mars Posted April 10, 2001 Posted April 10, 2001 This album is good. there are several tries in different styles. A good production, good ideas, typical northern styles melted, just in roder to make a casual album. It doesn't try to surprise you but at least it's cool. 7.5/10 Quote
Guest iNFiNiTi500 Posted April 10, 2001 Posted April 10, 2001 Well, we all loved HEADCLEANER (even people in the minimal hate camp) so what would OVERLAP bring? Old Painless is an absolute killer track, a slow starter, even somewhat clubby and really hypnotic towards the end. Pure good old psychedelica. Three Orange Lights is a bit more chilled out and uses excellent tribal drumming in the background and some good sample use. Mark 13 is somewhat like X-dream with the brake on. A psychedelic rythm that goes on and on and on...Not particulary interesting. Random Landlord is an uplifting typical ATMOS style floorkiller which has an excellent melodic style break in the middle and a tempo increase towards the end. Mental Luggage is more tribal with some annoying GMS alike ugly sounds in it. The melody that returns a few times during the track saves it from total ugliness. Lobsterfunk is another attempt at minimalism with some funky undertones but the track leads to nowhere. Kein Aber Doctor is a classic but one wonders why it is included here. Always in control is a dreamy ambient dub track with a very cool melody(very early prodigy "android") and an occasional flute. I don't particularly like the Leftfield alike use of (rap) samples. But a very daring track indeed. The final verdict: good album with some excellent songs, some medicore/boring and some ancient ones found on numerous of compils. Dare I therefore say a somewhat pointless debut on Flying Rhino from Mr.Atmos. Next time release an album with only unreleased NEW songs please. People might feel cheated when purchasing this. Quote
Jeto Posted April 11, 2001 Author Posted April 11, 2001 Atmos And Echo-Lab - Overlap Artist: Atmos And Echo-Lab Title: Overlap Label: Flying Rhino Date: 2001 Track listing: 01. 08'36" Old Painless 02. 07'56" Three Orange Lights 03. 08'26" Mark.13 04. 08'19" Random Landlord 05. 09'25" Mental Luggage 06. 06'52" Logsterfunk 07. 09'25" Klein Aber Doctor 08. 04'40" Always In Control (Red Seal Mix) Review: This Atmos album is diffrent compared to what I expected. Nevertheless it still is kicking very hard in all directions. You can't describe it too much. All I can say is if you like more bouncy sounds with a lot of psychedelic mayhem all around you. Get this one! My only problem is why did he put such an old track the original of Klein Aber Doctor. Quote
Anoebis Posted April 11, 2001 Posted April 11, 2001 Well, I thought this Cd was a little "flat"... Not enough depth! The songs have that typical warm, hypnotic Atmos-style, but there's no song (exept Klein Aber Doctor) that touches your soul!! And that's what we may expect from an artist as Atmos IMO... Best song is by far Klein Aber Doctor but I also dunno what that is doing on this cd... Other véry good song is "Random Landlord" Typical groovy Atmos-style and rather uplifting. But those two stand out for me... The Ambient track "Always in control" is also good, but other songs are mediocre. 6/10 Bom Shankar Quote
GaySatanicHippie Posted April 11, 2001 Posted April 11, 2001 Well, Atmos was my favourite artist and he still kind of is. All tracks on here are very, very, good and I think there is a lot of soul in all of them, much more than in other artists, which is why I like Atmos so much. Old Painless is perfect morning sound, three orange lights is one of the best chil-out tracks ever made, Mark 13 is very slow, but I like it, its something different. I think track 4 is Mental Luggage and 5 is Random Landlord, they mixed that up. Both are good in their own way, Mental Luggage is very uplifting and has perfect sounds that fit together like they were meant to be together. Random Landlord is very interesting, too, dark noises that seem like thhey are talking to you. Lobsterfunk I dont like that much and the last two tracks are known, Klein aber Doctor being the absolute bomb that we know it is. The last track is a very nice remix of always in Control. Anyway, if this was all unreleased material, 9,5/10. BUT IT ISNT. There are only four songs on here that are previously unreleased, Old Painless, Three Orange Lights, Mark 13 and Lobsterfunk. Mental Luggage was on some MDMA compilation, Random Landlord on the Live from Germany CD, Klein aber Doktor is very old and the original of Always in Control was on the re:evolution2. If you are really into Atmos like I am there is not much to be discovered here, to me its more like a new EP that came out. If you dont have any Atmos yet, GO GET IT!!!. Cause then its really worth it. I am still waiting for the real follow up to Headcleaner, this some intermediate thing, I guess thats why they call it Atmos and Friends.BUT the music is still good after all, and thats all that counts. I'd still rather buy these four new Atmos tracks for the price of an LP then buy 8 unreleased tracks by most other artists that just sound soulless and flat, like IM for example, cause Atmos songs just have soul and they feel alive. There is always so much to discover in Atmos songs, I can listen to them over and over and over and they just dont get boring. Quote
