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Tarsis - Melt


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Artist: Tarsis

Title: Melt

Label: Global Trance Network

Date: 2000


Track listing:


01. 04'51" Brighter Than The Sun (Bullsrun Rmx)

02. 07'10" Interzone

03. 07'43" Zombi Cocktail

04. 05'33" Guilty

05. 06'51" Pure Energy

06. 06'00" Spacetrain

07. 04'45" Life (Instrumental)

08. 07'06" Deadly Deep Kickin

09. 08'15" Tomorrow

10. 05'37" Broken

11. 04'58" Mocean

12. 07'44" Melt (Vocal Edit)




On this album Tarsis provide us with an interesting approach: the first track

had lyrics! There is also a good groove, a good bassline &

rythm, guitar... This is an excellent intro. The next tracks are more

usual, but each time, they remain cool. They keep in phase with the german

style with the Tarsis touch, but there are always little cool arrangements

& innovations that makes each track a good one. Uplifting tracks And

calm tracks are alterned. this enables the listener to breathe..cool

again. The last third of the album is really more atmospheric. The

fast tracks always reflect an excellent expertise on rythmics. There

are: - either long waves that puts tour mind on a good journey (02) - or

buzzy sounds that makes you dance (05,08) - or repetitive samples And

rythmic, that induce a kinda-tribal mood (03,06,09) The atmo-tracks

(04,07,10,11,12) are really trippy, perfect for listening to them on the

sofa. In fact the whole album has been prevented grom being overloaded

with all sorts of sounds: the style is clear And

intelligent. Eventually, it seems that Tarsis have reached their own style -

not really psytrance-, but I easily imagine the killer session it would be in

a live performance!! My favourites: 1,3,5,8,10. Mark: 7.5/10


Ehh. I didn't like this one nearly as much as Vacuum. Since I very much still

enjoy Vacuum [esp. Atomic Children], I really tried to get into this one too.

Can't seem to do it.

Guest Infected Max

Track 8 is my favourite...100% party track , lots of layers. Big work on



In one word...The track worth the album



Guest tb[at]biogate[dot]com

I can only find two songs very interesting - no 5 and 8. They are really worth

the whole album. Great party music. (The first track is one of the worst I've

heard, lyrics and progressive trance doesn't fit together at all!) - TB

Guest raveblade[at]hotmail[dot]com

Hum, I was a bit disappointed by this album, I only like 4 tracks...5-6-8-9.

After the releases 'Into the Static' on Chaishop comp., 'Millenium' on Pulse 8

and the one on Vibrations 2, I was expecting more energy from them. Too many

boring tracks with slow bpm!

Guest Vystril[at]aol[dot]com

Damn, i really enjoyed this CD, much more than vacuum, vacuum was way more

boring, this CD actually has melodies in it, the vocals on the first track

dont work at all, but the last track is an excellent ambient track to say the

least, i enjoyed this one, 8/10

  • 4 months later...
Guest Ovegrov

Pretty good album, I found a whole new side of it when listening to it at home

than in the store. Good tracks are 5,8,9,10,11. The rest is pretty good. Track

nr. 1 is very strange with vocals and stuff, not really my style. Tooo much

talking in the track according to me. I'll give it a 8/10.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Ehsanur

What ya guys screaming about? This is music for body And soul. Ok,some times

they tend to become a tiny spiny niny little bit monotone,but otherwise I

reckon them to be more innovative and professional in the making of

tomorrows psychedelic trance than other "not so green" men from this globe

(like Man With No Name,Mystica

and the rest of that crap ). I will give it 8/10,there is peace in my soul ;- )

Bom Shankar Ehsantrium.....

  • 1 month later...
Guest Tarsis wa sayaku desu neeeeeee?

OK. I read these reviews and they sounded pretty good, so i got the album. Then

I listned to the first track, heard both gituar AND lyrics, and tossed this

shit out my window. Sorry, but Tarsis gets no second chances from me after

pulling that shit. Bom Shankar

  • 3 weeks later...

never really got into this album, maybe i should listen to it much more.

anyway, found two tracks i liked, 'spacetrain' and 'tomorrow'. 4/10

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest liveafterdeath[at]hotmail[dot]co

This album is up and down... 3,5,7,8 up, and the rest no go. And to the person

calling themselves "Tarsis wa sayaku desu neeeeeee?"... sounds like your

english must be slowly evolving; the first review mentions the vocals and

guitar in track one... hmmm x2.

  • 2 months later...
Guest njanja99[at]yahoo[dot]com

I like the album a lot... It's differnet in styles, not a boring, standard type

of an album which are produced these days... 7 "dance" songs and one ambient.

This one has something for all kinds of listeners. But, everyone likes

something else. My recommendation is: Buy it... Don't listen is just once, or

even just parts of it, but listen it on your own for a while, and you'll

certanly like it.

Guest Per Sterud

One of the best albums of 2000. Tarsis has really spun a diverse web of styles

with Melt. The Psy tracks are fast and hard-hitting. The ambient tracks are

surprisingly smart and musical - some of it even reminds me more of Warp than

NovaTekk. Track one is regrettably poor and misplaced, though I must give them

credit for trying something new. There's really a feeling for artistry, and

even narrative, that is missing on a lot of albums these days. It's certainly

a leap from Vacuum. 9/10

  • 1 month later...
Guest Cnt97

No innovation just boring... Sorry Tarsis, other stuff by Tarsis Ive heard was

MUCH better.

  • 2 months later...
Guest Spineless

Hey,kiddies-isn't it a joke?That's a perfect album with a great atmosphere.The

tracks are not repetitive but remain interesting from the beginning till

end.Tarsis provide us with a different approaches to the psychedelic music and

their experiment works.I will mention that the exquisitly excellent ambient

track "Mocean" is a pure gem.One of the greatest tracks I've heard in my

life.Great work,Sebastian&Linnus.Go on!!!!My opinion:9/10.

  • 2 months later...
Guest Baggins

The chilled/ambient tracks are v.good, the rest is pretty average

  • 1 month later...
Guest dj_mind_blow[at]hotmail[dot]com

Man i dont many of those ppls , here i buyed it my self

and u know what i love this CD.


So many styles

Chill-out and nice minimal


like Track 5 , Track 8


and i realy love nr 1.

I would call a new style or something like


And now i seem so many saying bad album and bla bla bla


i Bet 100$ on if u came to a party where i played

and i played min 40% of the tracks on this CD.

I bet u would not even know it was Tarsis

and i would party all night long to it.


Thing about it

and im still gonna say it


Fuck off Minimal Trance haters

if u dont like this music

dont lisson on it

and dont keep come here and review those kind of CDs when u allrdy know u dont

like em

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

Repetitive and No Innovation. Need much more

  • 1 month later...
Guest The dank man

Very spacey!! and very, very good. Great talent; perhaps, a bit experimental

on several tracks, but hey -- nothing wrong with that (pushing the limits, ;-)


What kind of drugs is this guy on, and if so, should I try them?! A great

philosophical question.... Hmmm

  • 2 months later...
Guest God Money I Did Everything 4 you

First one is pure shit, second kicks ass, next one is too long, then comes a

chill out track and next one`s pretty cool and track 8 kicks ass again, but

overall this was a waste of money. I thought that tarsis would be atleast same

as it was in Vacuum, but Fuck You guys, hope someone burn your machines.

You`re like a Rednex did one hit and then you gone.

  • 1 month later...

Nothing special...Lots of boring vocals and some good melodies...It isn't

enough psychedelic for me...best on album : 5,7,8,10...Rest is below


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