat dubbish sounds

that you just float away with. The next song Long caravan au soleil is one of

the deepest pieces of music I have ever heard. Layer upon layer of drums,

vocals, ethnic insruments, and bird chirps create a deep and mysterious

journey with the caravan au soleil. The last song Nexti is probably the most

beautiful of all the songs. It has the kind of tender/beautiful melodies that

reverberate in your mind long after the cd is over. It ends the cd perfectly.

This cd is highly recomended if you are looking for some good chill-out music

that still maintains its sense of psychedelia. 9.5/10

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]


music like rock rap electronic but this track is the greatest achievement in

history of mankind

  • 1 month later...
Guest Peaceful Warrior

I just wanted to say that after more time this cd has come to

mean even more to me. It is so excellent. I have also come to like track 4

quite a bit more. Well I already posted my full review (second one above) but

I have to say that I recomend this cd very strongly. It is one of the best

chill-out comps I have listened to. Get it if you can.

  • 5 years later...

it's the most beautiful psyambient compilation a've heard.

Track 5: Jorg on Mushroom - The Messenger just makes me shiver each time i listen to it.

And each time i listen to it i discover something new in this track.

this sure tickles every singel deepest braincell

  • 4 weeks later...

Artist: Various

Release: Kumharas

Year: 1999

Label: Shiva Space Technology

Cat-#: 005

Rating: 3/5



1: Shiva Shidapu - Intro

2: Shiva Shidapu - Tiwanacu

3: Projekt-N Feat. DJ ShaMane - Eair

4: Moksha - Morphik Labyrint

5: Jörg On Mushroom - The Messenger

6: Members Of Wah - Hotel Sumatra

7: D.P.O.D. - Long Caravan Au Soleil

8: Shawn - Nexti


This one I bought mainly for the Moksha track, having downloaded it long long time ago and being totally displaced by that wall of moving air which is instigated, naturally, from the persistant bass flow. Seriously it's thick as the jelly you smear onto your sandwiches. Then there's these totally mesmerizing layers of strange blips and blops, different soothing atmospheric layers, experimental ambient to say the least. Very nicely done, IMO.


There's also I slightly surprising appearance of DPOD on this one, Long Caravan Au Soleil which I at first only recognized from somewhere. Just I couldn't figure out from which compilation... well, I only have two CDs with DPOD appearances so it didn't take me too long to find it again. Global Psychedelic Trance Volume 4 on Spirit Zone from 1998 housed the less than ten minute version of this track with the name Caravan O Solé, and it's the exact same track but only 9 minutes of it.


So finally I get to hear the whole version of it. It's really a nice track, a very sunny track which rolls on forever, it seems, with tribal elements, chants, strings and flute. Then somewhere half through it drops a nice slow breakbeat and you can hear some foreign synth pads and sweeping atmospheric layers. On the Spirit Zone this is where it fades out and gives way for the next track, however on Kumharas this is where they reloop the track with slight changes.


Shawn delivers the last track on the compilation. Don't know who it is or where this dude is from, but he doesn't disappoint the least bit. This is a good laidback goa track with nice ambient melody layers that just simply demands that you space out. Sporting a four by four beat inbetween intro & outro this track probably works nicely both as chill out and dancefloor material.


I have trouble enjoying the other tracks as whole. The piano layer in The Messenger is beautiful I'll give it that, and on top of that we get a real good breakbeat layer. And the first 4 minutes is a nice blend of ambient, breaks and a bit of jungle in it, if we could've stayed there and kept on experimenting this track would have turned out great. But of course the next 8 minutes is just totally down the drain as we're switched onto the regular Infected Mushroom track, and it's not even good Infected Mushroom this is just horribly bad!


Tiwanacu might be an overall good track, but that's it. It's very average, it doesn't bother me but still it doesn't do anything for me. It's probably good background music with subtle percussive elements, tentative ambient layers, flutes and so on. Though they could've left out that gurgly tweeked sampling, it's totally out of place.


Members Of Wah delivers a jamming like tune which I'm having slight trouble understanding, the first half is just typical laidback music which could've come from anywhere. The other half sports a tweakly-tweakin' synth solo which just is... well, annoying!


Track 3 Eair... this is actually sounds kind of good, very minimal in it's way with looplike ambient melodic layers throughout. But there is not much else going on here otherwise and I have trouble sustaining interest.

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