Guest slinker Posted April 12, 2001 Posted April 12, 2001 Nice start i love the mellow deep trance aspect of the first track alot...really atmos style!..slow and spaced out Three Orange lights....nice to chill out too, great breaks and instruments rolled together. Mark,13 rolls along deliriously..quite minimal but very thought provoking...dark trance i have to say. Random Landlord generates a nice building track which evolves and hooks you from the start...typical atmos style again. Mental Luggage veers towards the experimental tip i actually really like this those scary noises and rhythms work well!...Lobsterfunk is a very intelligent track, but i have to say i hate the sample and it just annoys what could have been a great track! Klein Aber Doctor atmos in one!!..say no more and to end it all Allways in Control silly hip-hop samples invade a nice mashed tune! i really dont like it very much... With the exception of the last track the whole album has impressed me alot...very intelligent so much to hear and take in atmos-pheric bliss!...who da hell is echolab?? lol =^,^= Quote
DeathPosture Posted April 16, 2001 Posted April 16, 2001 Hmmm.... I have the exact same feelings about this cd as I do about Headcleaner. Sometimes it RULES and sometimes is too boring... Some ppl ask who Echolab are.... They are: Henrik Jonsson and Tomasz Galicki!! Rating 6.8/10! Bom shankar! Quote
freak51 Posted May 24, 2001 Posted May 24, 2001 I finally got a chance to listen to this one. Mental Luggage is a great track. Klein Aber Doktor is really tired, put it to sleep already. I have no time for Red Seal. Random Landlord is not bad, but not good enough to rescue this CD. Leftovers, for the true fans of Atmos only. Otherwise, better to spend the bucks on something else. 4/10 Quote
Guest Tequila Posted May 26, 2001 Posted May 26, 2001 I like atmos, so I didn't hesitate in buying his new album...But rapidly, I felt that there was something missing in this album, and it is what made the previous one so great, freshness, variation and journey-like tracks. here, the tracks aren't that original, just some basic atmos sound without his usual sound, and finally a very short CD, 60 minutes:-( and in addition to this, there is one track previously released on it - klein aber doktor - and one ridiculously short track;track 8. So what do we have here? one killer chill track, 3 orange lights (really beautiful), 2 basic tracks that can sound good if you're in a good mood, and the rest is basic, boring, or previously released.But just for the second track, I have no regret.6/10 Quote
Guest Sheng_jen[at]shpongle[dot]com Posted June 2, 2001 Posted June 2, 2001 I may not be the one to say something about this album. Atmos is my absolute favourite act on the scene today. Its starts with old painless that is a soft pure Atmos stylish track. Three orange lights, that comes next is evenj more chilled down and wonderful. Track nr.3 Mark 1.3 is a good proggressive track where we kinda meet Atmos harder style. Then we got random landlord, this i think is my favourite, pure atmos style. Nr. 5 is mental luggage, this one is actually called Random landlord on yhe FR compilation "live in germany". But i love it a lot, to bad i got it alredy. Lobster funk, which is track nr.6 is a funky track with some organ chords in it. Klein aber doctor is next, now we all know its an exellent track but its old. But i dont complain because i didnt have it until now. But i can surely understand why there is some complaining about it. The last track Always in control (red seal), is a downbeat track. Red seal has done one killa remix once again. I rate this record 9.5/10 It had got a ten if it had only new songs on it. Quote
Guest manicmagicmmushroomman[at]hotmai Posted July 9, 2001 Posted July 9, 2001 I hated this CD to start with - but it has truely crept up on me! Great for smoky days, but not so good at the party. Normally I find this style of trance soooooo dull, but there is more than enough going on here to keep me happy. I too agree that putting on KAB does take the piss somewhat, but It is still an absolutely amazing track, and I ownly owned mixed remixes of it until now, so it is nice to be able to play the whole unadulterated thing. Quote
