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12 Moons - Northern Star / Blind Man's Vision

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12 Moons - Northern Star / Blind Man's Vision


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Artist: 12 Moons

Title: Northern Star / Blind Man's Vision

Label: Dragonfly

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. Northern Star

02. Blind Man's Vision




Michael Andersen, the guy behind 12 Moons, has released a loooot of stuff the

past year. His project 12 Moons seems to be ranging between very

beautiful/sunny morning trance and more dark and hard progressive trance. This

release is off the sunny kind. "Norhtern Star" has a very loud, bright and

short kickdrum and on top of that really warm and sunny repetive melodies and

effects. It progressess with different layers of these warm elements and it

ends up very beautiful and touching with some very bright choir-like sounding

ingredients put on the top. The b-side ("Blind Man´s Vision") is in the same

style as "Northern Star" but this one is not as touching and you can find much

more groove and actually some funky elements in this one. Two very beautiful

progressive tracks and very nice production I would say. The best atmospheric

release from 12 Moons so far for me and it´s fun to hear that not all the

releases from the Gothenburg area sounds a bit similiar. Take care!


PROGRESSIVE isn't my kind of psychedelic music!... but this release is

something else! maybe its just the "cream of the crap" but whatever heart was

squeezed of its juice to produce this must have been rich in vitamins.

northern star is a beautiful tune full of subtlety and works with skill to

send you into a blissful trance... the flip is not as memorable but its nicely

produced and perhaps with time i shall see its charm as well... havent heard

anything from 12 moons that is nearly as good but its not so different from

the rest... you know the thing with progressive is that sometimes everything

CLICKS and there you have a masterpiece full of life and art and all the good

things in the world... but most of the time what i hear sounds like

experiments that should have been left in the slag heap... not this 12" tho,

nosiree! big points, we have a winner! northern star :)

Guest WiLDSiDE

Northern Star is no doubt one of mah current fav tracks..


wonderful and beautiful constructed morning-trance from sweden... as usual! :-)

keep faith in the morning glory!

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