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Miranda - The Northern Lights


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Artist: Miranda

Title: The Northern Lights

Label: Goldhead

Date: 1999


Track listing:


01. 02'04" Intro

02. 07'45" Anaesthetic

03. 07'36" Gnocchi (Rmx)

04. 07'09" Lynx

05. 06'18" Mantra

06. 06'58" Guitars And Tatoos

07. 07'40" Eyedentify

08. 04'39" Mars Needs Women (Antiloop Album Version)

09. 07'41" Earth And Space

10. 08'39" U Are Alone

11. 08'40" Feel The Effect




Another GOOD Miranda's album :-) I would prefer there is no Track 8 (because

it's a too short Track to get into it, but it seemed good),

but that's a good album anyway !At the beginning Miranda will explain you what

are Northern Lights, then the album starts slowly ...

Of course, if you don't like Miranda's style, you won't like this album, but

if you like her style you'll think it's her best album ever released :-)

Best Tracks are 7 and 11 (Track 11, Feel The Effect, is by far her BEST Track)

! Rating : 7.5/10

Guest oberheim[at]home[dot]se

Oh, I liked this album a lot after some time. I guess I like the Miranda style.

My favorite track is however the slow track 10, U are alone.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Infected Max

Sorry...i don't like Miranda I'm fed up with her boring style! No

innovation...but anyway i talked to her when she played here (Bordeaux France)

And she's quite cool..but her live was wrong...she only plays DAT. Not a real

live like Total Eclipse do...it's a bit disapointing.


I think the whole album is perfect and I don't really think it's boring! Hear

track 4 or 7 with some pot and you will understand what I'm saying....

  • 2 weeks later...

"Feel The Effect" 3 minutes 54 seconds.....that´s when

I start to fly.........high.....

  • 1 month later...
Guest [Anonymous]

Cheezy album. Sounds like the music the play at amusement parks. Music for



blah...very poor album from miranda...no innovation...and fuckin' boring with

the capital B...but after all "eyedentify" is a cool song...and the worst song

here is "Mars needs women"...she shouldn't put that up on cd...it sounds like

some shitty tune from viva music channel...argh....;(


...oh i almost forgot another shit tune, "Mantra"...WE DON'T NEED HOUSE TUNES

ON PSY-TRANCE ALBUMS!!! Miranda i hope that you'll read this...If i want house

i would buy some shit morales or something like that...but i don't feel like

throwing my money away;(

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest djonanis[at]hotmail[dot]com

I agree with max. I dislike mirandas style and I noticed no evolution on this

album, and I found some excesive pride in it: "My music is all you need"? what

the **** 1.5/10

  • 2 months later...
Guest F-AcTivE

Don't be so hard boyz ! she is only a girl =) , a swedish girl buy the way ,

This shit is working on the dance floor ...that's for sure , I think it's an

Ok'ay album , 6/10

Guest [Anonymous]

Miranda tend to repeat herself, and because her style is not my favorite in

PsyTrance, it gets boring after a while. And WHY oh WHY did she put the

god-awful Antiloop remix on the ALBUM? It simply does not fit in. She has a

couple of nice melody lines though, as usual (***)

  • 1 month later...

On my way to Lapland, I bought this CD, only because of its name, for only 10

Finmarks (a bit over 1,5 Euros). For that price the album is ok, but I think

it will be boring after 5 times.

  • 1 month later...
Guest Psykedelik-Fredik

I think this album is very good, Mirandas songs are so cool!!! She is the best

swedish trance-artist there is. Gnocchi is the best track but I miss the

original remix of Mars Needs Women (one of the best songs I´ve ever heard)

which had made the CD complete. Why has the arch-onions Antiloop their

shitversion on the album, is it a try to make more people buy it, by working

with a more commersiel group?

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest DarkSeed909[at]hotmail[dot]com

Wow. Tough crowd here. This album is great. It sounds like the majority of

people who reviewed this album don't like melodies because that's what Miranda

is best at. This album is much better than Real Rush, and has a great flow.

