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Bio Tonic - On The Rox

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Guest Mijis

Bio Tonic - On The Rox


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Artist: Bio Tonic

Title: On The Rox

Label: Solstice

Date: 2003


Track listing:


01. Bio Thing

02. On The Rox

03. Titanium Flood

04. Robot To Love

05. All Them Witches

06. Standard Cosmology

07. Basix

08. 3d Link (Remix It)

09. Relaxtrack

10. Somewhere




Great album !!!!!!!!!!! the best full on realease so far of this year , every

track is different from another , great sound , great samples ,very original ,

favourites tracks : On the rox , Robot to love , all them witches and basix .

This is good quality psyquedelic morning trance , i was waiting for something

like this so i am very happy and to tell you the truth i didn't expected this

from bio-tonic who just aerned my full respect with this great album , cant

wait to see them live, i give an 8/10 for this one .

Guest DJ Panoramix

This album is very special album because i don't found what i like in

Biotonic,only tracks 3;7 and 8 i found really goods.In tracks 4 and 5 i like

some sounds ,but the tracks 1;2 and 6 are morning flower.I really like the

voice sample in the track 6.The remix of 3rd link is good but not like the

original.So for me it's not a really good album like the first one.


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Le Lotus Bleu

The 2 first track are quite trance-funkadelic, in a similar way as Eat Static ?

Ciy Of Sin, i mean some very happy,energzing twisted melodies & pure raving

spirit stuffs, tottally what i?m fond of.


Furthermore, Bio-Thing got a very nice & surprising intro constrasting with the

build up of the track and his global musical content, but i let the the

surprise. I like also very much the gimmick sample ?I?m a phenomen? coppled

with the funky guitar riff.

Concerning On The Rox, some japanese voice samples open the track and remain

time by time along the track, then you?ll understand all about the ?On the

rox? appellation.


Titanium Flood sounds rougher & more flat but it?s without counting the

appearance at around 3:00 some electric & metallic riff, some metallic voices

agrement the stuff. The electric guitar riff comes back later distorted this

time & pumpier. Do the 3 french Bio-Tonic dudes want to supersede S.U.N

Project here, hehe ?


Robot To Love is darker, but contains sharpy woman voice distorted & a soft

xylo melodyin his middle.


All Them Witches looks like to previous one, instead of sharpy voice you?ve got

japanese child speaking & some kinda voices incantations. The short middle

break is pretty nice, with some speed samba rythmn. Then, the final part, when

the track evolves into a funkier way.


Standard Cosmology got one of these typical Space Tribe intro, i mean a deep

mettalic twisted voice telling a short story. Indeed, this track sounds like a

tribute to Space Tribe as its very close to last olli?s album productions

exception of the japanese voices samples & asian tones on the end.


Basix got a good slamming rythmic all along the track and is probably the most

asian sounding tones & harmony ; it results as a mix between peacefull &

dancefloor spirit.


The 3rd Link remix is an enlightened one, more electrising & adrenalistic

comparing to the original , finally much more living and highly raving.


Relax Trax, the name says it all, containing a gimmick woman saying in french

?Détendez vous? and the same thing in english then probably in japanese, you

got the impress to entering the milky way listening this tune, quite fabulous.


Last one and second chill-out stuff of the album with another french but very

klonk samlples ?pourrais je vous poser une question personnelle ?, ?avez-vous

déjà mis hors service un numéro par erreur ??.

Somewhere is a very weird track but really nice, at the end the woman sample is

played inside out & the last melody sounds seems to comes out from an

accordion ! ! !


No bad tracks for me.

My preference by order :1,9,2,10,7,8,3,6,5,4.


Highly & Warmly recommended

mark : 9/10

  • 2 weeks later...

I expected more from it. I like the pumping dancefloor style more... This one

is more for listening only i would say, good album with a nice atmosphere but

i like it a bit faster and harder accually.

Not a must have for DJ's but rather an enjoyable album to have a glass of wine

on :)

anyway good quality and nice sounds so i would say 7,5/10

  • 6 years later...

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