Guest Mascok Posted April 18, 2000 Posted April 18, 2000 Manmademan - Love Technology Artist: Manmademan Title: Love Technology Label: Flying Rhino Date: 2000 Track listing: 01. 06'49" 1920 02. 05'54" 1947 03. 07'25" Won't Belong 04. 08'20" Breathless 05. 07'31" The Religion 06. 07'56" Down In Earth 07. 07'20" Closer 08. 05'44" Circlemakers 09. 08'55" Bad Seed 10. 07'47" Lunar Lammas Review: Welp, I waited for this cd for over a year, and when i got it a month ago, i wanted to cry. i couldnt believe that this is man made man. well it is. Its a totaly change in styles from the old worx and this one. well i didnt gave up on this album and at the first couple of listenings i though it was totaly suck, but after 10 listens i though it KICK ASS!!!. its not psytrance, its the style that a lot of artists around europe are getting into. i dont know why it took me so long to understand what a wonderful cd this is, well i guess all that time i listened to it, was worth it... First Track called 1920. it starts really nice with a female choir vocal and an electronic string. and after a min a weird bassline is in and after a few seconds the beat i coming. that bassline lead all the track with in the background there are a lot of fx's and vocals. 2nd track is 1947, which is kinda the same idea as in 1920, but that diffrent is those tribal drums that lead all the track, great track as well. Track 3 (Won't belong) is a diffrent from these first tracks. and still bassline is leading all the track, a lot of vocals and fxs in the background. I WONT BELONG!!! . one of my favorites here. Forth track (Breath Less). is faster from all those track befour. more dancable and the atmosphere in this track is very happy, reminds me Electric universe... (?). i love that "Ehhh" vocal hehe. 5th Track is called The Religion, it is a really weird track, the hihat open is the master here. weird effect, weird hihat line, weeeiiiirrrddness!! hehe. liked that one. 6th track is one of my favorites here too. its a bit groovier from all those tracks b4. same bassline all the way as well. still a lot of fx's and nice vocals here. 7th track is called Closer, which is kinda dark but those strings in the background make it sound like a dreamy track. pretty weird bassline for this nice kick. the hihat open is the master here as well. very good track!. 8th is my favorite track in this album it called CircleMakers. and it starts with an ugly kick and then .. boom a crazy beat is appeared. this track is actully build by that beat and make it a very kick ass track . very groovy one. with the same bassline who leads all the track as well hehe. 9th track is a good one too. called Bad Seed. gotta love that electric melody in the end (7:00+). and those kick ass drums. and all those background fx's, vocals and melodies. a lot of crazyness!. Last Track is Lunar Lammas is a great chill track starts with a beautiful melody and a lot of fx's, very lovly bassline and drums, great melody in the end (%:10+). great ending track. This is an amazing cd, very well built, wrote and mixed. though it was hard for me in the start to like it, now i think its one of the best albums this year (though they arent many), i will give it 8/10. i would give it 10/10, but its was a bit hard for me, to understand this cd. well i guess you like it. very recommended. enjoy. Quote
Guest lifeforms[at]bluelight[dot]nu Posted May 17, 2000 Posted May 17, 2000 this voice from album, very hallucinations Quote
Guest pugachev[at]cs.msu[dot]su Posted May 23, 2000 Posted May 23, 2000 Hrmm, this is yet another Rhino's deviation from the classical psytrance sound, and that should make it great for ones.. and crappy for the others. Personally, I think this album is far from being the best in my collection, but things may change with further listens.. Don't know how to characterize that sound, but yes, it resembles house a lot.. I'd say, psychedelic house with trancey feeling or vice versa? Those 2 people definitely know what to do with a sampler.. I'd recommend this, wicked stuff. Quote
Guest nderu[at]goatrance[dot]com Posted May 29, 2000 Posted May 29, 2000 Besides Bad Seed, all trax on this album do it for me... there are some very covertly sexual voice samples, excellent percussion and funky trance rythms, that doesn't sound like anything else out there @ the moment. Kudos for that alone, but it sounds great anyway - 8.5/10 And the melody that kicks in in the last track - Aplus Quote
Guest [Anonymous] Posted August 17, 2000 Posted August 17, 2000 The very great album!Halluci-sounds in my mind! Quote
Guest TRISTAN Posted September 20, 2000 Posted September 20, 2000 Excellent CD! Psychedelic, lots of percussion and minimalistic in times. Takes a few listens to understand the real meaning about it. EXCELLENT JOB FR! 8.5/10 (10/10 for the last track, Lunar Lammas) Quote
Guest AlexG Posted October 4, 2000 Posted October 4, 2000 i absolutely looove the last 3 tracks: 8 and 9 are great dancefloor stompers, and 10 is one of my favorite morning tracks! the rest of this cd is, well...boring (sorry guys); so 6/10 Quote
Guest psy61[at]home[dot]com Posted December 11, 2000 Posted December 11, 2000 Yeah, when I first got this, I was very, very dissapointed. I was looking for an entire album of "delerious," and "athalon" style tracks, but after a little time, it kinda grows on me... oh well, I guess my self-made comps. will have to satisfy my old-skool psy tastes... Quote
Guest ir0nm0nk3y Posted December 25, 2000 Posted December 25, 2000 Very nice album. The last four tracks will take you on a wonderful journey. Tracks vary in their intensity and mood with some being noticeably lighter than others but, they are all good. 7/10. Quote
