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V/A - Liquid Dub 7

Guest Psylent Buddhi

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Guest Psylent Buddhi

V/A - Liquid Dub 7


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Artist: Various

Title: Liquid Dub 7

Label: LSD

Date: 1999


Track listing:


01. 14'34" Industrial Suicide Tribe : Aqua Sufi

02. 10'43" SO36 : Freedom

03. 07'14" Nomads Of Dub : Spirals

04. 09'58" Celtic Cross : Lapis

05. 08'58" Purple Om : Armageddon Dub

06. 10'07" Blue Lotus : Gaia

07. 03'27" Dub Trees : Liquid Dub




This is absolutely fantastic! This music is so beautiful it's hard to find

words adequate enough to describe what I feel when I listen to this. Simon

Posford is involved in a lot of the tracks here and his production skills are

very obvious on the tracks he has co-produced! Anyway, I.S.T.'s "Aqua Sufi" is

a lenghty and beautiful track, with a gorgeous melody played by a sitar!

Really nice!! SO36's "Freedom" is unbelievable! Starts out beautiful with some

choir and then moves into a darker mood with a haunting acidline coming out of

the cutoff-filter! After that things change and the track developes into a

beautiful, meditative and relaxing track with amazing rhythms. I lack the

words! "Spirals" by Nomads Of Dub is also good. It's a more busy track with a

very deep production, but still very beautiful! "Lapis" is a remix of "Mundis

Imaginalus" which can be found on the Celtic Cross album "Hicksville". Lapis

is like the original very good with some awesome rhythmic patterns!

"Armageddon Dub" is very cool, again with a deep and immense production, a

nice rhythm and some beautiful chants. Some people might find Blue Lotus'

"Gaia" a little hard to like. It has some definite "rock" influences with some

wild sequences where it seems like someone is torturing an electric guitar :)!

But I like it... ..."Pink Floydish"...? ...Nahh...! "Liquid Dub" by Dub Trees

is very beautiful. It's really a shame it isn't any longer! It's like a small

piece of psychedelic ambient. I would like to hear more like that from Dub

Trees!! And to sum up everything: GET THIS NOW! This is one of those albums

that's worth tracking down at all costs! Plur - Psylent Buddhi

Guest Vystril[at]aol[dot]com

i totally agree!! i LOVE this comp.... i listened to aqua sufi for days :)

couldnt get over that track... and armageddon dub is amazingly uplifting, i

still cant get enough of this, definately worth buying!

lovely mello stuff


Guest jeffe[at]freesurf[dot]fr

Great !!!

tracks 1-2-3 are gems ! beautifuls tracks...

i don't really lke celtic cross remix...in my opinion original was

better...Gaia sounds like Rage against the machine downtempo !!! but the

tracks is a little dissapointing...going nowhere..


A really great Cd ambient with Dub influences (it is written on it !!!!!)


  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Great compilation. "Armageddon Dub" is the best tune, but all tracks are top

quality creations. The only thing that disturbs me, is that the sixth track

doesn't fit into this compilation. It sounds like a mixture of Chemical

Brothers and FSOL's sound in their album "ISDN". Altogether, a worthy


  • 4 months later...

This compilation is something else

the whole thing taking you on a journey

By the Way "Armageddon Dub" Is done by Simon Posford

Its his side Project


Get this if you like spacey ambient/dub chillout music

  • 4 months later...
Guest [Anonymous]

Armageddon Dub is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO WicKeD!!!!

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

very good! If you like ambient LSD dub this is the one to get!

  • 4 months later...

good good :) nice dub :)

nice track !! nice people !! nice comp :)

  • 2 months later...
Guest civ604

Considering it like the collection of tracks it's all great, worth picking up

for the vast majority of them alone. Heh, S.Posford is a name! ;) But, imho,

as the conceptual set this one isn't as good as it could be: whenever I put

this on I find myself every once & again unable to follow it the places it

leads to (if any) all the way. Particularly, forementioned "wrong" track #6

from Blue Lotus isn't actually as bad as it gets -- but one thing is for sure

here: it totally ruins the subtle images the first three tracks tried to

create. If it is put here "for a change" then it's drawback just because the

change it does is by far "off the stream". Though it is hard to judge which

track is the best, my choice falls here on #5 "Armageddon Dub" for being so

intense & "incapsulated" it flows flawlessly till the very end independently

from the mood-disorientation this comp. creates. Beyond the influence, that's

it! ;) The whole thing gets 7/10 from me, but this mark could easily be higher

if not the problem I just mentioned. Also, am I right saying that this comp

was released in 1999 on Liquid Sound Design what then was followed by

Dragonfly release in the beginning of year two thousand? Tchankov I.V.

  • 1 month later...
Guest korr

very good compil.. if you look good you can see simon posford (hallucinogen,

shpongle), nick doof, .. the big ones are united here!! it's varied and

melodic, mind expanding ambient trancy stuff!! but WHAT THE FUCK is track 6

doing here??? it just breaks the magic, it's killing this wonderfull cd! my

favourites are all but this.. rating 8/10 (9/10 whitout track 6)

btw dewastator: thanx for your uplifting review..

  • 7 years later...

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