Nice hard hits in the bass, sweet harmonious melodies follow. And so what if

Antiloop has a mix on here? I should remind everyone here that just because

you listen to goa and psy doesn't mean that you're too good for regular trance

anymore. The Antiloop remix is very catchy, and I played it the other day at

a club I have a residency at, and it moved the floor like you wouldn't

believe. Great album, great soundz. Enjoy this one! 8/10

  • 1 month later...
Guest silver_1[at]telia[dot]com

Hmmmm.... Well....Hope the next album "Asynja" will kick more for

you,guys.Anyway.... Trance is for peace and keep up the good spirit and bla

bla bla..... :)

And dont forget to practice more in the studios,boys. ¤¤¤





Guest aqualine[at]home[dot]com

If you like the newstyle minimalistic stuff (and it seems a lot of people on

here do) then you probably won't like this album. However, if you prefer the

oldstyle melodic Goa, then I would highly recommend that you pick this one up.

Some very nice tunes on here, including Anaesthetic, Gnocci(rmx), Lynx,

Mantra and most especially "Feel The Effect", which is her best tune to date.

The only one I didn't particularly go for is "Guitars and Tattoos". Anyway,

it's nice to see that Miranda hasn't switched her style and is still making

nice melodies.

  • 1 month later...

again good album from miranda.best tracks are eyedentify, lynx and feel the


  • 4 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

well kinda good 6/10 = "Phenomena" amazing album

Guest Chakaraka[at]hotmail[dot]com

Damn She should try some modelling too!!!

and the album rocks.. Even if the older stuff rocked even more!

  • 1 month later...
Guest Zodiac[at]goatrance[dot]com

I like the dark minimal and heavey psytrance more but I must say that this is a

great album release by Miranda...the swedish girl... :) Track 2, 4, 6 and 7 is

just fuckin exellent...but T8 is so bad that I just want to puke...Antiloop

sucks so bad that they should be down and buried along time ago...fuckin euro

club disco....but the rest of the album is good...8.5/10. Im from the north of

Sweden...so I have seen the Northern lights some times and it is sooooooooo

beautiful... :)

Trance for peace....

  • 1 month later...

(Track 1) Intro- very interesting, unique way of explaining the Northern Lights.

3.5/5 (Track 2) Anaesthetic- This kicks ass for a driving song, but what the

hell are those mixed lyrics? They suck, get them out!

4/5 (Track 3) Gnocchi- Quite cool, nice beat.

3/5 (Track 4) Lynx- Some really nice acid sounds but nothing new.

2.5/5 (Track 5) Mantra- Now this beat reminds me of her last album, decent at

best with a pleasing ambient background.

3.5/5 (Track 6) Guitars and Tatoos- Miranda has such kickass beats, but then

you hear that FUCKING electric guitar. However, it will grow on you after

listening to this several times. This song builds up and levels off nicely.

4.6/5 (Track 7) Eyedentify- Yes, oh yes, just wait for that climax break after

4:30! Finally, a track most people will love.

3.5/5 (Track 8) Mars needs woman- Uplifting, fun dance song is WAY TO FUCKING

SHORT! Still, it is not as bad as you all say it is.

4/5 (Track 9) Earth and Space- Much more spacey, a lot more psychedelic. What

is that tune being played? It's awesome.

3.5/5 (Track 10) U are Alone- Some very beautiful ambient sounds mixed with

less intense percussion, gets a little repetitive towards the end.

4.9/5 (Track 11) Feel the Effect- ARE YOU HAPPY NOW! THIS TRACK IS FUCKING

AWESOME. Powerful sounds, wicked layers, sweet voice mixing, and it evolves!

Listen to this track with the volume up, UP, and you will FEEL THE EFFECT!

Final score:: 4.1/5 and/or 8.2/10.

Track 7 and 11 own the cd and the others are very cool depending on the mood

that you are in. Worth buying? Listen to track 7 and 11 and you answer that


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest the ANT


Hands down, i have NEVER heard anyone utilize a guitar sound the way she did.

Guitars have no place in music like this but this is an exception. Perfectly

executed. If your looking for innovation in this album its this track. At one

point she creates a couple of, what sounds like, 'bird' sounds with a guitar.

I was on XTC when i heard it in my room. I have big ass speakers, and i was

compelled by this song to lie down right next to one of them with my ears

right against it. Oh yea....the rest of the album is HOT too, although nothing

compared to Guitars & Tattoos

Guest Henrik

Lynx is quite cool... and Mantra... sounds a bit like house but it kixx anyway!

  • 6 months later...
Guest astralsoul[at]chat[dot]ru

GREAT ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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