Guest dj_auryn Posted April 22, 2001 Posted April 22, 2001 hmmm - nicely produced throughout, but some tracks work better than others. I especially like lunar lammas, which is a total psych-phunk freakout, but most of the other tracks don't seem to have stuck. I wish they'd record another track like gold dust though - that one was really the bomb! Quote
Guest Goa Spirit Posted May 1, 2001 Posted May 1, 2001 O.K. i am human, and i overlooked this one.. two great tracks on this one.. breathless and lunar lammas... not average as i said earlier. Notthe nest, but definitely worth listening to. Quote
Guest [Anonymous] Posted October 28, 2001 Posted October 28, 2001 This was one of the first psy cd's I ever bought (cost me A$5 brand new =) and although it took me a while to get into it, since up to that point all I'd been listenning to was the likes of Astral Projection, now I really love it. Most of the tracks really roll along on nice well-constructed basslines, and there's a definite psychedelic feel on most tracks, but not the usual psy-sounds like electric zaps etc, this stuff is much more "organic", lots of twisted voice samples, not used for what they say but more the texture of the voices, which makes for some really great and complex sounds. Highlights for me are track1 - 1920 (cool slow roller)track4 - breathless (still one of my all-time favourite tracks, love that vocal "uhh" =) and track10 - lunar laamas cause it's different to all the other stuff with a nice powerful melodic line. Very nice. Quote
Guest cambodia Posted November 15, 2001 Posted November 15, 2001 all those people whno love the track lunar lamas by manmademan, listen to "snarling rmx" by hallucinogen, notice any similarities?? =) Quote
Guest puzzled Posted March 4, 2002 Posted March 4, 2002 Blinding cd mate--but does anyone know the significance of the dates 1920 & 1947? Quote
Guest starspine Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 Absolute masterpiece - a crossover of house influenced sounds with trance which usually results in the housey stuff sounding strange and hallucinatory way - a brilliant synthesis of two divergent stlyes that knocked my socks off from the very first listen. Only Manmademan have this sound and I think it has to go up there with other seminal trance albums such as Quirk's Machina Electrica simply for it's refusal to be pigeonholed and for all those people who whine about GMS all sounding the same - this sounds like nothing else and just grooves but in the most intense and psychedelic way. Isn't that what makes strange things even more strange - when it's all contrasted and juxtaposed and out of context that it makes your head swivel 360 degrees?? Quote
Guest [Anonymous] Posted March 15, 2002 Posted March 15, 2002 Good if you're stoned & have listened to all your other stuff too much already... Otherwise, VERY ho-hum! To me, this album was a tragically over-hyped disappointment, in a long string of such disappointments over the past couple of years. Golly, I hate to use the term "sell-out", buuuuuuut... Quote
Guest Kapten Fruktkaka Posted April 6, 2002 Posted April 6, 2002 I got the record mainly because there were so many old ManMadeMan-tunes I used to love (Delirium is still one of my absolute favorite pieces of music) and also be very impressed by the complexity of the MMM sound. When I got this I was quite dissapointed, because I didn't like the new progressive wave of trance music. Eventually I started to enjoy progressive trance and realized that Lovetechnology isn't at all a progressive trance album, and I didn't like it because it wasn't dark and percussive and trancey enough. Today I felt like I really had heard every good tune on the planet a couple of million times to many, and desperately started searching my record collection for something at least a little bit interessting. This record is actually very impressive. It's an original style, a bit hard to define, but who cares - it's funky and psychedelic and musical at the same time! At least not boring, and that feels like a very unique quality at the moment :-) Especially the slower tracks have a very warm and housey sound without sounding anything like house. I really like this one. Quote
Guest timothy yarret Posted April 19, 2002 Posted April 19, 2002 i love this album to pieces, idon't know if this is progressive or minimal or whatever but it doesn't bore like other minimal/progressive stuff, its just bass heavy groovin music Quote
Guest Davidtolsn Posted January 15, 2003 Posted January 15, 2003 bad, bad, bad. can't quite so far as to say horrible though. at first, this cd sounds interesting. track 1 has a nice beat, with too many samples, and track 2 has a really cool beat. track 3 is back down to track 1 style. then the rest, save for track 8, is pure and utter shit. way too many samples thrown in there! it's disappointing because this artists shows real talent but it sounds too mainstream for me, with all the annoying samples. and it is ultra-repetive, none of the "ear candy" you expect from good goa. so.. 2/10 (tor tracks 2 and 8) Quote
abasio Posted February 5, 2007 Posted February 5, 2007 This is definately worth getting. Maybe not worth paying a shite load for it's very enjoyable IMO Got under my skin right away. Not in the usual way psy does but in a very different but still very psychedelic way! All the way through this album does something I can't quite describe that keeps me interested & brings me back to it again and again! Quote
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