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Atmos Soccer song!


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Check this out, Atmos remixed Klein aber Doktor for a german soccer team, after the team started to use the song whenever they enter the stadium. Very Funny!!!! Check it out on psyshop.com its called Klein aber Loewe!!!

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I have no respect for atmos. I like the headcleaner album though. I'm glad to see "goa" is on it's way to mainstream.


WEll never mind thats not goa... geez i should backspace...


hm.... but it's on goa labels...


well i guess the labels aren't all goa anymore! .... AH thats it. simple


...and besides this is germany... do they have anything OTHER than electronica over there? Over there rock is the underground.

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Guest Slidingtrancer

I think Atmos have gone way overboard and need a headfix for selling out this way. It's not good music, its average and nothing more (still its 200% better than anything by Britney)

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