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V/A - Perfect Evolution


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Artist: Various

Title: Perfect Evolution

Label: Innersound

Date: 2003


Track listing:


01. Mindfly : Midnight Nation

02. Chikaka : Lick The Stamp

03. Front Minimale : Storyteller

04. Psy XS : Searching For Knowledge

05. Ectopile : Cannabits

06. The Cujorius One : Stereo Noise

07. Mazenga : Designed Voyage

08. Dark Nebula : Asteroids Movements

09. Ron Lyner : Know Your Fears




Starts off with Mindfly(Denmark) which I haven't heard much off.

And nobody else I guess cuz he hasn't released that many

tracks yet. A progressive track with nice flow and very

good bongo-drums. He uses the percussions very well and

the come in exactly where you want them to come in.

There isn't much of a melodie, instead there is sound

layered so it creates a certain pattern for you to follow.

Good one.

Next up is Chikaka(Denmark). A fairly new artist making psytrance for

two years. At first it doesn't sound that interesting. A bassline

that floats into itself, it sounds weird to me. Altho it has

many strange sound it's lacking something, maybe speed or, atleast,

a decent bassline. I would say that this is minimalistic. I'm not

a big fan of minimal sooo...Those who are would like it.

Track #3 by Front Minimale(Denmark) wich is Cujorius One solo project. So

maybe you can guess who this one sounds. Many rattling sounds on

top of a kick mixed with percussions and stuff. A floor stomper indeed.

The fourth track by Psy Xs(Mexico). Is faster and harder than the others.

Contains some man-choirs and some violins or something. Has a more

rough feeling with more sounds going on at a time. I think it lacks

of that fast melodie you want to hear from these sounds. But in the end,

something close to it appears. Pretty good actually.

Fifth track with Ectopile(Israel). Three words. Heavy beats, slow rythms and


atmosphere. Very cool sounds effects in this progressive track. It also

uses bongos but not to the extend as the first track. It builds up nicely

to a rythm mayhem. Also a good track.

Track number 6 by Cujorius One(Denmark) has that roaming sound. Ofcourse it goes

in the minimal footsteps. I don't really care much about this typ of

tracks. The seem to be 'random'. I don't know how to explain it.

#7 by Mazenga(Mazenga) is slow. Maybe 140. I looks like all of the tracks has

been around 140 bpm. None really fast one. However, this track has

a variated bassline wich I found so nice. I love it when they change it

often. Good work there. The percussions is also very well arranged. With drums

and hi-hits that complements the twisted sounds perfect. One bad thing; not

long enough.

Here comes #8, Dark Nebula(Australia). For me, the artist I've heard most from.

And is, in my

oppinion the most talanted of them. Finally some speed and screaming noises.


weird track, very! Some sounds that are totally wicked. This track is so


you lose track of it. This is not for the easy-minded person. You know what I


The last track by Ron Lyner(Israel) got a smooth texture. Starts out pretty

slow with a

brrrroooouuum-ing sound in the background. Adding more and more percussions.

Soft bassline that floats nicely with the track. No strange things going on

here. Just

good music that plays.

This comp are maybe more for the progressive side of psytrance. Could be an

excellent floor

compil tho. Heave kicks and fat sounds through every track. And by the way, the

cover is


Final Verdict: 6.6/10

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