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Avatar - Machine Life


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Artist: Avatar

Title: Machine Life

Label: Dragonfly

Date: 2000


Track listing:


01. 09'21" Machine Life (Alternator Mix)

02. 08'56" Machine Life (Trance Mix)




So, time to say some words about these two tracks produced by Marc Van Der

Flugt (has a close relationship cooperation with Atomic and rescently picked

the tracks to the latest Atomic comp. "Marc Van Der Flugt - Behind The

Scenes") and Pete Martin (the master brain behind magnificiant Slide). The

main story, is unlikely Slide, more psy-progressive. The first half consists

of a quite heavy kickdrum and a chewing dark (but not evil) bassline. They

haven´t been wasteful with the sounds, just a hi-hat, some robotised whisper

sounds and some other effects swooching by. It builds and builds, but doesnt

come anywhere until the other end of the track. It´s the digeridoo that

enters the schene... it´s no really a digerdoo but atleast it sounds like a

up-pitched computer manipulated one. This is a great moment in the track and

it sends out a great vibe and a great deal of energy. Sadly that only the

end gives me something,,, can´t compare it with Slide though which is much

more my cup of tea.

The A-side is, as often now a days, a more usual trance track (as in

commercial trance). It´s very well produced and the vibe is sunny and quite

atmospheric filled with melodies. I think you trance freaks will put this

higher on your list then the psychedelic dudes will put the Alternator mix.

It´s an okay release from dragonfly, but I think it´s stupid to mix the

styles so much on the records. The "commercial"-guys will propably never

hear about this record and many of the psycedelic freaks doesn´t want the

commercial-stuff. Take care...!

  • 11 months later...

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