Guest ArguZ[at]lotuscars[dot]de Posted September 19, 2001 Posted September 19, 2001 Oh boyz and görlZ....he did it again... so phriiik´n cool tunes´s worth another month of "Taschengeld" Lobsterfunk has very cool speed changes in it and did anyone made sex to this track ?´s so damn hipshaking. I just love his sound, he has depth...Old painless sounds best when crossing the alpes in an open car in the early morning sun strokes after a happy people party %] Quote
Guest Goa Spirit Posted October 3, 2001 Posted October 3, 2001 The only thing that saves this album is Random Landlord..... the rest are umm .. quite blah. FR trying to make some money for themselves here... come on man,, when you hit upon a good sound.. stick with it, or atleast try and make a couple of tracks like Headcleaner... anyway this one is way too experimental.. they don't hit the mark, though they try a lot of interesting things... Random landlord rules though... Peace Quote
Guest rx7style Posted October 4, 2001 Posted October 4, 2001 Boring, very boring. I could just fall asleep... zzzZZZzzzZZZ Quote
madpup Posted October 18, 2001 Posted October 18, 2001 Interesting note; Random Landlord sounds a whole lot lik e the track Chab - Tunelling, which is a progressive trance track and can be heard on Anthony Pappa - Nubreed compilation, almost sounds like two very similar remixes of the same song. Anyone heard both tracks and agree/disagree? Quote
Guest otaku Posted November 1, 2001 Posted November 1, 2001 This CD easily rocks as much as Headcleaner and is as groovy as one would expect Atmos to be.Its cool to jam to in a club or to kick back with some buddha and chill.Everyone loves Klein Aber Doctor, but the other songs are good too.Just step outside your Hallucinogen and X Dream boxes and check out this CD.10/10 Quote
Guest pralien[at]shpongle[dot]com Posted November 20, 2001 Posted November 20, 2001 Very interesting release, deep, technoey and clever....If you like "bedtime" stories get this all along with HEADCLEANER... 8/10 Quote
Guest Louie la mouche Posted April 28, 2002 Posted April 28, 2002 Monday,april 29, 2002. I've had an intense love affair with music ever since i can remember and my mind is opened to any genre of music that's not forced on me. I love psychedelic Trance but i am perfectly aware that most of it is sound over substance and that very few recordings will pass the test of time. Some of it relies so much on Lsd for full effect that i've seen people who couldn't discern wether it was good Acid or good music. Though for some of us it should be both, clearly music shouldn't need any outside stimulation to unleash its ancient power. Atmos is definitely an acquired taste. It took me a bit longer to like Atmos than more sonically sensational stuff but through experience i think the best music has to be listened to few times to be understood or recognised. Except for the brilliant "Klein uber Doctor" this is not really Party music but makes for great listening. If you want to bodytrance listen to "so nice you name it twice" (Like most of the best Trance tracks this is not to be found on any album.). Atmos has developed it's own distinctive sound and has been much imitated(how many trance artists can you recognise within seconds of listening?) and doesn't try to impress with trite mad scientists samples and speaker blowing "havin'it large" build ups(although that can be fun with a head full the right stuff). you need to take your time to listen to this album and it's not a bad thing. This is much more chilled than "headcleaner" which i liked very much for it's hypnotic quality. Lobsterfunk is quiet pointless though and doesn't seem to belong here...sounds like half-assed club music. A.Pro X is subtle and great to play loud when trying to fall asleep(!??).Overall Atmos has made some great music so far and has that substance which crosses the divides of musical genres but need to make a more definitive album. Shit! This sounds like a school report: good but could do better,need to try harder... Quote
seraph Posted May 6, 2002 Posted May 6, 2002 Very good album...It is not as mellow and liquid as HEADCLEANER but it is almost as good...It is more experimental, progressive and minimal at some stages but not in a single minute gets boring...Collaboration succeded....Best on album : 1,2,4,5,7....8/10 Quote
Sideffect... Posted December 1, 2012 Posted December 1, 2012 This is to experimental for my taste. The baseline isn't inspiring enough, and it becomes dull after a while. Maybe I've expected to much because of 'headcleaner'. The album is different and original that's true. The collaboration didn't work for me. "Klein aber doctor" is an amazing track. The pure essence of progressive. Quote
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