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SBK - Morgenlatte Remixes


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Artist: SBK

Title: Morgenlatte Remixes

Label: Plusquam

Date: 2002


Track listing:


01. 07'17" SBK : Morgenlatte (Shiva Chandra Rmx)

02. 08'00" SBK : Morgenlatte (Bitmonx Rmx)

03. 07'30" SBK : Morgenlatte (Original Mix)




Right, this EP was released back in Feb. '02 and has ever since been a fav'e

of mine... SBK is Sebastian Kruger aka Tarsis, and the track Morgenlatte is

the best track from his album Treibstoff. In my opinion the original

Morgenlatte is one of the deepest progressive tracks made in a long time.

It's up there with Curved Air and Zombie Assassin. That's why I reviewed

this EP! Of the remixes, I think that Bitmonx did the best job, and they

actually mangaged to make a deep track even deeper... Amazing! I really like

both the original and the Bitmonx mix, though this difference isn't

immense... Recommended! 8/10

Guest amnid[at]genixx[dot]nu

good fullon dancefloor , boom shankar de rmx

Guest Goa Spirit

i love the bitmonx remix... the opiginal was quite cool though... but the

second break on the bitmonx rmx has one of the best basslines i have ever

heard in any recent tracks...

Guest purple haze

very good ep , two high quality rmx`s by two of the best acts there is imo.

both rmx`s are much better then the original mix.

the bitmonx rmx is the best.

i will go with Deathposture and give it 810


Guest Acid Punch

I loooove this E.P.

Morgenlatte symbolizes for me all thats beautiful in this genere of

psytrance:the fat felt bassline,the strong hard kick,the tribal rythems,the

deep and dark atmosphere,the allways in the place effects....i love it.

i can hear it over and over again and actualy find more stuff hidden in

it....simply ingneouse....

10/10-best Rmx-Bitmonx what else...BOOOOM


Wow what an ep

the orignal track is good the bitmonx rmx is better

but the shiva chandra is just amazing


Guest biox_dh[at]hotmail[dot]com

Morgenlatte is a very good track , but the Bitmonx rmx is a killer i really

loves this track, the Shiva Chandra rmx dont like me for me is the weakest of

the 3 tracks.

Guest cummas

actually one of my favourite rmx´s is by a DJ from Brasil called CICERO. Try

and get it if you can...

Guest [Anonymous]

heard this beast at an outdoor party, having heard it a few months before..

It's great!! specially for the outdoor woodland vibe..


I got the cicero rmx.

It is good but not as good as the others i think.

The shiva chandra rmx is so good!

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